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"Ah fuck, Piper!" Luca yells out. He grabs his balls with his hands, which I just kicked. I put my hands over my mouth. What have I done? Luca slumps to the ground and painful moans continue to come out of his mouth. The boys, who were still in the living room, are now running into my room.

"Piper, what have you done?!" Jason asks concerned. Jasper and Adam bend over Luca and try to get some words out of him.

"I...he didn't go...then." I stammer. I feel really awful. Luca is still going through the pain I caused.

"Let's put him on a bed." Suggests Adam. Adam lifts Luca by his armpits and Jasper grabs his legs. They walk to my bed together.

"Yeah! Put him on his own bed!" I yell, but the boys are already putting him down. That too! Luca seems to calm down a bit and closes his eyes. Jason got an ice pack and Adam quickly prepared some food. Luca eats something and then lies down again.

"Piper, stay with Luca for a moment. I have an appointment with an insurance company about the kitchen." Jason walks out of the room, grabs his coat and leaves. I look at Luca. His black hair is tousled over his face. My purple duvet comes to his navel and the rest is bare. I carefully sit next to him on my bed. I brush his hair from his face and run my finger over his jawline, which has little stubble on it.

"Mm...Piper..." Luca mumbles in his sleep. Cautiously I pull my hand away. Hopefully he doesn't wake up. I don't feel like his whining. I turn my back to him and grab my cell phone from my nightstand. I see I have some missed calls and a message from Ella.

"Hey kiddo!"

I just heard a siren, what about you?! Please send something back so I know you're still alive!"

-Ella 11:02

I quickly text back.

"Kiddo? Where does that come from? But I'm still alive. With emphasis on yet. I kicked Luca in the balls and he's going to kill me, I'm sure!

-Piper 12:34

"I'm not going to kill you." Luca says, reading behind my back.

"Wow dude! These messages are personal." I put my mobile back on the bedside table and push Luca back onto his back.

"Go to sleep. Jason will be right back and he can take care of you." I get up from my bed and sit in the big chair in the corner of the room.


'm sure I didn't. That's just not possible. I know it looked weird, but Piper was just as good. I wouldn't just screw up like that. I carefully sit up. I've been in bed all day now. A few hours ago Adam came by for dinner, but no one else has been there. Piper sits uncomfortably in the chair with her cellphone. She doesn't even want to look at me anymore.

"Guys?" Jason pokes his head through the doorway. "Good news, the kitchen is insured so we get money to buy a new one. Do you have the money to sort out the kitchen, or should I?" Piper looks up from her screen and shrugs.

"We will, but not today." I say. Piper looks at me with her big green eyes. Just before she wants to protest, I throw a pillow against her head.

"Good. Then I'll run off again." says Jason.

"What? So I have to keep babysitting longer?!" Piper yells angrily. Why does she hate me so much? I told you I didn't.

"Yes, I have an... appointment." Jason winks at both of us and leaves.

"So, that one also stayed a long time." I say. "I feel loved. My friends care about me so much." I place the back of my hand dramatically against my forehead and fall back onto Piper's bed again. Out of the corner of my eye I see Piper smiling. Maybe she's warming up again.

"Did you see that?" she asks. I shake my head. "He has an 'appointment'. I don't believe it at all. Let's go follow him! Can you walk again, princess?" she asks.

"No, carry me!"


Luca could just walk! He wasn't bothered at all, so now I raffled off a whole day of babysitting. with an emphasis on 'baby'. I get into my car and Luca takes a seat next to me. We assumed Jason couldn't be very far, so we stayed in town. We drove past his work and a number of cafes, but we didn't see his car anywhere. We were on our way home until Luca saw his car.

"A nightclub? What's he doing there?" I asked.

"No idea." Answer Luca. I drove to an empty parking lot and parked the car. We walked into the nightclub together.

"Do you see him somewhere?" Luca shook his head. We walked among the dancing crowd in search of Jason. After I lost Luca for the third time, I decided it was time to go.

"There!" Luca shouted over the music. He pointed to Jason sitting at the bar with a girl. She had dark blond hair that fell loosely over her shoulders. She wore a white blouse with a pencil skirt. She looks really neat and professional. Exactly Jason's type. Luca and I crept up to Jason and stood behind the girl. My eyes met Jason's and he looked at me in shock. The girl saw it too and turned around.

"Hey!" I cried cheerfully.

"Piper! Luca! What are you doing here!" Jason was obviously scared to death.

"Just dance. Still Piper!" Luca starts dancing very strangely and I couldn't contain my laughter for a moment. I extended my hand to the girl.

"I'm Piper. Jason's little sister." Jason tried to hide his face behind his hand. The girl smiled and took my hand.

"My name is Lyla. Lyla Jones." She turned back to Jason. "You have a nice sister, Jason."

"Okay, you have my permission. She can stay." I gave Jason a wink and he smiled back. "How did you meet."

Lyla started laughing and her cheeks turned slightly red. "Well, I got to the insurance office..." Jason began.

"And I'm doing an internship there now. I'm studying law, you see..." Lyla continued.

"Then I got a meeting with the consultant and Lyla joined them." said Jason.

"Jason was constantly joking and flirting."

"What? Jason! Flirting! No?" I said in disbelief. Luca couldn't imagine it either and burst out laughing.

"Okay, that's enough." said Jason. "Don't you have something better to do?" Luca understood the striking hint and pulled me away from the pair. Lyla waved again, then looked back at Jason.

"What are we going to do Luca?" I asked surprised. Luca said nothing and pulled me to the dance floor.

"Let's leave them alone for a while. I wouldn't like it if Jason kept attacking us."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Then I couldn't do this." Hungry, he pressed his lips against mine.

But how on earth could I have known someone had followed me?


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