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Three nights ago, some first-year students experienced the shock of their lives. After a fun-filled first day of introduction to the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, the students had gone into the woods for a scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt was meant to be a fun activity, but things changed when a shot was fired in the woods. The police claim that no one was hurt by the shot, but a girl was taken to hospital because of a nasty fall on her ankle. The police advise everyone in the area to stay calm, as the shot was probably from hunters. There is nothing to be afraid of.


It was the end of the introduction week. We were all sitting in the theatre hall of the academy. There were sleeping bags and pillows on the floor everywhere, which we had slept in for three nights now. The guidance thought it smarter to continue the introduction week somewhere else now that the woods were unsafe. The boys first wanted to take me home, but when it turned out that we were safe inside, I was allowed to finish the week anyway. Peyton was unfortunately not allowed by the doctor to be there, but we sent her photos and videos of the things we did. I opened the last video we sent her. Liam and I acted out a bit of Romeo and Juliet.

"Oh Liam, Liam, why are you Liam?" I cried dramatically. Liam held back his laughter and continued.

"But quietly, what light breaks through that window yonder? It's the east and Piper is the sun."

Laughing, I tapped out the video and put my mobile back in my pocket. With great difficulty I tried to zip up my bag. I don't know why, but that bag always seems fuller at the end of the week. Everyone was getting ready to go Liam and Eva had come together with the car, so they could drive off by themselves. I still had to wait for the boy.

"So then we'll pick up Peyton and we'll be with you tomorrow, okay?" Said Liam briefly summarisig our plans. I nodded and gave him a hug.

"Then we'll bring some good movies with us." Said Eva as she grabbed me.

"And food of course!" Called Liam who was already halfway into the car. I smiled and nodded.

"I'll take care of food too, but try to look out for Adam. Once he smells food, you won't get rid of him." Eva started the car and I waved after them. As soon as the car was out of sight, I felt two arms around my waist and a warm breath on my neck.

"Hey Luca." I laughed. I turned to him and gave him a kiss.

"How did you know it was me?" He laughed.

"Jason would never greet me like that, pervert. I pointed to my gym bag that was on the floor. Luca sighed deeply.

"My poor back." He whined. He trudged over to the bag and lifted it without effort.

"Kiss it?" I teased. In one movement he threw the bag into the car and walked towards me.

"Yes please." Said he in a deep voice. I pushed him teasingly against his shoulder and got into his car. He smilingly shook his head and got behind the wheel. I slumped down in the seat and put my head against the window.

"Are you tired?" Luca asked with his gaze fixed on the road. I made an affirmative sound. Luca took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. Softly he placed a kiss on my hand.

"I missed you." I whispered. A smile appeared on his face. For a moment he looked at me before looking at the road again.

"I missed you too. A lot." The drive was very short, too short to fall asleep. We drove up the driveway and I looked at the house. I knew the boys had worked hard on it and I was curious to see what everything looked like inside. Luca opened the door on my side and I carefully got out of the car. He took my bag and then my hand. Adam was already waiting for me in the doorway.

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