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"I think I'm in love with you."

I looked up and stared into Luca's blue eyes. Completely speechless, I sat on his lap. We looked at each other for minutes. Luca, my brother's friend, the boy who would never commit, the big tough guy, had feelings for me.

"Piper?" he asked softly. "Are you going to respond?" He gently ran his hand over my cheek. His eyes drifted to my lips. His hands ran through my hair and cautiously he came closer. He placed small soft kisses on my jawline. I closed my eyes and let it happen. His every kiss sent a pleasant shiver through my body.

"Piper." He whispered sultryly in my ear. I swallowed audibly and trembled a little.

"Luca, I...

"Yo Piper!" cried Adam, who throws open the door with great force.

"Ah Adam, motherfucker!" cried Luca angrily. He threw his arms in the air and fell backwards on his bed. I was still on top of him.

"What?" I said as I jumped off his lap.

"There's someone for you." I turned and started to walk out of the room, but Luca grabbed my wrist.

"Stay." His voice was soft and fragile and he looked at me pleadingly.

"Oh Luca, I do want to cuddle with you." Adam shouted cheerfully. He jumped on top of the bed and tackled Luca over. I heard Luca curse softly as I walked out of the room. I saw Ella, my best friend, talking to Jason.

"Piper!" she cried as she flew around my neck.


"God damn it Adam." I cursed as I threw Adam off me. Adam started laughing and rolled off my bed. "Seriously dude, if you ever get a girlfriend, I'm going to annoy you so much." Adam wipes some fake tears and sat on my desk.

"If me and the fridge ever get married, you're not invited." he chuckled. I quickly took my pillow off my bed and threw it at Adam.

"Au dude. Was that really necessary?"

"Yes." I nagged.

"So how are you and Piper?" Adam asked as he threw the pillow back.

"Seriously man? It went so well! I was just telling her what I was feeling. And when she wanted to respond, you came in!"

Adam raised his hands in defense. "Ah sorry dude. It wasn't my fault, by the way, but Ella's."

"Yes, yes. It's all right." I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair.




Ella and I decided to go shopping. After Jason's long praise. "You have to be home before dark! Bring your phone! I want an hourly update!" We left the building and cycled to the center. We sat down on the terrace and both ordered an ice tea.

"What are you thinking of?" Ella asked when the waitress pressed us down on the table.

"Oh nothing." Luca, Luca, Luca.

"Yeah right." Ella sipped her ice tea and looked at me. "Tell me!"

"Uhm okay. Luca said he thought you were in love with me." Ella let out a happy scream and all the people on the terrace looked at us. I quickly put my hand over her mouth and she calmed down a bit.

"And what did you say then?" she asked enthusiastically.

"Nothing, because Adam came to get me because you were there." Ella dropped her head on the table and sighed deeply.

"Sorry. That wasn't my intention. You really need to get together now."

The hours flew by and we had bought a lot of new clothes. Ella forced me to go into a lingerie store, but I stubbornly stood outside. Our conversations were about the kidnapping and Quinn. Soon there will be a lawsuit, which Jason and Lyla will settle together. I just want to get rid of Dylan and Quinn as soon as possible. Now having walked for several hours, Ella and I were exhausted. We walked into a small restaurant and ordered our dinner. In the meantime I sent some messages to Jason and some pictures.

"Sir, can you take a picture of us." Ella asked one of the waiters in the restaurant. Ella handed her phone to the man and walked over to me. She put her arm around me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Okay, let's laugh." said the man.

"Thank you." I shouted after him. He nodded and walked away again.

"Aah, that one turned out really nice." said Ella. "I just sent it to him." I looked at the photo and forwarded it to Jason. We ate our dinner and ordered dessert.

"Okay." Ella started. "Don't look right away, but that man behind you is really creepy." I wanted to turn around, but Ella stopped me. "No, dude! That stands out! Wait a minute." I waited for her signal and looked back carefully. There was a tall man a few tables behind me. He had a menu in front of his face and every now and then he looked over it. Looks like he's stalking someone.

"Maybe it's a spy." I joked.

"No, not really. Spies are handsome and always wear a tight suit." Ella continued.

"Haha, only in your dreams Ella." Only in your dreams.


I was sitting at the kitchen table, preparing for the trial. Luca was sitting in the room on the couch. He constantly stared at the front door, hoping Piper would be back soon. Adam was eating, what a shock, and Jasper and Max were at some concert. My phone vibrated and I took it out of my jacket pocket.

A new message from: Piper.

'Hey brother,

Here's a picture of me and Ella. Don't worry. We're still alive. Can you tell Luca I want to talk when I get home? Xxx Piper.

-Piper 18:34

I opened the photo and saw a big smile on my little sister's face. Her friend lay with her head on Piper's shoulder and everything looked good.

"Luca!" I shouted.


"Piper says she wants to talk to you when she gets home. Should I be worried?" I heard Luca laughing in the background.

"No, it is not!" Good. I looked at the photo again and wanted to push it away, but... I looked closer at the photo and zoomed in. That man in the background looks so familiar to me. I zoom in further on his face, which protruded just above the menu. That brown hair and green eyes hidden behind glasses. Oh no? I tried to shake some bad thoughts out of my head and quickly called Piper's number. The phone rang twice and then I heard my sister's voice.

"Jason? Why are you calling?"

"I want you to come home. Now!"


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