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The voice echoed in my ear. It sounded familiar and it could only be one person. Immediately he hung up again. The beeping went on endlessly.

"Is everything alright?" asked Adam, averting his gaze from Peyton. I remained silent and my hands began to shake. Luca was with him. Adam flew up as my mobile hit the floor. He held my upper arms with his hands.

"Piper?!" He lifted me up and set me down on the couch.

"What's going on?" asked Liam worriedly.

"No idea." Adam walked back to where I dropped my mobile. "She called Luca." All this time I had been holding my breath and slowly I felt my head turn red.

"Piper, stay calm." Said Peyton softly. Adam put an arm around me and I tried to breathe as calmly as possible. When I finally calmed down a bit, I decided to answer.

"He has Luca." I said absently. The group looked at each other vaguely.

"Who has Luca, dear?" Asked Liam.

"My dad."


I looked at my 'guard', who had manoeuvred himself into the chair in front of me. He ran a hand through his blonde hair and looked bored at his phone. All I could do was look for ways to relax, which I had already tried and failed at, or irritate the guard. So I decided to do the latter.

"You probably didn't expect this when your boss asked if you wanted to do a task." I grinned. "Guarding your worst nightmare." He looked up from his phone and looked at me darkly.

"One day he'll ask me if I can do something important, just wait. And how come you think you're my worst nightmare?" I looked away from him.

"I just know that." He turned off his mobile and came to stand in front of me.

"You think you can intimidate me, Black." He spat. "As you can see, you're tied up and I'm mush to go wherever I want." He walked around my chair and kicked me from behind. I fell forward, chair and all.

"As you can see, Blake, I hold a high rank here and I will not be intimidated by you." My face was flattened against the cold metal floor.

"I think I'll leave you like this for a while." He sat back in his chair and took his mobile in his hands.

"And now to send a picture to Piper. No, wait. Wouldn't a little blood make it better?" With all his might he kicked my head. A loud moan escaped from my mouth and I felt a warm stream of blood trickling down my cheek.

"And sent." He laughed. I moved my head slightly so I could look him straight in the eye.

"I hate you, Dylan." His name sounded like poison in my mouth.

"Shouldn't have picked on my girlfriend, asshole."


"But are you sure Luca is with him? Maybe he lost his phone and Dad found it?" Jason had been trying to say reassuring things to me all day, but to no avail. This was the dumbest theory of all. My phone vibrated on the coffee table, but I paid no attention. Jason had come straight home this afternoon when he heard the news. Lyla was supposed to take over, Peyton, Liam and Eva left with no answers that afternoon.

"Piper, in a situation like this it's important to keep an eye on your phone. Maybe it's Luca?" I immediately jumped off the couch.

"Dylan." I whispered in surprise. Jason and Adam immediately turned their attention to me. I opened the message and saw the photo he sent. Luca lay bleeding on the floor, tied to a chair. It felt like someone kicked me super hard in the stomach. All the air left my body and I gasped desperately. Jason pulled my phone out of my hand and wrapped his arms around me. He looked at the photo and a worried look appeared on his face.

"Calm down, Piper." He nuzzled my hair as I started hyperventilating. He stroked my hair and gently rocked me up and down.

"We'll get him back. It'll be all right." said Jason.

"We have to call the police." I sobbed. Jason and Adam looked at each other.

"Yes, of course. You go to bed and we'll handle this with the... police." I nodded and walked to my bedroom defeated. Immediately I drew the curtains and clicked on the light next to my bed. With my clothes still on, I lay down under my covers. I pulled my pillow close to me and tried to hold myself up, something at which I was failing so clearly.


Deep down I sensed that Jason was working on a plan. He would get me out of here. Luckily I was sitting up straight again, after I felt like I had been lying on the floor for a few hours. The wound on my head burned terribly. I kept a close eye on the guard. One guard was a lot nicer than the other. And then you had Dylan. Little bastard. I knew I was going to escape, best to do that with the frightened little Italian who was patrolling around 2am.

the silence was the worst. The ticking of the clock on the wall was slowly driving me crazy. Suddenly the door opened and a beautiful girl entered the room. She had a small briefcase in her hand.

"Mariëlle helps wound Mr. Black." she stammered in a weird accent. The guard nods at her and she started cleaning my wound. the liquid she used burned worse than the ignition.

"Sorry pain." She said.

"You can't help that, Mariella." I laughed. Mariella reminded me a bit of Piper. She was nervous and insecure, and of course very beautiful. Marielle smiled back kindly. I watched her closely as she ran her tissue over my wound.

"Say, Mariella." I started. "I think you could help me with something." Mariella looked at me in surprise. She leaned closer to me and I whispered something in her ear. She looked anxiously at the guard.

"Do you understand?" I asked her. She nodded cautiously.


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