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Immediately Adam and I ran to the car. Jason is crazy, as always. Eva and Liam stayed behind with Lyla and Felicia, and Peyton went with us, which Adam wasn't happy about at all. I sat in the front seat and quickly fastened the seat belt, before Adam would give full throttle. Adam drove very fast through the streets, on his way to the shed where Luca had been held. When we got there, Jason's car was back behind the bushes. Adam parked the car right next to it and we jumped out of the car.

"Piper, dammit! Just stay home for once!" Hissed Jason who was crouching behind a bush. tom and jack sat next to him, watching the entrance.

"I'm here to take you home. This is a suicide session!" I answered. I tried to drag Jason up his sleeve, but of course this was pointless. He jerked his arm loose and I fell forward.

"Luca's already in. There's no turning back."

"What? Luca... Is there!" I pointed angrily to the entrance, where there were now no guards. Slowly I crawled forward so I could get a better look at the terrain.

"Piper? Piper, what are you going to do?" I heard Jason ask behind me who crawled forward to grab my ankle.

"I'm not going to sit here hopelessly while my friend is there! I'm going in!" I got up and sprinted to the nearest hiding place. I was not very far from the entrance and looked back again. I saw Jason running after me, so I had to move on. I crawled to the entrance and stood with my back against the shed. I felt for a door handle with my hand and quickly found it. Before I could open the door, I was pressed against the wall with full force.

"Piper, you're not going in there alone!" Jason now grabbed the door handle himself and carefully opened the door. We entered the dark shed. it was very quiet. As if they were expecting us and decided to tease us by playing hide and seek. The shed was only dimly lit, so we tried to stay in the darkest shadows. The door creaked behind us and we saw a few more silhouettes enter. Jason quickly saw that it was the rest and beckoned them to us. He pointed carefully upwards.

"There. That's where he should be." I looked at a small office with a light still on.

"Where is Luca then?" I whispered. I heard a soft cough and looked above us. Luca sat at the top of the fire escape that led to the office. He didn't speak, but I saw him silently say, 'What the fuck are you doing here'. I squatted to the stairs and climbed up.

"Piper." Luca sighed. I crawled into him and he kissed me on the forehead. "You're really crazy, did you know that?" I nodded with a painful smile.

"Okay lovebirds. This is not a good time for a romantic get-together." Jason and the rest climbed the stairs as well. Jason looked carefully through the door window.

"He's there. But there are more men. I think about 5."

"That's 6 to 7. Give the girls a gun and you're done." said Jasper.

"New!" Luca, Adam and Jason hissed at the same time.

"They must be able to protect themselves!" Defended Jasper. the boys looked at each other but decided we weren't getting guns after all. wimps.

"Piper?" Luca whispered almost inaudibly. Only I heard it and I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "If we get out of here alive, because chances are-"

"We're going to get out of here alive. We just have to." I interrupted him.

"But there's always a chance we won't make it." I tried to interrupt him again, but he put his hand over my mouth. "If we get out of this alive, we'll get married." My eyes shot open.

"But Luca, we're still so young." I protested.

"Do you want these to be your last words to me? No, I don't want to marry you? We can always wait." I had great doubts. I think Luca is fantastic. I don't ever want anyone else, but I'm still so young. But on the other hand, I'm not sure about my life right now.

"Okay." I smiled. "I love you." I pressed a soft longing kiss to his lips.

"real?" he asked incredulously. I nodded at him and he kissed me again. "It's our little secret. Stand behind me in a minute, okay?" I promised and gave the boys space to stand in front of the door.

"Are we going to knock?" asked Adam. I clapped my hand to my forehead.

"Yes, Adam. We're going to knock and then we immediately ask if they want a cup of tea before we shoot their heads." Jason said sarcastically. Adam kept his mouth shut and took his gun in his hands. Jason started counting down with his hand.




Jason kicked in the door with his foot and aimed his rifle at the first guard. The guard reached for his rifle trembling, but was ordered to do nothing. No shots had been fired yet, but my father sat grinning in his desk chair.

"Look, men." he laughed. "My children, my pride, are standing before us with their friends. And now look, my son is pointing his gun at me." Jason grunted softly and held his finger to the trigger. I didn't dare to show it, but I was very scared. I felt my legs tremble and my finger is in a weird convulsion.

"I'm here to finish it." growled Jason. "No one touches my family with their hands."

"I totally agree, kid. But you do realize your stance isn't right here.

"Why not?"

"I'm your family. So you break your own word."

"You haven't been related for a long time." I stood up for Jason. All eyes were on me now.

"What do you want to achieve with this, Patrick?" I spat as I put poison in his name. the man diagonally across from me secretly tried to grab his gun, but Adam noticed. With one movement, he kept his rifle pointed tightly at the man's head. The man held his arms in the air.

"Adam, what manners." Said Patrick fake shocked. "How dare you shoot your girlfriend's father?" Peyton, who was still standing outside the office, came cautiously inside.

"Dad?" Her eyes widened and she wrapped her arms around herself. her father's eyes were filled with shame and sorrow. Adam pulled Peyton behind him so he could protect her.

"We're not into your sick games, Patrick. We're here to settle this once and for all."

"But the games are what make the house so interesting. You can learn a lot from them. Lesson 1: Always be the smartest in the room. Lesson 2: Be a man and do what needs to be done. Lesson 3: Never leave your wife and child left alone without protection."

"He's bluffing Jason!" shouted Adam. Jason looked bright red. The rifle trembled in his hands.

"Piper, turn around."


"TURN AROUND!" I turned my back to my father and turned to the white wall in front of me.

The sound of a gunshot filled the room..


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