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We went to bed very early last night. We had received a terrible birth announcement card from he-who-is-not-to-be-named. No, I don't mean Voldemort. Patrick had sent a card that said:

"Dear Lyla, Jason and Felicia,

I was delighted to hear the good news. I hope one day to hold the little girl in my arms.

"Love Grandpa."

Especially that grandpa part made me uneasy. Jason wants all the locks changed and has bought a new security system over the internet. He now sleeps upstairs with Lyla and Felicia again, so he could protect them at night. Not that you had much use for him. He was doing better, but he was still too weak.

I woke up to hear Felicia's soft cry. She was immediately soothed by Lyla, but I couldn't fall back asleep. I looked at the sleeping figure next to me. Luca's hair was ruffled in front of his face and his mouth was hanging open a little. He softly mumbled a few made-up words. I tried to hold back my laughter, but it was already too late. A short, but loud laugh left my lips and Luca's eyes slowly opened. He looked at my grinning face and raised his eyebrows.

"What is it?" He asked sleepily as he rubbed his hair out of his eyes.

"You're talking in your sleep." Laughed I.

"Don't ii. You snore."

"Not true!" I don't snore it! Do I?

"You're a little piggy when you sleep." He laughed wearily. He yawned and I slapped him against his muscular arm. "A very cute little piggy."

"Oh yes, because that makes it better." I laughed back. Luca pulled me to him and put his arms around me. The silence was nice for a moment, but was immediately broken again by Luca.

"Jason wants to kill your father." He said softly. "He told me yesterday." I sighed deeply against his chest.

"I was afraid of that." Luca's hands slid through my hair and he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I'm protecting you, you know that, right?" I nodded. I knew I was protected, but I still had a bad feeling about it. What if someone died in Jason's stupid assassination attempt. Jason does often have a big mouth about things like this, but he didn't think it through carefully enough. Suddenly the door flew open and Adam ran into the room. He pulled open the curtains and I was blinded by the bright light.

"Get up!" He shouted. "I need your help." Luca sat up and put his shirt back on.

"What for man?" Adam jumped from one leg to the other.

"Not you! Piper! Peyton's coming over today and I need to wear something nice!" Luca fell back on the bed sighing and I chuckled softly.

"If you give me a moment to put something else on, I'll come to your room in a minute." Adam nodded and ran out of the room. I walked over to my wardrobe and quickly pulled on black jeans and a blouse. When I arrived in Adam's room, the floor was already littered with clothes. He was struggling with a pair of jeans that were too tight and I had to try very hard not to laugh.

"Any luck?" He looked up and stopped struggling.

"The trousers don't fit. My butt is too big."

"You really are like a girl now!" I laughed at him. Desperately he stared at the pile of clothes. I found a simple set, with a blouse.

"Here stretch this on and leave the last button open. That's sexy." Adam nodded cheerfully and pulled the clothes out of my hands. then he gestured for me to leave the room, because he was going to change clothes. Smiling, I walked down the stairs. The new pictures of Felicia hanging on the wall made me smile. She was already so stubborn and she was only a few days old! I walked into the living room and saw Jason whispering with Jasper and Max. When I walked in, they suddenly stopped.

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