"So Sweet"

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I slammed the door open and looked up a confused Y/N. "What the fu-" i ran upstairs after hearing her voice. I went into my room and pulled out my phone trying to call Jungsoo but she didn't answer. After my fifthteenth time i just sighed and threw my phone.


I walked inside my home after my bf dropped me home from cheer practice. He was mean and aggressive like usual. What i mean by that is that i now have a black eye just because i said hi to one of my male classmates. As i was walking upstairs my mom stopped me. "Well excuse me young lady but where have you been?" I secretly rolled my eyes. "I went to the end of the rainbow and found a pot of gold. I WAS PRACTICING!!!" She would always ask where i am after school knowing that I'm the cheer captain and she literally sees me in my cheer uniform."well, you need to go help your sister and tonight i made a collard green salad. Very healthy." I scoffed and continued walking upstairs and went inside my room. im surprised she didn't suspect me holding my eye but i guess she didn't care. As soon as i plopped on my bed the door slammed open and i sighed deeply knowing who it was.

"UM EXCUSE ME LITTLE MRS. LAZY BUT I THINK THE WOMAN THAT BIRTHED US HAS MESSAGED YOU TO HELP YOUR SISTER." I turned to Somi who had paint all over her. She looked so adorable with her overalls and round glasses that were halfway off her face. "i can't believe you're older than me." She rolled her eyes. "shut up. Dad left so you have to help me with my school project which is painting." I sat up. "What're'ya painting? Somi hesitated which made me confused. I spoke up. " um hello, did you hear me-"

"YOU." She turned her head and i could see red on her face. I smirked wanting to tease her. "I'm sorry, what was that? I didn't hear you could you maybe speak up a bit?" She glared at me. "I-i said i'm painting you." I gasped acting shocked. "me? You're painting me? Awe you shouldn't have! This must be because you love your sister so much hmm?"

"Yeah...." She walked out the room and i chuckled before following her out.

(yeah, a short chapter :)

S-sour candy~ so sweet that i get a little angry yeah~

-Kimi 😗

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