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It was the evening before I was to start my training. The third evening without Luca. The education that I had enjoyed so much at first, didn't interest me anymore. I wanted Luca back. I lay on my bed when Jason came in.

"Hey Piper." He said softly. He came and lay down next to me and pulled me against him.

"We're going to the police again tonight, because they think they know where Luca is." Said Jason. I looked at him hopefully.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. Jason nodded and my mood got a little better. "I want to come too." Jason looked at me startled and shook his head.

"No, you stay here. I'll make sure you're not alone, but you stay here." He said firmly. I sat up abruptly and slowly became angry.

"Why not? You just go to the police, so I can go with you!" Said I pissed. Jason got up and walked to the door.

"You stay. End of discussion." And with those words he slammed the door behind him. I jump up from my bed and snuck behind him. I heard him talking to Adam and Jasper. They were talking about guns or something. Jason's car was already at the door. Whether they wanted it or not, I'm going with them to the police. I crawled into the boot from the back seat and lay down as far away from the window as possible. I don't think they can see me from here.


"I don't think I could." I said to Adam and Jasper. "I mean, I remember how to do it, but I'd never get it off my chest to do it." Adam nodded.

"I think you should just stay behind us, but you have to protect yourself. So here you have a gun. Use it wisely." I took the gun from Adam and put it away.

"Hopefully we won't have to shoot." I said as I felt fear bubbling up. Adam and Jasper looked at the floor in pain.

"I hope not either." Whispered Adam. Adam and Jasper walked to the car and I walked up the stairs.

"Piper!" I shouted "We're out for a bit now, but Lyla will be here soon to keep you company!" Piper didn't respond. She's probably mad at me, but there's no way I'm letting her go. She shouldn't get involved in such a dangerous mission. I walked to my car and got in.

"So. here we go." I sighed. I turned the key and the car started. I quickly drove out of the residential area, heading towards the industrial area, which was about fifteen minutes away.

I parked the car between the bushes, so it wouldn't be noticed. We got out and looked at the shed, where Luca would be. Adam and Jasper, who obviously had more experience in this kind of situation, immediately spotted a couple of entrances and exits. They also pointed to a number of cameras. We were discussing tactics when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked at the glowing screen. Lyla.

J: Lyla? What is going on?

L: Where was Piper when you left? She's not in the living room.

J: Have you tried her bedroom yet?

L: Yes, and her bathroom too.

J: Strange. Try calling her, maybe she slipped out and is now with her new friends.

L: I will. Oh and Jason?

J: Yes?

L: Please be careful.

J: I'll try.

L: I actually have something to tell you. I'm..."

And then the call was cut off. I looked and saw that my battery was dead. I cursed in my head and put my phone away again. I focused on the shed again, until I heard something in the distance.

"What is that?" I whispered. Adam and Jasper heard it now and looked around.

"It's like an alarm. Or a phone or something?" Adam said. We looked for a guard or someone whose phone had just gone off, but we didn't see anyone.

"It sounds close." I got up a bit from my crouching position and looked into the car. I saw a small light shining in the trunk. I opened the trunk and saw her lying there.

"Piper! God damn it!" I said a little louder. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Piper slipped out of the trunk and sat down next to us.

"I wanted to go to the police, but it looks like you had other plans." she whispered as she looked around bewildered. I hit myself in the head and took a deep breath.

"Send a message to Lyla that you're here and keep your mouth shut." Did I say a little too aggressively. Piper nodded sadly and sent a quick message.

"I think Piper should stay in the car." said Adam. "She's in danger right now." I was currently in two minds. Do I leave her by the car, where no one can protect her? Or am I taking her so I can protect her, but taking her to a place where she's more in danger?

"She's in danger everywhere right now, but I want to protect her. We won't leave anyone alone." I suggested.

"Welcome to the team, Piper." Jasper laughed softly.


Now it was finally time. After three days of barely eating and sleeping, I would finally escape. Mariëlla would come and look at my wound and simultaneously stun the guard. What a great woman! I heard a soft knock on the door and knew it was time. Mariëlla entered and went to the guard. She took a spray can in her hand and sprayed in the face of the frightened Italian, who immediately fell to the ground. She ran up to me and cut the ropes around my torso.

"Thank you, Mariella." I smiled at her. I got up from the chair and took the gun from the guard. "Let's go." I took Mariëlla's hand and pulled her out of the room. In the distance I heard an alarm go off, but I knew I could be faster. Mariëlla hobbled after me in her heels that were way too high. Not very practical if you want to escape, but yes. Women. I pulled her behind a large pile of wood and saw several guards march into the shed.

"Where is he." I heard someone say.

"I think he's already out." said the other. "Yes, where is someone!" All the guards went out and started firing at someone they thought was me. Me and Mariëlla crawled to the emergency exit on the other side of the shed. I opened the door and was finally outside.

"I hit him!" I heard Dylan, who was apparently also there, yell. "Let him rot there!" The alarm finally went off and the area became quiet again. Mariella inhaled and exhaled heavily.

"We're almost free, Mariëlla. Just a little while longer. I whispered to her. We stood with our backs against the shed and carefully moved aside. I looked around the corner and saw that the coast was clear. We walked a bit on until we came to a wooded area. I jumped into the bushes and Mariëlla followed me doubtfully.

"Thank you sir." She said. "I thank you." She crawled over to me and kissed me full on the mouth. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it, until something inside me said that I absolutely couldn't. I pushed Mariëlla back a little and nodded at her.

"Luca?" I looked to her and saw my friends sitting there. Piper looked at me painfully and her eyes were filled with tears. pussy.

"Piper, this isn't..." My eyes drifted to the boys next to her. I crawled over to the boys so I could get a better look.

"New." I whispered. The breath caught in my throat. I looked at Piper, who was now crying even louder. I wanted to hug her, but she wouldn't let me. I don't know if she cried for me or the other. I felt tears welling up in myself. First, because I was caught by my girlfriend, whom I love dearly. But worse. through my best friend's bleeding body.

"Jason." I whispered.


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