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I stormed into the apartment. Jason got up from the couch and walked over to me. "Where have you been? How many times have I told you that..."

"Who is Patrick Williams?" I cut him off. Jason's eyes widened and his face lost color. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again.

"You'd better say something before I jump to conclusions myself!" Jason held his hand to his forehead.

"How did you find out?" He asked. I told him the whole story. Jason sighed deeply and tried to make up a lie.

"It's family, isn't it?" I whispered. Jason avoided my gaze, but nodded. "Is it...Daddy?" Jason nodded again. I was silent for the next few minutes. My father, whom I do not know, haunts me. How weird is that?

"What is he up to?" I asked Jason.

"No idea, little one." He put his arms around me and held me tight, as if it were the last time. "He's always been involved with drugs and gangs. I just don't know how you fit into that plan." I sighed deeply.

"Do you think he wants to hurt me?" Jason remained silent and shrugged. He refused to answer. We stood like this for minutes.

"Have you already registered for your further study?" Jason then suddenly asked to change the subject.

"Yes, I sent the letters a few days ago." Jason looked at me and brushed my hair back from my face.

"I'm proud of you, little one. You know that, don't you?" I laughed softly.

"Yes I know."


"Eyes closed." said Luca. He covered my eyes with his hands and escorted me to the elevator.

"May I open my eyes now?" I asked.

"No, you have to wait until we get there." I heard a bell, indicating that the elevator had stopped. Luca gently pushed me out of the elevator.

"You have to cross this threshold." He said. I was about to lift my foot a little higher when I felt an arm under my legs.

"Luca." I laughed. "Put me down."

"Soon. Wait a minute." he laughed. a little further he set me down again. He opened an outer door, because I felt the cold wind brush against me.

"Just a few more steps. And... Yes, you can open your eyes." Luca took his hands away and I blinked cautiously. What I saw was really fantastic. We were on the roof of our apartment building. In front of me was a small table, with a white tablecloth. Dozens of candles stood around a bouquet of white roses. The whole roof was decorated with small lights and flowers. Two wine glasses stood on the edge of the plates, which were covered with rose petals and a metal sphere. You know, a lid that they also use in very fancy restaurants. I walked over to the table in amazement. The view was great. From this position I could see the whole city shrouded in darkness, with the occasional street lamp providing light.

"Wow." Was the only thing that came out of my mouth. Luca must have put a lot of effort into this.

"Do you like it?" he asked a little unsure. I quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"I think it is fantastic." Luca held the chair in front of me and I sat down. He pushed me very carefully, as if he were afraid to break me. then he took off his jacket and handed it to me. I didn't want to hire him at first, because otherwise he would get too cold himself, but he insisted. I had to put on his jacket. He took the lid off my loaf and poured the wine into the wine glass. He had prepared pasta carbonara, my favorite pasta.

"Enjoy your meal." he said as he sipped his wine. I took the fork in my hand and began to eat. While eating I felt Luca looking at me.

"What?" I said with my mouth full. Luca smiled for a moment, then looked into the distance.

"I was just about to say you eat super cute, but I'm taking it back." He smiled again briefly and gave me a wink. Luca's smile is really very attractive. it is a deep sound, which you feel deep in your stomach. I wiped my mouth on the napkin. Very sneakily I grabbed a rose petal and threw it in Luca's face. Luca closed his eyes and felt his cheek with his hand. Then he opened his eyes again and looked at me very intensely. I stared back with a grin.

"Okay, you've been there!" He quickly took a handful of rose petals from the table and threw them at me. I screamed and jumped off my chair. I took some rose petals in my hand and tried to tuck them into the back of his shirt, but failed completely. With great ease Luca picked me up and led me to a bench, almost hidden under the pile of cushions. He plopped down on the bench with me on his lap. I curled up close to him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Are you cold?" I asked him. Luca was only wearing a blouse after he handed over his jacket to me.

"If I say yes, will I get a hug?" he asked with a mischievous smile on his face.


"Okay, then I'm really cold." he laughed. I put my arms around him and hugged him warmly.

"Thanks for the great date." I whispered. "You're fantastic, you know that,"

"No, you're fantastic Piper." he whispered back.

"No you!" I said louder.

"Okay, we're both fantastic, can I kiss you now please?" He did not wait for permission. He pressed his lips gently to mine. This kiss felt so different, but in a good way. Our other kisses were full of heat, passion and lust. This kiss was very peaceful, but I still felt the longing burn in Luca. After a while he broke free.

"Piper?" he whispered in my ear. I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Yes?" I whispered back. I looked into his eyes and suddenly saw a cute innocent boy instead of my brother's big strong friend.

"Will you please be my girlfriend?"


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