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"I'll do it." Says Luca suddenly. I look at him in surprise. "You?"


"Yes, why not? I can handle it." I see that Jason is hesitating. Not so strange. I would also find it strange if he offered himself to my sister, if I had one.

"You know what..." He starts. "Do it. Make her forget that selfish oversexed horrible bastard!"

"And kill!" Yells Adam after it. Jason grabs his empty pizza box and throws it at Adam. We all look at each other in shock, but then all burst out laughing. "Psycho!"

"So when do you start?" Asks Jasper.

"At her birthday party this Friday. We just have to make sure that that Dylan guy doesn't come." The boys nod. "Probably he doesn't even know it's her birthday."

*Friday (at school)*


"Hey Piper!" Calls Ella. She pulls me into a hug. Ella and I have been best friends since kindergarten. "My little girl is turning 18!" She says as she squeezes my cheeks. I burst out laughing and start getting corny. "Oh shit. Keep walking and don't look to your right." Pigheaded as I am, I look anyway. The school bitch Grace is flirting with Dylan. Luckily, she doesn't do anything. He just looks. When I walk past he salutes me. I smile back, but am startled by the look on Grace' face. She really is super scary. Ella pulls me by the arm and takes me outside.

"What time can I come tonight?" She asks.

"Come whenever you want. I need clothing advice." She raises her thumb and then runs after her sister.

"Hey bae." I hear Dylan say.

"Hey." He wraps his arms around me from behind.

"Fancy the party?" I ask him shyly.

"Yeah uhm, about the party. I can't. I'm going to... help my dad with... the car engine." I raise my eyebrows.

"You don't seem convinced of your own story." I say. He runs his hand through his blond hair.

"Yes. I promised, so..."

"Piper!" I turn around and see Adam waving. "I'm getting out of here. Can you come Saturday?" He nods.

"Probably." I give him a quick kiss on the mouth and walk over to Adam.

"You're lucky little one, now you don't have to cycle that distance."

"Thanks Adam."

*Friday night (the party)*

"Okay, you MUST put on that dark blue dress. It's really made for you." Quickly I put on the dress and wait for Ella's confirmation. "Beautiful! Shall I do your make-up?" I nod and sit down on my stool. After a while I look in the mirror again. It looks quite nice.

"So-so." I hear from the doorway.

"Hey Jason, what do you think?" I ask him as I spin around.

"You're beautiful. But yeah, you look like me so that explains a lot." He puts his arms around me. "Congratulations princess. Or can't I call you that anymore? After all, you're almost an adult now. I look at him cheerfully.

"So no more little one?" I ask excitedly.

"Nah..." I give him a shove against his shoulder.

"That's what I thought." I sigh.

"See you in a bit... Little one." I quickly grab a pillow and throw it at him, but just in time he shuts the door.

"Ugh. Big brothers." Ella laughs.

"I'll quickly do something nice with your hair and then we'll go downstairs. The first guests will be here soon."


We have been waiting for Piper for at least half an hour now. Almost all the guests have arrived and the party is in full swing. Luckily I don't see that idiot anywhere. He's probably in bed with someone else by now. Suddenly all the people start cheering. Piper and her friend run down the stairs. Piper looks really beautiful. A lopsided grin appears on my face. This is going to be so easy.


Jason gives a short opening speech and then the party starts. Ella pulls me down the stairs and we walk through the crowd to the dance floor. Some people pass by bringing us drinks and we quickly throw them down. I look at the clock. Half past midnight. Half an hour to go and then it really will be my birthday. Now and then, boys come and dance with us. I feel quite guilty towards Dylan, but yes. He should have come himself.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen. I hear the DJ call. "A slow song for our couples." I look at Ella and very dramatically in slow motion we walk towards each other. If you can't dance with your boyfriend, then it's certainly as much fun to dance with your best friend. We start laughing really loudly and then 'fake' a 'perfect' ballroom dance. After a while, I feel someone tap my shoulder.

"Can I borrow her for a moment?" I hear someone ask Ella. She nods, makes a short bow and then disappears among the shuffling people. Luca takes my hand and kisses it. He pulls me towards him and I can't help laughing.

"And... Are you having a good time?" He whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, it's really great." I whisper back. Through the swaying movements and the slow music, I feel my eyes getting heavy.

"Are you tired already?" I hear Luca laugh. I lay my head on his shoulder and yawn for a moment. "That's a yes" I am woken up by people who are counting down very hard.

"5..4..3..2..1! Congratulations Piper!" I look at the clock and see that it is now midnight. Some people are patting me on the shoulder and others are congratulating me in the normal way. Ella flies around my neck and quickly gives two kisses on my cheek. My brother also comes running to me. He gives me a kiss on my forehead and whispers in my ear that he will give me his present later on. I feel two strong arms around my waist, which turn me around.

"Our dance is not over yet." Says Luca with a wink.

"Haha, that's true."

*Four hours later*

It is now about four o'clock in the morning and I am exhausted. The boys quickly tidy up a few things and I lie, quite charmingly, on the sofa.

"I think I'll go to my room." I say to the boys.

"Nighty-night little one!" Calls out Adam. The other boys mumble something as well, but my head is all over the place. I walk into my room and close the door. I look at my bed, which looks too tempting. "Just a little longer." I think to myself. I walk to the small bathroom adjoining my room and brush my teeth. I try to pull down the zip of my dress, but it doesn't seem to work. I jump and wriggle in all sorts of awkward positions and manage to pull the zip down. The dress falls down and I leave it there. I walk back to my room in my underwear and search the wardrobe for my pyjamas. They are not in the top drawer. Strange. I'll just have to look in the bottomone. I feel the alcohol rising to my head and I lose my balance. I fall with a thud onto the soft carpet and am now in the perfect position to look for my pyjamas. I pull open the drawer and look for my pyjamas. The only thing I could find is my Iron Man nightshirt. Good enough. I push the drawer closed again and try to get up. Strangely, it goes very quickly and without any effort, but then I find that I am being lifted up.

"Dylan?" I whisper. "Guess again." I hear someone whisper softly in my ear as two very familiar arms hold me up around my waist.



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