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A light shot, shot through my body when I felt Luca's lips on mine. He immediately wrapped his arms around my body and lifted me up a little. My body was now resting completely on Luca. I gently pulled his hair and a low growl escaped from his mouth. This made him press me even closer to him. His tongue asked for access, but I decided to play my own game and kept my lips firmly together.

"Piper." Growled he irritably. A lopsided grin appeared on my face.

"Piper, open up." He muttered as he pressed his lips even harder against mine. Knowing I would keep my mouth shut, his lips strayed to my neck. He made a pattern of soft kisses on my sensitive skin. Suddenly, I felt a pleasant shiver run through my body. My legs went limp and I grabbed Luca tighter. Luca noticed this and started sucking and nibbling on the same spot. I moved my head back so that he could reach my neck better and my mouth opened in pure pleasure. Luca saw this and forced his tongue into my open mouth. His hands wandered to...

"Okay guys, that's enough!" Jason pulled me and Luca apart. I straightened my clothes and Luca tried to tame his hair.

"Jason, you cockblock." Said Luca with and grin on his face. He was obviously trying to take the tension out of the air, but I knew Jason wouldn't stop there.

"Come Jason then we'll go back." Said Lyla. "We'd better leave them alone. Piper is mature enough to decide for herself who she hangs out with." I nodded to Jason and gave Lyla an encouraging smile.

"I want to have a word with Luca. Piper you wait outside. Luca will take you home after this." Jason looked at me somewhat angrily. I knew Luca would get the brunt of it. I patted his shoulder in hope.

"Good luck Luca." Luca gave me a wink and turned to Jason. I walked out of the building and waited by the exit. Hopefully it wouldn't be extremely long before Luca came back out. I was really cold. I let myself sink against the wall on the ground. I wrapped my arms around my legs and rested my head on my knees.

"Hey Piper." I heard someone say from the side. I looked up.

"Oh hi."


"What is the meaning of this!" cried Jason indignantly.

"What?" asked I as I looked at him in surprise.

"What, what! You're staring at my sister, my little sister, in public licking her!"

"That's what you wanted anyway! You sent me after her!"

"Yes, to get her off Dylan. Mission accomplished. So stop it!"


"Why not!" I ran my hand through my hair and stared into the distance.

"You like her!" Shouted Jason." Stop it!"

"Why would I stop. I like it, she doesn't seem to mind much either!"

"You stop right there! You're a player, a womanizer. You only want to sleep with her! I don't feel like sending Adam after Piper to get rid of you!"

"Don't you hear how hypocritical that sounds! Piper decides who she wants to hang out with. She chose me, so SO BE IT!" Jason sighed deeply.

"I know. I just don't want you to hurt her." Concern could be heard in his voice.

"There's no way I'm going to hurt her, Jason."

"You have feelings for her huh? Real feelings? Not just sex?" Jason asked. I looked straight into Jason's eyes and nodded. Jason started jumping up and down girlishly.

"O-M-G, the big badboy Luca has feelings!" The scene looked so dramatic that I burst out laughing. I held Jason tightly so that he couldn't jump.

"Calm down. Your. Tits. Princess." Jason now shot into laughter as well and slapped me on the shoulder. Just when I wanted to turn around, Jason stopped me. He looked at me very seriously.

"Be careful with her. Otherwise, you'll have to deal with me." I said goodbye to Jason and Lyla and walked out. Piper wasn't at the exit, so I assumed she was already waiting at the car. Humming softly, I walked to the car park. I grabbed the car keys from my pocket and tossed them from one hand to the other.

"Piper, I'm back." I said when I got to the car. "Piper, woohoo!" I looked around, but saw no one in the parking lot. In the distance, at the exit of the building, I saw a number of kissing couples and a drunken girl who was kept out by security. But no sign of Piper anywhere. I walked back inside, looking for Jason. When I found Jason and Lyla, his tongue was deep in Lyla's mouth.

"Hey tigers." I said as Jason and Lyla flew away in shame. "Have you seen Piper?" Jason looked at me wide-eyed, then looked at the dancing crowd.

"No. She was outside. I saw her go out ten minutes ago." Jason said panicked. Lyla had also seen her walk out, so there was little chance that she was indeed still inside. I walked to the bar and to the toilets.

After an extensive search, looking under every toilet door, I still hadn't found a trace of Piper.

"Maybe she's already walked home." Lyla suggested. it was all I had left, so I drove through the streets looking for Piper. Lyla and Jason followed me. after a few minutes we came back to the apartment.

"Hey Adam. Is Piper back yet?" I shouted from the living room. Adam came out of his bedroom with bed hair.

"Hey huh." he asked surprised. I threw my car keys on the floor in frustration.


"Did they run away again?" asked Adam.

"It looks like that." I answered.

"What have you got there, man?" I asked him. Jason was holding a letter that had previously been on the doormat. His eyes scanned the paper at lightning speed. I walked over to him and read it over his shoulder.

Things often don't go as planned.

Somehow it hurts, but you have to keep going.

Fortunately, I can easily get over it.

"I am very good at revenge plans.

Now you will have to do as I say.

Otherwise you will not see her again.


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