"Getting Caught"

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Before the two could do anything the door kicked down and Bogum rushed in and grabbed Taeyeon throwing her to the ground and she let out a loud grunt. He began punching her while yelling, "WHY *punch* DID *punch* YOU *punch* FUCK *punch* MY *punch* GIRLFRIEND!!! *punch* by now Taeyeon's face was bloody all over and Jungsoo was screaming and crying for Bogum to get off of her. Just then y/n,jimin and Jungsoo's friends came and gasped seeing the scene. Jessi and Hyuna went and grabbed Bogum off of Taeyeon who coughed out blood before passing out. " WHAT THE FU-" Jessi quickly ducked as Bogum threw a punch to her. He went to Jungsoo and slapped her who winced and fell on the floor

With the teachers....
All the teachers were in the lounge drinking coffee and having a good laugh. "Haha, it feels so wrong that we're not watching the kids, you know making sure they're not drinking or selling drugs for a fucking dollar bill." The teachers laughed at one teacher's words. "Ahh, they'll be fine."

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! WHY'D YOU FUCK MY GIRLFRIEND?!" Bogum spat on Taeyeon before grabbing Jungsoo's arm pulling her out of the bathroom. You covered your mouth with your hands in shock seeing Taeyeon not knowing there was tears rolling down your eyes. You rushed over to Taeyeon and held her head crying. "t-tae wake up! Wake up tae!"


"TAEYEON WAKE UP!" Taeyeon fluttered her eyes opened and there stood Jimin, Y/N, Jihyo and Yoongi. "G-guy's what happened?" She let out weakly and you threw your arms over crying. "Oh my Taetae you're awake!!!"," Tae, Bogum might of found out you and Jungsoo were fucking in the bathroom so he beat you up. We took you to your friend Miya's and she bandaged you up." Jimin spoke. Taeyeon felt her face and hissed. Just then Miya came out. "is she okay?" She asked and Jimin nodded. "Wow, he beat you badly." Yoongi said feeling her face. "I-i should've never done that...." Tae muttered. "You're okay tae, but bogum hasn't got in trouble yet... He's still got Jungsoo."

Taeyeon gasped.


I cried while he dragged me to the car. "I'M TELLING YOUR PARENTS.." Bogum yelled before getting in and i panicked. If my mom, especially dad found out, I'm done for sure. "N-no Bogum please don't!" I cried but instead i earned a hard slap on the face and i wailed louder. "SHUT THE FUCK UP." I just sniffled holding my face until we arrived. Here we go...

He dragged me out the car and into the mansion. My parents who were talking to my sister then looked at me. "Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Jeon, i have found out some shocking news about Jungsoo i have to tell you." They looked at me and i lowered my head. "What is it?" Mom asked worried in her voice. "She has been having sex and messing around with a girl at school and it really hurt me because i thought i was her boyfriend and i thought i was the one she was supposed to lose her virginity to but... I think she might be lesbia-", " DON'T FINISH." My dad yelled and i knew i was in trouble. He looked so mad and disappointed as he gave me a glare. Bogum moved to the side as my father rushed over to me then punched me in the face as i screamed and fell on the ground. He started kicking me in my stomach and i wanted my mom's help but she just stood there smirking while watching. "GIVE IT.". She then took out a extension cord as my eyes widened. " my daughter won't ever be a lesbian! It doesn't run in this family!" She said and began hitting me with the cord and i screamed while crying. Bogum just laughed secretly watching me.

This pain I'm feeling... It hurts so bad i just want it to stop..... Please....

If you have a gay friend, you know it's boutta be fun 😁


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