"Their Side Of The Story"

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Jessi parked the car at a sort of empty parking lot. Taeyeon looked at the building which was a beige color with tinted windows going in lines down and some balconies on the side. The entrance looked rather fancy as it had two silver poles in the front and there was a red carpet that lead inside. "We're here~" jessi sang and the lights turned waking everyone up. "Ugh, that was the best sleep ever, it felt like i was laying on a pillow." IU said in a sleepy voice and you blushed knowing that she was laying on your chest. "Everyone get your bags and leggoo." Jess stepped out the car first. Since Yoongi was the only boy, he got out the car and kindly took the bags one by one inside. Everyone began going inside but Taeyeon stayed in the car because Jungsoo was still sleeping on her. She wanted to get out so she lightly patted the bunny's chubby cheek trying to wake her up. "Baby, wake up were here." Taeyeon whispered softly and Jungsoo slowly opened her eyes but squinting them adjusting to the light. "W-where are we?" She breathed out. "Jess found us a hotel to stay at for some days, now let's go." Taeyeon stepped out the vehicle with Jungsoo in her arms and they walked inside. Yoongi came back and closed the trunk and pressing a button on the keys as the car made a beeping sound indicating that it was locked.


Taeyeon stepped in before Yoongi seeing everyone at the receptionist. "what's going on?" She asked. "There's 11 of us, and a room is two people each." Hyuna said. "Me and Jungsoo can have a room, Jessi, and Hyuna can have a room, Yoongi and Jimin can have a room, Jeongyeon and Jihyo can have a room, IU and Somi can have a room, and y/n can have a room to herself." Taeyeon simply explained and everyone just went along with it. "Alright, let's go Marshie~" the little white fluff ball barked as they followed IU to the elevator.


All went to their rooms to sat there stuff down then coming in Taesoo's room to talk. All got in a comfortable position as Taeyeon spoke. "so, this is it, We officially have ran away. And I'm happy about it." All agreed. "So, before we go get our butts in bed, wanna talk about our problems?" Somi asked the group who nodded. "good cause I'm going first.", " wait, gotta set the mood right quick." Jessi said and grabbed her big blue duffle bag and opened it pulling out a variety of soda pops and snacks. "Oh goodie im hungry." Jungsoo reached for a sprite and some chips. "Yoongz, what ya want?"




"coca cola"

"Dr. Pepper"

"root beer, please"

Different answers called out and Jessi gave them their asked drinks. she then turned to Jihyo who hasn't said anything. "And which one would the melon head like?" Ahh Jessica.... She doesn't care what she says. "I don't really care, as long as it tastes good." She said and Taeyeon eyed her. "You sure you're not Pan?" Jungsoo hit the olders shoulder. "Unnie..", " hey I'm just asking because I'm obviously curious." "She never revealed her sexuality to me before so she might be." Jeongyeon said before taking a bite on her chip. Jihyo just laughed and grabbed a Fanta opening it and drinking it. "Come on guys lets get back to what Somi's saying." Hyuna said and all had attention to her.

"Well, it all started when i was ten and Soo was nine. Our dad became a CEO of a big company called the " Jeon Corporation ". "my old friend used to work there, she says they treated her like shitty shit, Now she's working at a fucking gas station." Jessi let out. "Our mom soon decided she wanted a job so she became a successful chef. This went on from there, to now. I didn't really have a big job like them but Jungsoo was soon to have one. She is so pretty that everyday pedestrians would always compliment her when we're walking anywhere and this would be everyday non-stop. And whenever we we're out i was always next to Jungsoo whenever and they'd just see me as an invisible person." A tear came out of Somi's eye as IU caressed her shoulder to comfort her. Jungsoo swallowed a dry lump in her throat feeling guilt build up in her since it was true.

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