"The Party"

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After the game I went home to change but of course y/n had to barge me with questions.

"come on! Tell me where you're going!!!"

"is it a club? You're not even old enough!"

I grunted turning to her taking a deep breath in before speaking. "i am going to celebration party. What am i celebrating for? A fucking basketball game! Now please let me be." She just huffed and shrugged before leaving the room. I turned to the little present Jimin sent me. It was green with a red bow on it. But Christmas is over with? I didn't hesitate to rip open the present and gasped seeing a whole fancy and expensive ass black tuxedo in it. There was a card so i picked it up and read it.

"Hey cutie~ sadly i can't call you that anymore though. Wanna know why? Because me and Yoongi are together now! Aren't you happy? Well since he's rich i decided to get you something nice for the party tonight. Enjoy it while it lasts! Love ya and see you there~ P.S. (CHECK IN THE CARD FOR A SURPRISE!)

i looked in the car and saw a wad of fresh green money inside. I smiled and took it out counting it and it was a good thousand. Wow i need to thank the girl. I went into the bathroom changing into my tuxedo ignoring Y/N's loud whining in the next room. Once i came out i looked into the mirror checking myself out. "Damn, i feel like LaLisa right now!"

(drop, some money~ dropping all my money ~)

I put some money in my pockets just in case and fixed my hair in the mirror. It gave off a Kang Saebyeok vibe which i love. After i put my jewelry on and walked out the room i was met with a y/n who had a angry face until she gasped seeing me. "OMG YOU LOOK SO HOT!" I honestly didn't know what to say but just let out a thanks before walking downstairs but that didn't stop her. "You look like a billionaire! Or maybe a famous CEO!", " Aren't you supposed to be mad at me for some reason?" I asked. "well if you let me go with you I won't" I sighed. "Okay, you can come with me but don't embarrass me." She scoffed at my words. "Yeah, like you're the oldest here."

" i might not be but i act like it, sometimes. ", " yeah, SOMETIMES now I'm going to go get ready and i'm going to look better than you." She said sassy and flipped her hair before disappearing making me laugh. I sat down waiting for her thinking if i take Skatie then I'd be weird. Because it'd be rare to see a rich LOOKING person riding a skateboard. So i decided I'm gonna take my black car just to impress my lovely soon-to-be-girlfriend Jeon Jungsoo. Suddenly i heard heels clacking and saw a beautiful Y/N coming downstairs in a blue dress and heels. "you look like a dolphin." I said jokingly knowing that she was beautiful. She glared at me and i snickered. "How come i compliment you but you don't compliment me?" She said a little hurt in her voice. "I'm just kidding unnie you're pretty like a Periwinkle.", " aweee thank you taetae." She kissed my cheek. It's a normal thing we do to show ways we love each other. "Okay let's go" i said and we drove in my car.

Once we arrived the place was decorated with red and blue. I stepped outside the car and opened the door for y/n who kindly thanked me and i took her hand helping her up the stairs. Once we got inside, the whole place went silent seeing me and all you could hear is the music. We stood there awkwardly wondering what everyone was looking at. "What? Do i got something on my face?" Y/n blurted out and walked over to the drinks and i followed her looking down. Suddenly whispering could be heard from the students.

"Woah, is that Kim Taeyeon?"

"not gonna lie she looks like a whole daddy"

"woah she's hot!"

"is that her girlfriend? Man she's lucky!"

"omg i ship!"

"I'm not gay but damn if i was i'd be all up on her"

"man, her girlfriend is so pretty"

Taeyeon blushed hearing everything while you just stuffed your face in food. Suddenly Jimin came in front of them and yelled. "Can you people just stop worrying about them and just party?" Everyone obeyed Jimin and went back to dancing. Maybe people are obeying her because she's the BB captain's girlfriend. Jimin walked up to tae and y/n who were talking. "Ooo damn tae look at you looking like a whole snack." Jimin said and tae chuckled. "Thanks girl."

"hey Jimin." Y/n greeted Jimin who smiled and greeted her back. "You guys want to dance-", " Jimin!" Yoongi yelled. "Shit never mind you're on your own bai bitch!" Jimin ran off. "Ha, imagine a friend leaving you." Y/n snorted then immediately left. "Well fuck her then." She said and poured her some fruit punch.


I sat down ignoring the stares from those thirsty guys knowing that there was a thirsty guy next to me. But he wasn't thirsty for me, he was literally flirting with a woman in front of me. Ugh, this man and the audacity. I continued drinking watching Jessi and the others having the times of their life. Especially Jieun, she's really getting it. I chuckled until everyone went quiet. I stood up wondering if the pledge of allegiance was on or something but no, my mouth dropped seeing the hottest woman step inside the gym and it was Taeyeon... But with someone.... My heart clenched hearing everyone whispering. It wasn't true... Taeyeon didn't find a girlfriend right? She only loves me! Jealously and anger started building up in me until Jimin yelled something.

"Can you people just stop worrying about them and just party?"

Everyone went to what they were doing but i kept an eye on tae. It seemed like she was talking to the girl until Jimin came up talking too them. "Shit." I whispered under my breath once i saw Bogum making out with a woman. I scooted away from them and saw that tae was alone. I wanted to go over there but if anyone saw me talking to her, they'd get suspicious.


I was playing with my rings getting bored since i don't see Jungsoo anywhere until a group of girls came up to me.


"Taeyeon can i get your number please?!"

"omg you look so hot!"

Ha, straight girls. "Sorry ladies, i gotta go to the bathroom." I said and rushed to the bathroom.


I noticed those stupid women getting all up on Taeyeon until she ran into the bathroom. Yes! I can go meet her. I looked at Bogum who was still kissing that woman. I just shrugged and got up walking to the bathroom.

Hai Hai 🌝


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