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Today I had my introduction week at the Academy. During this week, the boys would work on the house. They had chosen this particular week so that I would 'not get in the way'. As if I could do no good at all. Jason was happy about it, so I wouldn't distract Luca from his paintwork. I hoped that the house would be ready when I got back. Then I could jump in the pool! Or in the bubble bath.

I had packed my sports bag with all the clothes I would need. We went with all the first-year students to a campsite at the edge of the forest.The school was very demanding and picky, so there were only thirty new students in total. Luckily, I already knew Liam, so I didn't have to worry about being alone. I threw my bag into Luca's car, which would take me away today.

"Are you ready?" Add he.

"I think so." Answered I. "I think I have everything."

"Then we can go." I gave Jason and the other boys a big hug before getting into the car. I waved one last time and Luca drove off. The school wasn't very far from our new home, but there was no way I was getting that bag out of there otherwise. I got out and let Luca take my bag.

"Holy shit man! What's in here!" Luca put the bag down with a groan.

"Just the bare necessities." I said.

"How long are you going away for? A moon?" Said he sarcastically.

"No, because I could never do that to you. A whole month without me. I don't know if you would survive that." I replied. Luca chuckled and pushed me against his car.

"I don't think I would survive that. You're right again Piper." He kissed me briefly but passionately on my lips.

"Have fun. And call if there's anything." He said quickly. In the distance I saw Liam and another girl getting out of a car.

"I will. See you in a few days." I quickly pressed one last kiss on his cheek and, carrying my ultra heavy bag, walked towards Liam. He was busy talking to the girl next to him.

"Hey Liam." I said cheerfully. Liam turned around and smiled.

"Hey Piper. Oh, this is my sister Eva. She got accepted to the Academy too. She was in the very first audition process." Eva held out her hand to me and I took it.

"And how et is your new house." Asked Liam interestedly as we handed our bags over to the man who would be taking them to the campsite.

"Well good. the guys are going to work on it while I'm gone." I replied.

"Haha, when the cat's away..."

"Exactly!" We continued walking towards the rest of the group, who were crowding into the bus.

"Who's going to sit next to each other?" Asked Liam. We all just looked at each other vaguely, as no one wanted to sit alone. After a while, I decided to sacrifice myself.

"I'll go alone. As long as I'm sitting close to you guys!" Liam and Eva nodded and I walked behind them into the bus.

"Oh, Piper. We can sit here, you'll just be on the other side of the aisle. I walked on and saw that there were indeed three empty seats, kind of sitting together. I sat down next to the girl who had taken the other seat.

"Hello." Said I cheerfully. The girl looked at me and replied softly. She had dark red hair, and green eyes. I thought she looked beautiful. Or is that a strange thing to say? She looked out of the window again. So much for our brief conversation...

On the bus journey, Liam handed out all sorts of food. I don't know what he had in his handbag, but I know I won't be able to button my trousers tomorrow.

"Come on, Piper!" Shouted Liam as he conjured his second chocolate bar from his bag. "Eat! Otherwise you'll get sick!"

"I've seen enough chocolate already!" I laughed. I tapped the girl next to me. "Uhm girl, do you want some?" The girl looked at me but shook her head. I held out my hand to her.

"I'm Piper Williams by the way." She took my hand.

"Peyton Huisman." I tossed the chocolate bar back to Liam and started a conversation with Peyton.

"So Peyton, tell me something about yourself." I began.

"Uhm, I'm Peyton and I'm 20 years old. I like movies, and...that's about it."

"Well Peyton, if you want you can sleep in the tent with us tonight. We have one spot left." Peyton gratefully agreed. For a long time there was silence in the bus. The bus bumped gently over the road and I felt my eyelids getting heavier.

When I woke up, it was already dusk outside. Most of the pupils were still asleep. It's so much fun to watch then, who is sleeping with their mouths open. I took my mobile out of my jacket pocket and took a photo of Liam hanging halfway down the aisle.

"We're almost there!" Shouted the attendant through the microphone of the bus. "If you guys would just put your coats on, we can start setting up the tents right away." Liam was startled and almost fell out of his chair. I laughed at him of course, because that's what friends do in this situation. When the bus stopped, we all got off. In a field by a small log cabin were all our suitcases and a few bags of tent stuff inside. I quickly searched for my bag and took a four-person tent to my group.

"Shall we lie down at the edge of the forest?" Liam suggested.

"No!" I immediately shouted. "We're going to lie down as far away as possible!" I ran to the cabin and threw the tent bag down on the grass in front of the cabin. Everyone else started setting up the tents, but we couldn't do it.

"That stick has to go in there! Shouted Liam.

"No, it doesn't, dude!" Eva shouted. Peyton and I stood and watched the two of them argue.

"Shall we help them?" I asked her. She chuckled and together we walked towards Liam and Eva. Peyton, who had set up tents before, took the lead and I did as she said. Within ten minutes, we had a stable tent up. When we looked around, there were only a few tents left. Attendants were trying to calm down a group of screaming girls who had seen an insect. Don't get me wrong, I would scream too if there was a spider in my tent, but that group was acting like the world had ended. They waved their hands and jumped from one leg to the other.

"Drama queen." Sang Liam. I tapped him on the shoulder laughing and then crawled into the tent. We had rolled out our sleeping bags and spread them across the tent. The tent was quite big, but with our monster bags it seemed a lot smaller.

"This is going to be fun tonight." Said Liam who was already lying in his sleeping bag. "Cold, but cosy. Outside, we heard some companions calling and I went to investigate.

"Come on guys!" Shouted one. "We've organised something for you." We crawled out of the tent and zipped it up.

"We have organised a scavenger hunt. You are going with your group into the forest and are going to look for questions hanging on trees. Answer all the questions on this piece of paper and then come back as soon as you can." Everyone sounded excited except me. Looking for questions, in a dark forest, where creepy pedos can hang around. No, thank you very much.

"Come on, Piper, that's fun anyway." Said Eva enthusiastically.

"Yes." I squealed. Eva and Peyton fetched a torch and the answer sheet and we were allowed to leave immediately. I pulled Liam towards me and held him tightly. Peyton and Eva walked ahead and Liam and I walked behind. With every sound we heard, Liam and I flew into the air. Stupid forest. Thank goodness it wasn't a ghost tour, because that's even worse.

"Okay guys. Here's the first question." Said Eva. "Which actor won an award for both bad actor and worst actress." I looked at the group vaguely."

"Okay, I really have no idea." I admitted honestly.

"Then we'll leave that question open. Let's go, we can't stand here all night." Said Liam fearfully. We walked a little further until we heard a shot."

"What was that!" Said I panned out. 


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