"The Successful Kidnap"

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Taeyeon looked at the clock.

"When will this time pass?!"

A bead of sweat dripped down her face as the clock was at 4:59 and school was over at 5. She rapidly tapped her feet on the ground and her hands clenched to her black joggers. Her eyes went from her test to the clock again.


Taeyeon dashed out the classroom leaving her test on her desk which her seat mate kindly took and gave to the teacher.

As the girl was running, she saw Jimin and her friends then ran to them. "Woah girl why are running like the cops are behind you?" Taeyeon looked at Jimin while catching her breath. "The three of you, outside the coffee shop, at 6." She simply said and ran. Since the plan was to run away, she didn't just need y/n, she asked EVERY PERSON she knew.

Taeyeon sat down on the bench and a group of people came over the people she knew. Which was Jimin, Yoongi, Jihyo, Y/N, Jessi, Hyuna, IU, Miya, and Jeongyeon. "Have a seat." Tae sat on one side while they sat on the other. "Why'd you call us?" Jihyo asked.

"We all know Jeon Jungsoo correct?" All nodded. "Well ever since that incident at the party, I've been having suspicions." She said. "Like what?" Jimin asked.

"i think Jungsoo's getting abused by her parents." All gasped. "It's true." Jessi spoke and all looked at her. "She told us, she got hit with an extension cord and she has bruises all over her body." She said, hurt in her voice. Hyuna added on. "We believe Bogum told her parents. Now she can't even model or do half the things she's good at."

"that's why she wears that big black hoodie." Yoongi said. "it's terrible how they are treating her for her sexuality. Her boyfriend and her parents beat her up and she's going through hell, we need to help her." All looked at Taeyeon and IU spoke. "How?", " glad you asked. Jungsoo has cheer practice right now right Jessi?" Jessi nodded. "She gets off at 6:30." Jimin looked at her watch. "It's 6:10 right now."

"Good. We're gonna get her out of that shit of a mansion tonight so you're all gonna meet me at our house. But the plan is that we sneak behind the mansion which is were her window is located, we have rope for me to climb in in her window, have her pack her stuff and we can go. We'll bring her sister too." Taeyeon explained and Jessi spoke. "but who would have rope?", " my neighbor has some, i can lend it to you." Miya said.

"but that's not it, we're all leaving. Leaving this town, our horrible pasts, and problems that chase us. Everyone pack your things you need more than yourself." Yoongi then spoke. "Wait, so you think we're gonna be 16 and 17 year olds running away? I'm in."

"our life isn't perfect, so why not?" Jessi smirked. "We're in." Jimin wrapped her arm around you and Jihyo. "Jieun you coming with us?" Hyuna asked. "If Marshmallow can come." Marshmallow is Jieun's white poodle who she loves more than herself. "Yes, your little fluffy cloud can come." Iu smiled. "My parents neglected me and Jihyo so of course I'm coming." Jeongyeon said. All turned to Miya waiting for answer. "you coming with us pretty girl?" Jessi asked. "U-um, you guys can go, I got a shop to watch over remember tae?" Taeyeon stood up." But you can close your shop for good unnie! I-i need you to come with us!" Her voice breaking remembering Miya's shop."I'm sorry tae i can't just give up my job like that. You know I'm pretty broke and i need money, plus my shop is pretty popular so if i shut down it wouldn't go good." Taeyeon's heart clenched knowing it was true. Miya was her close friend, she couldn't just leave her here like this. But if it's for her, she's willing to let her go. "O-okay." She muttered trying not to let tears fall.


It was night and Taeyeon was driving while everyone had everything they need and Jessi had the rope. 'shit' she whispered seeing guards in the front and back. "Where should we park?" Taeyeon asked looking around. "There, behind the bush." Jeongyeon pointed to a small parking lot behind large bushes that'll disguise them perfectly. She quietly drove and parked now all eyes on the mansion. The windows were dark but the only light that was shining was through Jungsoo's window. The car was quiet as everyone was waiting for Taeyeon's directions but she was just staring at the window. "girl?" Jimin called out and Taeyeon shook her head coming back into reality. "L-let's go." Jessi, Hyuna, and Jihyo stepped out the car following Taeyeon. "Got the distraction?" Taeyeon asked Jihyo who nodded and tip toed to a nearby bush. She looked at the squeaky toy that was Marshmallow's and extended her arm far back then throwing it all the way to the front of a mansion as it made a loud 'SQUEAK'. This caught the guards attention in the back as they quickly ran in the front with their guns hanging in their arms. The four took the chance to run behind the mansion. "Get the rope hurry!" Taeyeon whisper-yelled to Jessi who attached the rope to a hook on the rim of mansion. Her window was pretty far up so Taeyeon was luck to have rope. Hyuna, Jessi, and Jihyo held the rope for Taeyeon to climb up as she slowly did being careful and not looking down. She slowly pulled herself up the thin beige rope one by one. After a good quick thirty seconds, she made her way up to the window and she popped her head through seeing Jungsoo sitting on her bed crying while holding her eye. Looks like something happened-- Taeyeon tapped on the window and it caught the black haired attention. She quickly crawled to the window and opened it as the cold breeze hit her face. "Unnie?"

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