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While Piper was auditioning at that fancy acting school, the boys and I went to check out rooms. We'd seen four rooms so far, but I didn't think they were good enough for Piper.

"And what do you think of this room?" Jason asked us as we walked into room number five. The room was bigger than the other rooms we had seen. It had a double bed and a sofa with TV.

"I don't want Piper to have communal showers." I said right away. "She should have her own bathroom."

"Luca, the showers are well shielded. It's just a student house, there you have communal showers and a communal kitchen." said Jason. I walked on and sat down on the bed.

"The bed is too hard."

"Luca, does Piper not like it, or do you not like it," Jason asked. I fell backwards onto the bed. I wasn't lying the bed was really really hard.

"I'd like to have her with me, but if she does go, at least I want her to get her own apartment or something. I don't want to worry about all those dirty guys who live here too. They'll berate her right away. in the shower! Or worse!"

"Luca, you're really going too far now." said Adam. "I'm going to miss her too, but Piper is strong! She just kicks those guys in the balls, she did that to you too!" Adam sat down next to me on the bed.

"Wow, the bed is indeed hard." Admitted Adam.

"Then we'll buy a new mattress!" shouted Jason. "I just want her to live her dreams. With or without us." I got up from the bed and walked to the window. She did have a nice view from here. Further up was a small park and the supermarket was really close. You could also see the school from her room. A little further was even a small grove, with a number of white houses. There are probably a number of wealthy families living there.

"Wow." said Jasper, who came and stood next to me. "Is that a Ferrari?" He had gone to the forest pass, which led to the houses. I looked and indeed saw a red sports car driving.

"Let's go see." Max shouted enthusiastically.

"Guys!" shouted Jason. "We've got some more important things to worry about than stupid sports cars." Jason continued with the inspection, but we had other plans. Adam signaled to me and pointed at Jason. I nodded and together we crept up to him.

"Three two one." Adam whispered and we ran to him. The two of us lifted up and walked out of the room. Along the way we came across a few students, who looked at us vaguely.

"You'll be hearing from us." shouted Adam.

"Or not!" I yelled after it. We dumped Jason into the car laughing and followed the Ferrari.


The man from the Ferrari loved to brag about his car to us, much to the chagrin of his wife. Mrs. Ferrari, as we called her, was staring at us from the window. Every now and then she shook her head. I felt my cell phone vibrate in my jacket pocket and took it out.

'Hey Luca,

I made it through the first round of auditions! Now I have to wait for the second round! See you soon! Say hi to the rest!'

-Piper 16:42

I smiled while texting. I am so very proud of her. I put my cell phone away again and put my hands in my jacket pockets. Mr. Ferrari's house was really beautiful. It was a small villa. It wasn't very big, but it looked luxurious. I looked around and saw a few more small villas. This is the house that Piper is supposed to live in, but it's never going to happen. First, it's super expensive, and second, there's bound to be none for sale. I left the boys and walked around the neighborhood. The houses all looked the same. There was a sports car in front of almost every door, except for the last three, which were family cars. A man wearing a blue shirt and a beige vest wrapped around his shoulder was washing the car.

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