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I woke up to a ray of light shining in my eyes. Moaning softly, I pulled the blanket over my head.

"Piper." Mumbled Luca. "Turn off the light." I sighed and slapped the blanket over Luca as well. I snuggled close to his bare chest. He chuckled sleepily and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Are you tired?" He asked teasingly.

"Gee, no. I just-" I peered over my blanket at the alarm clock. "-Five hours slept."

"And that wasn't my fault." Luca laughed innocently. I playfully slapped him against his chest.

"Well." I slapped the blanket off me and quickly put on my dressing gown. Luca followed every move I made. "You were the reason I was awake." I winked. Luca sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled on his boxers.

"I'm going to take a shower." He said as he stretched. Luca left the room and I took off my dressing gown again. Quickly I put on my pyjamas so as not to look suspicious. Cheerful, but tired, I walked downstairs where Jason, Lyla and Adam were already sitting in the living room.

"Good morning." I mumbled as I plopped down on the sofa. Adam stared at me, grinning. "What?" he shook his head and avoided my gaze.

"What?" I asked again. He was chuckling a little louder now and it caught Jason's attention too.

"Am I missing something?" Asked Jason curiously.

"Jason, dear boy. You just be glad you slept downstairs last night." laughed Adam. Oh no. My face turned a little red which only made Adam laugh harder.

"Piper?" Jason asked with an angry undertone.

"There's nothing wrong, Jason." Said I calmly. Adam got up and walked to the kitchen. He remained standing in the opening of the door and looked back once more.

"Oh, Luca!" He shouted across the room.

"Adam!" I quickly grabbed a pillow from the couch and tried to throw it at him, but I was too late. He closed the door with a loud bang and you could still hear his laughter echoing. I looked uncomfortably at Jason who was sitting on his bed with clenched fists. Lyla looked at me smiling and held Jason's fist, which calmed him down a bit.

"Jason, honey. Piper won't always stay small. You need to let go of her a little." Said Lyla softly. Jason sighed and held out his arms to me. Carefully I jumped in and gave. Him a kiss on his cheek.

"I can never look at Luca normally now." Laughed Jason. "But Lyla's right. You're going to grow up and have to make your own choices."

"Thank you." Whispered I. I knew Jason would try, but he always remained protective of me and I was okay with that. ten minutes later, Adam came back into the room with freshly baked sandwiches.

"For you. To make up for it." I gratefully accepted the sandwiches and began to eat. Not much later, Felicia began to cry softly in her cot. Adam jumped up immediately.

"I'll give her the bottle!" He stormed out of the room to get Felicia's bottle. With sweat on his forehead he came running back.

"Come on Uncle Adam." It was so much fun to watch. Now that there was a little girl there, all the boys were suddenly becoming adults. Or well, as far as they could be grown up.

"Good morning folks." Said Luca who came walking into the room. His hair was still wet and stuck to his face. He sat down next to me and pressed a short, longing kiss to my lips. Then he looked around the room and his gaze stopped at Jason. I felt the tension between them.

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