"Miya's Advice"

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I stopped once i knew i was far away. This was good but also bad cause how am i gonna face them? I need someone's advice. And that someone should be...

"MIYA." I walked up to the girl who was restocking the magazines. "Woah woah woah, im surprised i don't hearing you call me da-"

"IT'S SERIOUS." i cut her off which made her look a little surprised. "W-well what is it."
Instead of saying anything i just continued staring at her and bit my lip. But it wasn't seductive, it was to hold myself from having a break down.

"tae...." Once she said that i burst into tears. she immediately jumped over the counter and hugged me. Luckily she closed so no one can see me crying like this.

"tae what's wrong? I haven't seen you cry like this in a while!" She asked worried. I just looked at her and she knew what i wanted so she brought me over to her counter grabbed a fresh box of strawberry milk out if her mini freezer. Since I'm well known here, Miya keeps packs of strawberry milk in the little freezer behind her just for so whenever i come i always have one. Alot of customers always asks to buy them but she makes sure to tell them they're not available.

"i put myself through alot of shit Miya," i cried and she poked the straw into the milk giving it to me. I quickly sipped it which cooled me down a little. "what shit are we talking about?" She leaned against the counter and crossed her arms listening. "W-well you know i fell in love with this popular girl at school." I wanted to continue but she spoke. "Oh that girl, what was her name again? Junksoup?" i rolled my eyes. "Jungsoo, Jeon Jungsoo. I corrected.

" mmm. What about her?"

"you know I've had a crush on her, but she found out we kinda kissed." Miya gasped. "oooo, you happy?" she asked and I nodded. "We're not official yet because... She has a boyfriend." She scoffed. "Cheater..."

"no you've got it all wrong. See she did cheat which was true but her boyfriend wasn't the bf type. He would make the poor girl do stuff for him, she would get abused, and he likes to threaten her a lot. But my scared ass can't think of any way to help... Then my bullies decided to drag me into sex which was a quote on quote, " apology." They then told me that i was their girlfriend but guess what?! Not even a week in and they tried to sell me to some thirsty ass chicks!" Miya looked beyond shocked. "wow that's some bullshit you're going through." I scoffed. "You think?" I ran my hands through my hair getting frustrated. "So why exactly did you come to me again?" she asked and I looked at her. "Because, i need advice." She raised a eyebrow. "And you're coming to me? ME?! I barely know to how to listen to anybody's advice and you're asking me." Miya was kind of good at this stuff so i was confused. "But you're the only one!" I shrugged my shoulders. "what about that jimin girl." I rolled my eyes. "Girl doesn't even know what advice is." Miya hummed then gasped. "i think i got something that can ease your problems."

I listened and was liking the way this was going. "And bam! Everything will be back to normal." She finished. I smiled and hugged her thanking her. But when i pulled away she held out her hand. "Where's my money?" I sighed and chuckled pulling out fifty dollars then slamming it in her hand. She smiled and spoke. "You really think this will satisfy me, bitch?" I rolled my eyes and took out more money and put in her hand. "THERE." I walked out and ran to my house.

Gambere gambere senpai~

-Kimi 😚

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