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"We are proud, happy and delighted with the birth of Felicia Sarah Williams.

Born on 24 December 2015 at 20:09.

2828 grams and 49 cm.

Daughter of Jason Williams and Lyla Jones.

Godchild of Piper Williams and Luca Black."


Everyone was exhausted after yesterday's hard day. Lyla and Felicia, my little niece, were fortunately allowed to go home immediately. Jason officially had to stay for a few more weeks, but he has discharged himself from hospital. There is now a bed in the living room so Jason doesn't have to go upstairs every time.

It was Christmas Day and I was lying with Jason in his living room bed. He was fast asleep, as was the little girl in the cot next to him. I pulled the blanket over Jason a little more and snuggled closer to him. It was nice to have him close to me again. I felt myself slowly sinking into a deep sleep, but Felicia kept me awake. She started to cry softly. Jason shot up in his bed, almost making me fall out. He just held me.

"It's my turn!" Shouted Luca from the kitchen. Jason lay back and pulled me a bit more to the middle of the bed.

"Sorry," he whispered.

"It's no big deal, this bed is also way too small for the two of us." I laughed. With a smile I looked at Luca who was cradling Felicia in his arms. Every now and then he would pull a silly face which made Felicia make funny noises.

"Come." Said Luca. "Let's go see Aunt Piper." I sat up and leaned against the headboard. Luca put Felicia in my arms and I stroked her little head.

"Bye little girl." I whispered with a smile. I held my hand out to her and she eagerly grabbed my little finger. "Luca, give her a hat." I commanded.

"And yes. The lady sees her niece as a dress-up doll," Luca said, taking the hat from the cradle.

"Someone has to dress her up warm, right?" Felicia let go of my little finger and I carefully put the beanie on her head. "So, that's nice huh?" I said in a childish tone to Felicia. Jason chuckled wearily.

"Is this whole fashion thing starting already?" He laughed.

"Just you wait and see. In a few years, she'll come begging to me because she wants to borrow clothes for a date."

"NO!" Shouted Luca and Jason simultaneously.

"No dates until she's 25." Said Luca.

"Make that 30!" Continued Jason. Lyla came into the living room and shook her head.

"My little princess can date whoever she wants." She laughed as she gently lifted the baby out of my arms. "I'll just give her some food and then I'll put her in her cot upstairs." Lyla and Felicia left the living room, leaving us behind.

"Pff." Said Jason. "If that boy takes a step in my house, I'll tell him something."

"Boys, boys, boys." I sighed. "You should hear yourselves. Don't date until you're thirty. Look at you, 23-year-old dad." I got up from the bed and put the covers back on. "I'm going to help Adam with Christmas dinner." I hopped happily into the kitchen, where Adam was busy. The sweat was on his head. "How are you?" I asked him.

"Terrible." He replied. I looked at him in surprise.

"How bad?"

"I have no idea what I'm doing! That cookbook woman is staring at me! It's making me nervous!" I bent down and looked into the pans. The meat was half burnt and the vegetables were still frozen.

"This is not good, the kitchen might go up in flames again! Adam turned the hob to the lowest setting and threw the towel, which was wrapped around his shoulder, onto the table.

"I'm going to order a pizza." I sighed. I patted him on the back.

"Pizza and Christmas. Good combination." I laughed. I left the ordering of the pizzas to Adam and walked out of the kitchen again.

"I heard Adam's Christmas dinner is off." Grinned Luca.

"Nope, he's going to order pizza." A wave of relief swept through the room.

"Thank goodness." Sigh Luca. Soon everyone came to sit in the living room and we waited together for the pizza. The decision to start unwrapping presents was quickly made. One by one we were allowed to pick something out of the pile. Lyla got baby stuff. Adam mainly got restaurant vouchers and Jasper and Max got tickets to some sort of Formula 1 race. Now it was my turn.

"I'm curious." I said nervously. I knew I didn't have a present from Jason, but do you think it's crazy? I didn't mind at all. Lyla gave me tickets to a new play I wanted to see, Adam gave me homemade vouchers for 'non-romantic dates to the pizza place' and Jasper and Max gave me a subscription to Netflix. I thanked everyone and picked up the last present.

'For Piper, from Luca.'  It said.

"I hope you like it." He laughed nervously. I pulled the gift paper off the box and crumpled it into a wad. I opened the black box and inside was a beautiful necklace with small diamonds.

"Luca." I said breathlessly. Luca took the necklace out of the box and gestured for me to sit on his lap. I held my hair up and Luca put the cold chain around my neck.

"Wow, Piper." Sigh Lyla. "That one is really nice!" I felt Luca place another kiss on my neck, and then he lowered my hair again. Luca put his arms around me and tried to hold me on his lap.

"No, no sir. It's time for your present." I detached myself from his grasp and ran to the Christmas tree. I took my present for Luca from under it and gave it to him.

"An envelope?" He said curiously. He tore off the top and took out something.

"Piper, what's this?"

"Airline tickets." I replied. Luca's eyes got big.

"What?" he said in surprise.

"Airline tickets to South Africa. I thought it would be nice to visit your brother during the holidays." Luca's facial expression changed from surprised, to sad to happy. It was very special. He put his arms around me and pressed a kiss on my head.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I gently pressed my lips to his. Everyone had unwrapped their presents now and Felicia started crying through the baby monitor.

"I think I'll get some sleep." I said softly as I stretched myself out.

"I'll come with you." Sighing Luca said. Lyla also went upstairs to soothe Felicia and Adam, Jasper and Max still stayed with Jason. I walked into my bedroom and left the door still ajar. I heard Luca coming out of the shared bathroom and I watched from my room. He caught my eye and gave me a wink. He looked surprised when I beckoned him to me.

"Hey beautiful. Thanks again for the present." He smiled.

"No problem, but that wasn't all." I laughed sexily. He looked at me vaguely.

"What?" I looked down the hallway but saw no one. quickly I pulled Luca into my room and closed the door behind him.

"Piper? What are you going to do?" I walked forward and Luca walked backwards at the same time. His legs hit my legs and he fell backwards. I crawled over him and passionately pressed my lips to his.

"I think I'm ready."


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