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"Piper? Is that you?" Asks Ella, my best friend, in surprise. I stand at her doorstep with my backpack.

"Come in quickly." She says as she takes a step aside. I walk past her and wipe my feet on the doormat. We walk straight to her bedroom and plop down on the bed.

"Tell..." She begins. I explain the whole story to her. I tell her about Dylan, who I caught with that blonde witch. About Luca, who is constantly flirting with me and about the whole drama that took place in my living room this morning.

"Well done." Says Ella. "Dylan really is the biggest asshole around."

"Just say it, and I'll be rid of it." I say with my gaze fixed on the carpet.


"I told you?"

"No way am I going to say that. You need a hug!" She pulls me towards her and gives me a big hug.

"I...choke." I cough. Immediately she lets go.

"Sorry." Says she sheepishly " So.... What's that thing with Luca? Do you like him?" She suddenly asks.

"Hah... pff... no." I say far too quickly. Ella makes a disapproving noise and shakes her head, then she looks at me with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Liar!" She yells as she holds out her finger at me.

"ELLA KATHARINA FRANCESCA OWEN!" Shouts her father from the corridor. "THERE ARE PEOPLE HERE TRYING TO SLEEP." Ella slaps her hands in front of her mouth and gets a red colour on her cheeks.

"Sorry dad!" She looks at me and I can't hold back my laughter. Together, we spit it out and fall backwards onto the bed.

"I have to confess, I had never thought about you and Luca before. As a couple you know..." I grab her pillow and smash it against her head. "Ouch, Piper." She whispers. "You're going to wake up Dad again."

"It all started very innocently. First he wanted to dance with me at my party, but then it got more and more intense. More and more often he would come into my room and walk up to me sexy and seduce me. And then we kiss for a while..." I say. Ella lets out a soft squeal.

"That is so cute!" She says. She gives me a light push against my shoulder.

"But I just can't go on with him."

"Why not?" Asks Ella in surprise.

"He's my brother's best friend! And he's a player! He told me so himself. He doesn't believe in love, only lust." I reply.


"You don't want someone like that as your boyfriend!"

"Do you love him?" She asks suddenly.

"Love is a big word. I do like him, I think."

"Do you want to make babies with him?"

"OH MY GOD Ella!" I shout out. I press her pillow on her head.

"Sorry, sorry." She mumbles from under her pillow. I remove the pillow from her face again.

"Can you act normal?" I ask her in a childish way.

"Yes, mum."

Ella and I continue talking about Luca for a while. The conversation is mostly about his muscles and his kissing skills. I've decided for myself, that I'm going to tell Luca how I feel about him. Maybe I can convince him that love isn't just about lust.

The next day I wake up in Ella's bed. Alone. I throw off the covers and slide to the edge of the bed. Just when I want to get out, I see that Ella has fallen out of bed. Carefully, I lie down next to her.

"Ella..." I whisper softly. She makes a soft sleepy sound.

"Ella!" I shout in her ear.

"AAH! Idiot!" She screams back with her hands pressed against her ears. "What am I doing on the ground?"

"You shouldn't ask me that." I laugh.

"Well, I'm going to take a shower. See you in a bit." She says. While Ella stumbles to the bathroom, I turn on my phone.

54 missed calls and 81 new messages. Holy shit.

I scroll through the list of missed calls and see that Jason has called 15 times, Adam 14 times and Luca 21 times. I don't call them back. I'm going home anyway. I do open some messages quickly.

Dear Piper,

Please answer your phone! I am worried sick8 Where are you?

-Jason 12:30

Piper please! Pick up that stupid phone! I didn't mean to. Piper...

-Luca 15:15


I've got pizza! Come quickly, otherwise I'll eat it all myself!

-Adam 17:35

(Seriously Adam)

Piper I miss you!

-Luca 23:26


-Luca 23:46

Hope you're not dead! Please send something back!

-Luca 23:52

Piper, come back!

-Luca 23:57

Wow, this is really bad. I quickly walk to the bathroom door.

"Yo Ella, I'm getting out of here. The boys are worried."

"Is good, Piper! See you soon!"

I quickly put my phone in my backpack and sprint out of the house. Luckily, Ella's house isn't that far away from the flat. When I run into the old building, I find out that the lift is broken. I quickly run up the stairs, but my condition is too poor. Completely exhausted, I reach the top. I press the bell five times in a row, hoping someone is already awake. The door opens with a wave and I see my brother Jason standing there with a tearful face.

"Piper?" He stammers. Before he can say anything, I fly into his arms. He responds immediately and wraps his arms around me. "Don't ever do this to me again, Piper. Says Jason through his tears. "I thought you were dead, or kidnapped by some dirty guy. We already called the police, but apparently we had to wait a day before we could report you missing. Losers!" Jason lifts me up and gives me a kiss on my forehead Behind him are Adam, Jasper and Max.

"Hey Adam, where's my pizza?" I ask sarcastically. Fortunately, the boys can still laugh a bit and after I apologise, everything is fine again.

"Where's Luca?" I ask.

"I heard him come in around 4." Says Jasper. "I think he's still sleeping." Just then, Luca walks into the room. He has a huge hangover and immediately plops down on the couch.

"Hey Sleepyhead!" Rope I a little too cheerfully. He turns around and I shyly wave at him. He comes running towards me and swings me around.

"I missed you." Mutters he into my hair. And just at that moment, a moment when I was very happy for a moment, of course, something goes wrong again. A blonde with wild hair comes running out of Luca's bedroom in his dressing gown.

"Good morning!" She shouts cheerfully.


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