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"I want you to come home. Now!"


I was really mad at Jason. First he calls me to tell me to come home right away. Then he doesn't tell me what's going on. Now I'm alone on the couch, because Ella has already gone home and Luca is in the shower. Jason runs into the room and grabs his coat from the coat rack. I follow every move he makes. When he looks at me, I look at him with a deadly look.

"I'm going to tell you, Piper." he said as calmly as possible. He put on his coat and walked to the front door. "It wasn't really important. I was just worried."

"Yeah right." I snapped.


"Now go and have fun with Lyla and leave me alone here." Jason sighed deeply and shook his head. He opened the door,

I know I'm being childish, but I think I have a right to know what's going on. Phew, my life is so fuzzy right now. First I get a crazy ex who kidnaps me with his niece and then there's something nobody wants to say anything about. What if it's another creepy kidnapper? What then? I can't protect myself from something I don't know what it is!

I'm going to my room to let off some steam. There are several blank letters on my desk. I will be writing a number of letters to universities and high schools across the country. I'm not sure yet what I want to do later. Anyway, I'm writing a letter to the university here in town. They have a number of economics courses here that seem nice to me. I also write a number of letters to acting schools. I think it's really fun to act! I start to write and use the most intricate and beautiful words. Maybe that will pay off. At the third letter I start to get bored. I put my letters in my desk drawer and walk to Luca's room.

Cautiously I knock on the door. "Luca?" No sound. Then I'll go in myself. I open the door softly and poke my head through the doorway. No, nobody. I walk past his desk and look at the pictures in the picture frames. One by one I pick up the lists. The first photo is of all the boys together during a performance. The second picture shows Jason, Luca and me. This photo was taken during a movie night. I smiled broadly and had my arms around their shoulders. The third photo was of Luca with an older woman. I had no idea who she was.

"What are you doing?" I almost dropped the picture frame, but caught it clumsily.

"You scared me." Luca chuckled and walked over to me. His lower body was wrapped in a white towel.

"Um Luca?"


"Will you please put something on?"

"Am I distracting you?" I raised an eyebrow and Luca laughed again.

"Okay okay. Turn around." I quickly turned around. I heard Luca rummaging in his wardrobe.

"Hey Piper?" he then said.


"You are now in the same room as a naked man."

"Ah! Luca! Now I can't get the images out of my head!" Suddenly I felt his hands on my hips.

"I'm ready." He whispered in my ear. I turned and looked at him.

"Luca with 'please put on something' I meant clothes. Not just your boxers." He laughed deeply and placed my hands against his muscular stomach. I swallowed audibly and began to feel the lines on his stomach with my hands. All the while, his eyes remained focused on my face.

"Piper? What did you want to talk to me about?" he said with a grin.

I shook my head. "Nowhere." He tilted his head a little and lifted me up.

"Luca, put me down!" I screamed as I kicked my legs. He threw me flat on his bed.

"Calm down Piper. I'm just going to massage you. Take off your shirt." he commanded.

"I uh..."

"Can I help? He asked mischievously. God, what have I started. I quickly took off my shirt and lay on my stomach on his bed. Luca immediately sat on top of me and pushed my bra straps aside. Carefully he made kneading motions at my shoulders

"Fine?" I made an affirmative sound and Luca continued. His movements slowed down, but she had more power behind them. I closed my eyes and the corners of my mouth curled up. After a while I felt something soft on the back of my neck.

"Luca? What are you doing?" I asked softly.

"Sssh, enjoy." he quieted. His hands stroked the sides of my body. Again he placed soft kisses on the back of my neck. My breathing became heavier and something tickled in my stomach. Slowly Luca turned me around and continued with small kisses on my neck. I pressed him closer with my arms and I moaned when he found the tender spot. He sucked and bit the spot and I went all wild.

"Luca... I know I'm in love with you." I answered yesterday's question. He didn't need more and he pressed his lips to mine. Full of passion and lust our lips moved together. He asked for access with his tongue, but I decided not to give it just yet.

"Piper." He growled as he bit my lower lip softly. "Stop teasing." I smiled softly against his lips.

"But I like to tease you." In one movement he grabbed my arms and held them above my head. With fire and lust he attacked my lips again. He asked permission for the second time with his tongue, this time I gave it. Our tongues fought each other, but he won in the end. With his tongue he explored my mouth and with his hands he explored my body. His hands caught on the closure of my jeans.

"Luca." I protested.

"Sorry." he sighed. I pulled him closer to me again and our lips fused again.

"Luca, I... HOLY SHIT!" Adam yelled from the doorway. "IT BURNS, IT BURNS." He covered his eyes with his hands and I quickly covered my hall bare torso.

"Adam asshole." shouted Luca. "THIS IS THE SECOND DAMN TIME." Adam ran and Luca ran after him. I fell back on Luca's bed again and tried to catch my breath. In the distance I heard Luca and Adam chasing each other. Ugh, guys. I got up and walked back to the pictures.

"Just curious." I said with a wink. "Who is she." I go back to the picture of him with the older woman. He took the picture frame in his hand and stroked the glass.

"That's my grandmother. She is unfortunately no longer alive."

"Oh, sorry I didn't know that." He brushed some hair from my face and lifted my chin.

"It's not your fault. And she was already very old."

"Do you miss her?" Stupid question Piper!

"Yes, very much. She was the last family I had. If your brother doesn't count, then."

"Do you have a brother?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, I never mention him. He's a doctor somewhere in a village in Africa. No internet, no phone. I haven't spoken to him in years." he sighed. "Not that I wanted to."

"Why not? It's your brother."

"I was always compared to him. He was the talented doctor who was going to save countless lives. And I... I was the failure with the guitar.

I stood on tiptoe and pressed a kiss to his lips. "I think you're a very cute failure." He laughed sadly and I put my arms around him.

"If they didn't see how amazing you are, they're just blind."

"Thank you, Piper."

"No thanks. And I know how to cheer you up." I said as I pushed Luca back. "Now it's my turn to give you a massage."


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