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I walked out of the building and waited at the exit. Hopefully it wouldn't be extremely long before Luca came out again. I was really really cold. The cold wind brushed past me and goosebumps spread over my body. I lowered myself against the wall. I closed my arms around my legs and rested my head on my knees.

"Hey Piper." I heard someone say from the side. I looked up and saw Quinn standing. Her blond hair was in a loose bun on top of her head.

"Oh no." I said weak. I felt bad. I had just kissed Luca at the club and now I run into his 'ex'.

"Can I talk to you for a second." she asked softly. I nodded and stood up. We started walking at a slow pace.

"I didn't know you were into Luca." she started. "If I had known he had a girlfriend, I would never have done it with him." I shook my head weakly.

"We have nothing. We kissed once, but he doesn't care about me." "That sucks." Her eyes drifted to the street adjacent to the parking lot. A black van pulled into the parking lot.

"Ah, that's my elevator." She says. "Bye." she yells as she opens the van door. I wave and see the van slowly approaching. I turn and walk back to the exit of the club.

Suddenly I feel two strong arms hold me back. Someone puts their hand over my mouth and I start to struggle. I bit his hand and tried to kick his legs. The man threw me over his shoulder and yelled at the people on the bus.

"Crazy bitch!" he yells at me. He throws me in the back of the bus and gets in himself. I quickly crawled to the doors, but they were closed. I was lifted onto someone's lap and a blindfold was tied over my eyes. That was the last thing I saw before waking up in a chilly basement.

*End flashback*

"Calm down Piper. You're back with me and I'll never let you go." he whispered to me. I pressed closer to Luca. Oh how I missed this. I hid my face in his neck and sniffed his scent. He ran his hand through my hair and continued to soothe me until I stopped crying.

"Let's go." Jason said softly as he wiped some more tears from his cheeks. Luckily I was back with my big brother and his friends. I didn't know I would miss them so much.


When I got back to the apartment I immediately got into the shower. The dried mud washed off my body and for the first week I smelled fresh again. I quickly pulled on sweatpants and a warm sweater and put my hair in a loose bun. I walked out of my bathroom and threw my dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

"Hey little one." said Adam who was sitting on the couch. He opened his arms and I sat on his lap. I had only seen Adam, Jasper and Max for a moment after I was dragged out of the car. Adam hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"I brought pizza." he said with a grin on his face. "I thought you'd be hungry."

"Yeah!" I jumped up and ran to the kitchen, where my freaking ham-cheese pizza was already waiting. I quickly cut off several pieces and threw them on a large plate. Adam, who had followed me, quickly took a bite of my slice of pizza.

"Hey!" I shouted with a pouting lower lip. Adam looked at me defiantly and started smacking extremely hard.

"Ah ew, Adam. Now I'm not hungry anymore."

"But you have to eat, Piper." Luca said standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Wow, did you really think I wasn't going to eat?" Adam and I laughed, but Luca didn't think it was very funny. He sat down at the new kitchen table and waited for me to put a slice of pizza in my mouth. I leaned over to him and took a big bite of my pizza, which I ate right in front of his face.

"Piper! You have to smack." Adam shouted with a mouth full of pizza. Just as I was about to smack, Luca held my lips together with his hand.

"Don't! That's nasty, Piper."

"What happened to you? You look like Jason." I said when my mouth was finally empty.

"What do you mean?" Luca asked in surprise.

"You're suddenly a responsible adult. What happened?"

"What happened? What happened!" Luca became angry and rose fiercely from his chair. "The little princess here was suddenly kidnapped! It happened! We were all very worried about you Piper!"

"But princesses are there to be saved. In mean look at every fucking princess movie out there! I'm here again!" Do you think I liked being kidnapped?!"

"Ah fuck Piper! I would never forgive myself if something happened to you!" Luca stamped angrily out of the room. I looked at Adam who shrugged and shoved another slice of pizza into his mouth.

"Leave some for me too, will you?" I yelled to Adam while I followed Luca. I looked around the room and Jason pointed to Luca's bedroom door. Cautiously I knocked.

"Luca? Can I please come in?" I asked softly. The door opened softly and I walked in. Luca was only wearing his pajama bottoms and plopped down on his bed. I closed the door behind me and sat down next to him. I didn't know what to say and the silence that followed was anything but pleasant.

"Sorry." I started.

"No, I have to say sorry." Luca continued, sitting up straight. "I shouldn't have flown at you." I put my arms around them and he pulled me onto his lap.

"You smell nice."

"Haha thanks." I laughed.

"To peaches."

"I have peach shampoo."


"Yes, Luca..."

"I think I'm in love with you..."


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