"You're Gay Too?"

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It was the next day after school and Bogum was given permission to take Jungsoo out for ice cream.

"is it good?" Bogum asked at Jungsoo who just stared at her ice cream. She had her big black hoodie on and her eyes were red from crying. She also hadn't had sleep ever since the incident. She's also been really quiet meaning she hasn't talked in a while. Jungsoo nodded her head and Bogum smiled. "doesn't look like you're enjoying it." He said and his smile turned into a serious face. "EAT IT." he demanded and Jungsoo immediately took the spoon shoving the ice cream in her mouth.


My face scrunched up at the flavor. They asked what flavor i wanted but i didn't say anything and he got me pecan. If was so disgusting i wanted to throw it up. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda scared of him. No, like REALLY scared of him... He became so bipolar meaning one minute he's smiling and the other he's angry. I just want tae so bad. We haven't talked in a while and it's killing me... (Stream 'Killing Me' by Chungha btw) I Just wanna die at this point... Just want to leave, leave this place, leave him, this country and find home where there are no abusive parents, where i don't have an abusive-bipolar boyfriend...

After the ice cream he took me home.i walked in the door and saw a heartbreaking scene... My mom was repeatedly slapping Somi... "A B+?!YOU THINK I'D ACCEPT THAT?! I EXPECT ALL OF MY CHILDREN TO HAVE ALL A'S NOT A B+!!!" She kicked Somi in the stomach who groaned. "NOW GO UPSTAIRS AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL YOUR FATHER GETS HOME!!" Somi ran away crying and that's when she noticed me. "And you! Why are eavesdropping?! You go to your room too you gay slut!!" I ran upstairs not wanting it to get worse but instead of going on my room i snuck into Somi's room. "Unnie"? I called out to her so was crying in her bed. " p-please go away Soo, i need some time alone..." I sighed and walked over to her and hugged her. "You know, its all my fault eomma and appa is like this now. Yes, it's true i've kissed a girl and had sex with her and you can feel disgusted all you-" i got cut off when Somi hugged me back. I was shocked but slowly patted her back for comfort hearing her sniffles. "I-i thought i was the only one..." i pulled away looking at her with bucked eyes. "W-what? You're gay too?"

"December 15th, 2015, i saw this cute girl and i was in love. We became friends and she confessed to me on the last day of school...i rejected her knowing i had the same feelings for her but... You know mom and dad..." I chuckled. "sis, I'm really sorry i didn't help you that day. I cried in my room because i didn't like seeing dad acting like that and hurting you to the core. The maids held me back so i couldn't sneak. "

"its okay Somi... Now that we both know we're gay, why don't we try and find a way for appa and eomma to hate us?" I said sarcastically and she grinned. "Yah, you never told me how you become gay." I sighed knowing she was going to say that. "well, it all started with a girl i noticed at my school. She's known for her sexuality since she's the only openly lesbian while the other girls try to hide it or are straight but is just fucking fruity. Ever since i saw her, i had this feeling, the feeling i never got for Bogum when i saw him. I realized i kinda like her and i found out she liked me too so we kissed and Bogum almost caught us, then at a basketball party, we had sex and got caught." I explained. "bathroom?" She asked and i nodded. "Damn, isn't that cheating?" I looked down at her. She positioned herself to lay on my lap while i caressed her blonde smooth hair. "He literally kissed a girl in front of me so we're both cheating.", " hmm. So what's your type in woman." She suddenly asked while wriggling her eyebrows. "Well I'm kinda new to the lesbian stuff, but i guess big tiddy bitches like me." She looked at me. "i assume your girlfriends boobs are big?", " not my gf YET but no, she doesn't have big ones. Her breasts are small and cute like the size of my hand. She told me once that mines are like huge water balloons!" We both laughed still in the same position. "So she isn't your type." I Laughed. "She's perfect for me and i always dream of living somewhere far away with her and living a life we've never had."

Somi was about to talk until they heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "SHIT! RUN BACK INTO YOUR ROOM! I THINK IT'S DAD!" Somi whisper-yelled and Jungsoo dashed. She succesfully made it into her room without getting caught and luckily it was just a maid. Instead of her going back, she plopped on her bed and her eyes felt heavy slowly closing before she fell into a deep sleep.

FUCK Y/n. I mean i get y/n is supposed to be you but i imagine her as a whole nother ulzzang woman i find on Pinterest.


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