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"The garden hose is so cold. May I perhaps use your shower?" The question came rather unexpectedly and I didn't know what to say.

"Piper?" is everything all right?" Luca asked worriedly.

"Yes, I am. If you still want to, you can join me." Said I softly. I was so nervous. I was almost shaking in the shower. But it was Luca and I trusted him.

Fack it, I love him and he loves me. There's nothing weird about it, right? I heard Luca take off his clothes. One by one I heard the garments fall to the floor and I got more and more nervous. I leaned against the wall of the shower and closed my eyes while the water still rushed past me.

"Piper, are you sure?" Luca asked. "If you don't want to, I'll go again."

"No." I cut him off. "I'm sure. I'm just nervous." With my eyes still closed and my arms in front of my body, I heard the shower door open. Luca stepped into the shower stall and I felt him come and stand behind me.

"Piper, you're shaking all over." He said softly. He gently took hold of me and wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled closer to his bare upper body.

"Is there anything?" Luca asked again.

"I'm just unsure. It's the first time a boy has seen me like this and I find it scary." I replied. I laid my head against his chest and listened to my heartbeat.

"It's understandable that you're nervous. don't you think I'm a little nervous too?" I shrugged and tried to get my breathing back under control.

"I'm super nervous!" He said again. He detached himself from the embrace and looked at me in my eyes. "Piper, you're beautiful. Inside and out. If you don't want me to look at your body, I won't." I felt myself slowly relaxing. Luca always knows how to calm me down.

"Tell you what." Said Luca. "I'll close my eyes and give you a chance to look at me. Without you feeling uncomfortable because of my staring, okay? Then you can get used to my body a bit." Luca took a step back and held his hands in front of his eyes. I laughed at his sudden action. I looked at Luca's divine body. His perfectly sculpted jawline, his broad shoulders, his abs and yes.... I even looked further down. Luca opened his bright blue eyes again.

"And?" He asked. "What did you think?" I giggled sheepishly.

"It was okay." I laughed.

'All right? I think you mean perfect!"

"Yes oops, my mistake. Mister Perfect." He wrapped his arms around me again and kissed me on my forehead.

"Do you want to... uh... w-want to watch too?" I asked stuttering. I closed my eyes and took a breath. When I wanted to take a step back, he stopped me.

"It's not necessary. I already know you're beautiful, so I'll only look when you're ready.

"I think I'm ready, so I'll give you permission." I took a step back, but continued to hold his hands. Luca looked at me from head to toe, but I didn't feel uncomfortable. In fact, it felt very natural. He looked at me again in minus eyes and I smiled at him.

"You are so beautiful." He sighed. "Too bad about the paint, we'll just wash it off." Luca grabbed a flannel from the shower rack and put some showergel on it.

"Do you want to do it yourself or can I?" He asked.

"You can do it, if you want. " Luca nodded and started to school my face. Carefully and very gently he cleaned my face. Slowly he washed my neck and the rest of my body. A few shivers shot through me because it felt nice, but I kept strong. I looked at his facial expression which was very focused and it looked so cute. A smile appeared on my face.

"What is it?" He asked surprised. "Did I do something wrong?" I shook my head laughing.

"You look cute when you concentrate on something."

"Don't you mean super masculine?" I laughed at him super hard.

"Nope cute."

"Manly." He pulled me towards him.


"Can I please kiss you?"

"That you seriously need to ask that yet." Luca pushed me gently against the shower wall and his lips moved against mine. my hands went through his wet hair and his hands were on my hips.

"Piper! I need to shower too! Hurry up!" I heard Jason call from the corridor. Luca and I ignored him and just kept going. His tongue explored my mouth and my hands caressed his back.

"Piper!" Shouted Jason.

"Jason, fuck off!" Shouted Luca back irritated. I looked at Luca in shock. He didn't seem to notice.

"Luca! What are you doing in the shower! Piper! You get out now!"

"That wasn't very smart of me." Luca whispered to me.

"Not really no." I laughed. "Jason! We'll get there in no time! We just need to shampoo our hair!"

"Luca! I swear! If you touch her with a finger!" We shut Jason out of our thoughts and shampooed our hair and maybe shared a few more kisses.


We all put on our pyjamas and sat in the empty, newly painted living room. Jasper and Max had bought sleeping bags so that we could at least get through the night. Jason was still a bit pissed off at Luca about the whole shower thing. He wanted to lie down between us, but Adam talked him out of it. Thank you, Adam.

"Let's move the sleeping bags upstairs. The living room smells too much like paint. Jason suggested. We went and lay down in Luca's room, which hadn't been painted yet. Then suddenly the doorbell rang.

"I'll go." Suggested Jason. Jason left the room to open the door. We walked after him to spy on him from the stairs.

"Hello sir." We heard someone say.

"Oh good evening. You have come yet?" Said Jason in surprise. I looked out the window and saw the moving van.

"Yes, we had problems with the van. We've never had anything this weird happen before." Said the moving man.

"What happened?" Asked Jason.

"Well you see. We were driving on the highway. We weren't doing anything wrong and suddenly we were followed by a car. At first we thought it was the police, so we took it very easy, but then they shot at our tyres. We had to put the car on the hard shoulder."

"There was shooting at the moving van?" Said Jason in disbelief. My mouth fell open. That was so intense.

"Yes, and a little later when we drove into town here, we thought we saw the same car again, but it was very dark so we're not sure."

"Did they follow you all the way here?" Asked Jason who looked out from behind the man.

"Oh no they didn't. Don't be afraid." Said the man. "They drove in a different direction just before this residential area, but I must say we were very startled."

"Yes, I understand that sir." Said Jason politely. He looked at us with a concerned expression. I knew immediately what he was thinking. He now knows where we live. 


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