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"Piper, sleepyhead. Get up." I tried to ignore the annoying sound by throwing my blankets over my head.

"Piper, today is the day." I lifted my pillow and held it over my ears. In an instant my blanket and pillow were pulled off me. A cold gust of wind gave goosebumps on my bare legs.

"Lyla." I said sleepy. "I'm tired, let me sleep." Lyla ignored me and placed Felicia on my stomach. Felicia started to crawl and tugged at my pajama shirt with her hands. Well, Luca's pajama shirt. I opened my eyes and looked at Felicia.

"Are you nervous?" Lyla asked. I nodded and held Felicia tightly.

"Yes, very much. Would Luca mind if we just secretly marry the two of us? It's less stressful." Lyla pulled out dress and went to the door of my closet.

"Come on, Piper. Of course you're nervous, but that's part of it. Once you see Luca, everything will be fine. Has he tried to contact you yet?"

"Yeah, he called me, but Jason had pulled his phone out of his hands and hung up." I laughed. Luca and the boys went camping for a week. It was kind of a bachelor camping trip. Jason didn't want Luca and I to see each other again before he said yes, and it didn't make me any more nervous. What have we been up to there? I mean, if a female stripper came along, would Luca respond as politely as I do? Ella had arranged for a male stripper who, of course, immediately gave me a lap dance. It was really weird, but I didn't do anything stupid. But would Luca do the same? Why am I suddenly starting to doubt him now?

"Is everything alright?" Lyla asked when she saw my face. I nodded convincingly and got up from my bed.

"Okay, the hair and make-up artist is coming soon. So get yourself a dressing gown or something. And Ella, Eva and Peyton are coming in an hour with their dresses." I went to the wardrobe and took out my special lingerie. As quickly as possible I put everything on so that no one could see it. I put on my dressing gown and went downstairs, where the living room had been transformed into a beauty salon. I took an apple from the fruit bowl as Lyla walked towards the artist.

"Piper, this is Penelope. She's going to do your hair and makeup." I just swallowed a piece of apple that got stuck in my throat. I coughed and spluttered until the apple was soft enough to go down on its own.

"Nervous?" laughed Eve. I nodded sheepishly and sat down on the chair. Penelope combed my hair and got out her curling iron. We had already agreed on a haircut in her salon, so luckily I didn't have to think about that. I stared at my long hair, which was gently twisted around the pliers. It was very calming because the time flew by. After an hour my bridesmaids came in with their dresses in a plastic garment bag. They spoke all kinds of sweet little words then, but the nerves increased like time.

"Another hour and a half, Piper, and then you're getting married." Ella said enthusiastically. My hair was now perfectly styled and I looked at the mirror. Suddenly I felt very nauseous. I ran to the toilet and fell to my knees.

"It's the nerves, poor child." I heard Eva say from the room, but I knew better. I hung over the toilet for a while, until I knew there was nothing more to come. The girls joked that I was lucky that I didn't have any makeup on yet. because otherwise it could be done all over again. I sat back on the chair without saying anything and Penelope started on my make-up. I relaxed under the tickle of the kvass, which gently brushed my face. luckily the nerves stayed away for a while. How nervous can a person be? When Penelope was done, I looked in the mirror. I saw myself, but still not. She was much more beautiful. I had never felt so beautiful and special.

"Now it's time for the dress, and the last things." Peyton said guiding me upstairs. When I got to my room and took my dress out of the bag, the doorbell rang. Surprised, Lyla went downstairs and opened the front door.

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