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All my wits left my body and I kissed him back willingly.


She kisses me back! My heart leaps as I press her close to me. Her sexy body wrapped in lingerie. Truly a man's dream. My hand wanders down her back. I playfully squeeze her buttocks and her mouth flies open. I use this opportunity to work my tongue inside. She moans softly. Our tongues play fervently with each other and she runs her hands through my hair. My body reacts so strongly to her. She should know what she is doing to me. Startled, she opens her eyes. I think she realises the influence she has on my body.

"Luca, no..." I put my forehead against hers again. Slowly we pant out. "This is all going too fast. I can't do this." I nod understandably. It was also pretty stupid to throw her into bed right after this violent break-up. Not that she would have allowed it at all.

"Just now with this Dylan thing and all. I need time. My feelings for him aren't gone right away." She continued. Not gone right away? He was standing there tongue-wrestling with that blonde hussy! How come her feelings haven't gone away right away? She gets a sense of what I'm getting angry about and says, "Don't get angry Luca, I'm just stupid." She calms me down by stroking my arm muscles and I sigh deeply.

"You are not." I release her and walk to the door. "Luca..." She says softly. I half turn and look at her. "No, never mind." Disappointed, I open the door and slam it behind me. Hmpf, still feelings. Hopefully they will go away soon. I want her so badly.


As soon as Luca leaves the room, I get cold. I quickly put on my pyjama "Piper!" shouts the group simultaneously. I groan and try to sit up again.

"I'll get a bag of ice." Yells Adam as he storms towards the kitchen.

"You okay?" Asks Jason worriedly.

"Sorry!" Calls Luca as he strokes my cheek. Angry I swat his arm away.

"But..." Begins Dylan.

"No..." I cut him off. "Please go and never come back. I've had enough of you." Luca smiles excessively at Dylan, who now leaves the flat pissed. "And now you..." I begin. "I can easily handle this myself. You guys should have listened. If you had, I wouldn't have a black eye now." The boys remain silent and look at their feet out of guilt.

"You know what? You guys watch it!" Angry, I storm back to my room and grab my backpack from the closet. I quickly throw some clothes in it and walk to the front door. Before the boys can notice that I'm leaving, I slam the door. Ugh men!ama and crawl under the covers. This is the second time this week that he has seduced me. I mean, I don't mind or anything... but why now all of a sudden?

*The next morning*

"Where is she!"

I'm rudely awakened from sleep by Dylan's roaring voice in the living room. Quickly I put on a dressing gown and storm out of my room. Jason holds Dylan back while Luca and Adam yell at him. When Dylan sees me, he starts to yell at me.

"Piper! Don't believe what these guys are saying to you! She kissed me! I didn't do anything wrong!" Luckily I'm not as naive as I used to be and just when I want to say something back, Luca slaps Dylan hard in the face.

"Luca!" I shout in shock. "Stop it!" But Luca doesn't listen and now Adam starts to get involved in the fight as well. Jason tries to keep them apart, but he can't. He tries to stop them. I quickly run to the boys and get involved in the fight. I push Dylan off Luca and try to keep them apart as well. It fails miserably. I'm obviously not stronger than both boys. Luca reaches out to Dylan, but Dylan bends down and his fist hits me on the side of my face. I fall to the ground with a loud bang.


I'm already pressing the green button on the phone for the twentieth time. "Pick up, Piper!" I say out loud. Jason tries to call all her friends and Adam checks the area with his car. Piper's new car is still in the parking lot, so she left on foot.

It is now nearly midnight and no one has heard from Piper. "I'm going to drive around." I say to the boys waiting by the fireplace for an answer from Piper. Jason nods sadly and the rest remain silent. I get in my car and drive around the neighborhood. My gaze falls on a nightclub in the center. I suddenly have a strong need for alcohol. I park my car in front of the door and walk into the club. I take a seat at the bar and order some whiskey. After three glasses I drop my head on the bar. I feel a slender hand massaging my neck. I look up and look into the eyes of a blond woman. I don't know what happened then. but in any case nothing good.


884 words

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