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Taeyeon walked inside the canteen after grabbing her lunch. While she was walking to her table she was stopped by some girls shouting to her.

"Hey Kim! You got a man?! Oh right! I forgot, you don't like men you like girls you gay ass bitch!"

"God doesn't like gays!"

"Guys i totally caught her staring at my breasts yesterday"


"Being gay is a sin!"

And the flirty girls who ACT gay but surely they're straight.

"Hey baby, you wanna grab my ass?"

"come lift my skirt up baby there'll be a surprise under here!"

Those were the girls that used to hang out with Sooyoung and her friends. Taeyeon simply ignored them and walked to her table where Jimin and her friend were sitting at- The one who aren't like the others.

"Hey tae~" Jimin winked to her who rolled her eyes while chuckling. "Yeah, hey..."

"heeey taebae~" Jimin's friend greeted and waved her hand. "Sup, Jihyo. I thought you were in california with Jeongyeon?"

Jihyo sighed and spoke. "It went well but a Toronto came and crashed the whole place so we had to go early." Jimin choked on her food and began cracking up while Tae just looked at her like she was crazy. "I'm sorry what?" Tae almost laughed. "A Toronto crashed the place.... why is she laughing so hard?" Jihyo said pointing to Jimin who had milk coming out of her nose.

Tae chuckled and grabbed a napkin cleaning Jimin's face who was still laughing. "Don't you mean, tornado? Not toronto." Tae corrected. "Okay fuck you, it's sometimes difficulty for me to speak properly." Taeyeon then laughed. "Difficult" after 3 good minutes Jimin finally stopped laughing. "Omg she's so funny." Jimin said chuckling.

Sometime later Jimin was talking to tae and Jihyo until she stopped. "What". " your little crush is her kim~". Taeyeon turned seeing Jungsoo walking into the cafeteria with her friends. "Looks like they just came from cheer practice." Jihyo pointed to their cheer uniforms.

"She's so pretty~" tae was mesmerized by the breathtaking woman. "Bet you wanna fuck her huh?" Jihyo chuckled with a smirk plastered on her face. "she'd look so beautiful under me~"

Jungsoo was walking to her table until she noticed tae staring at her so she gave her a little wink. Taeyeon immediately blushed as she turned around. " awe, you're that red from a wink?" Jimin teased. " MY CRUSH WINKED AT ME." Tae yelled.


I was sweating from practicing for the basketball game. As i put my pom poms away i walked inside the cafeteria seeing my friends. I sat down but felt like someone was staring at me so i looked around seeing the girl Taeyeon from earlier staring at me. I shot her a wink which made her blush and i chuckled but of course jess and hyuna had to ruin it. "oooooo~ i see you two flirting~" i scoffed at Jessi.

"Watch it bozo, im straighter than a line." But Hyuna just had to say something. "Lines can bend." i was going to say something until i noticed IU wasn't at the table. "Where's Jieun?" I asked. Jessi pointed to a table where jieun was talking to a nerdy looking boy. "They look like they're dating." Hyuna gagged.

"Good for her then cause she's the only single one." I chuckled and ate my salad. "I got Sangyeob, Hyun's got Dawn, and Jieun's got the glasses boy." Both of us laughed at Jessi. While i was eating me and taeyeon kept stealing glances from each other. I don't know why she caught my eye like that, maybe it's because she's just pretty...

I wonder how her lips feel- JEON JUNGSOO STOP. Remember you are straight!!! I was shouting at myself internally until i felt my stomach twist. I gagged which caught Hyuna and Jessi's attention. "Gurl you good?" Jessi was concerned.

"I-ill brb." I stood up and rushed to the bathroom with everyone staring at me.


i noticed Jungsoo stand up and rush out the cafeteria which made me feel worried. My guts where telling me to stay here but my heart was telling me to go see what happened to her. But isn't that stalking? Fuck it, I'm going.

Taeyeon got up and walked out the cafeteria. Bogum was watching this from afar and knew Taeyeon was probably going to do something with Jungsoo. Plus, he was a homophobe. He sat there angrily wondering what to do.

Homophobes can suck ass and die... Jk just stay the fuck away from me and suck a dick then die

-Kimi Kardashian 😈

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