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"Uhm, good morning." I say as I gently push Luca away from me. The blonde yawns and stretches. I look at the boys around me and they all look surprised, even Luca.

"Well Luca, it looks like you had a wild night." Says Jasper smiling. I quickly take a pass step to the side so that I am now closer to Jason. The blonde walks up to Luca and kisses him full on the mouth. Shocked, I flinch against Jason's chest. He stands protectively in front of me and looks at the two of them with a disapproving look.

"Who are you?" Jason asks. The girl frees herself and Luca and introduces herself.

"I'm Quinn." She holds out her hand, but no one responds. Luca touches his lips with his fingers and looks shocked. I don't know what he's thinking right now, but he's chosen to do this himself.

"Uh hello Quinn. What are you doing here?" Asks Max. Quinn zips up her dressing gown tighter and wraps her arms around herself.

"Luca invited me. She looks hopefully at Luca, but Luca looks thoughtfully at the floor. "You know what? Never mind!" She storms into the bedroom and comes back with a bag. She slaps the dressing gown, which she had on first, against Luca's chest. "Bastard, how can you! After everything you've said to me." And with those words she left the flat. There was an uncomfortable silence in the air and I did my best not to burst into tears. Luca is an asshole! He didn't just break my heart, he broke Quinn's as well. Even though I don't know her and she got my crush in bed, I'm sure she would have experienced last night differently than Luca. I should have known. He would never go for a normal relationship.

"So... Are we going to eat?" Adam asks to break the stile. For a moment my sadness and anger disappears, and a small smile appears on my face. No one comes between Adam and his food.


I will go further down in the car seat. My collar is up and the black sunglasses hide the rest of my identity. I just received a text message and am now standing in front of the entrance to the building.

'Phase one complete. You should have seen their faces!'

-Quinn 10:04

I peek through the window and see Quinn coming through the main entrance. She jumps into the car with me and fastens her seatbelt. Immediately I step on the gas and we drive off. On the way she tells me what happened. Now everyone thinks that Luca slept with Quinn, which of course he didn't. The guy was so drunk that he could be made to believe anything. Quinn had just laid down next to him, nothing else had happened. But Piper never needs to know that. She doesn't need to know anything. One day I will get my revenge. Piper, I will kill you!


I watch with fascination as Adam dances to prepare fried eggs.

"Watch out, Piper! One, two, three!" He throws his egg through the air and gets ready to catch it again. "Ah fuck!" The egg lands half in the pan and the other half splashes on the cooker.

"Adam, dude! Not again!" Yells Jason from behind his newspaper. This was the third time already this morning that Adam had let breakfast go to waste. The egg catches fire and the smell of fire from the cooker spreads through the kitchen. Before we know it, the fire alarm goes off.

"No, no, no!" Yells Jason. I get up and close all the windows. The boys run through the flat looking for something to stop the fire. Nobody seemed to be able to find anything and the fire was getting bigger. Luckily we could hear the firemen's sirens in the distance.


"Sorry sir. An accident while cooking." Jason was having a conversation with the fire service about fire safety and shit like that. Adam felt extremely guilty and sat on the couch with his head in his hands. The damage was not that great. We just need to get a new cooker and a new chair. Fortunately, the fire had not gone beyond the wooden chair, otherwise we would have had even more problems.

"Are you alright?" Asks one of the firemen. I turn around expecting to see a man at eye level, but I look straight into his muscular chest. Damn you, uniform!

"UHm, yeah. Just startled." I stammer. The fireman nods understandingly and gives me a smile.

"I hear that a lot. It's a feeling of panic that runs through your body. Some people freeze and only take action when the house is almost burnt down. My advice for now is to just sit quietly. That helps." The fireman puts his hands on my shoulder and I look into his green eyes.

"Yes, I'll make sure she does." Says Luca who suddenly intervenes. "After all, that's the job of a boyfriend, isn't it." He laughs for a moment and before I can object, he puts his hand over my mouth and pulls me along to the sofa. The firemen left and I licked at Luca's hand.

"Yawn, Piper!"

"Boyfriend? What the fuck, Luca! What's that supposed to mean!" Luca wipes his hand on his pyjama trousers.

"Be happy, Piper. That guy was undressing you with his eyes. Didn't you see that? I think I made sure he left you alone." Ugh, I could punch him right now.

"Who says I wanted to! He was nice looking and concerned!" Angry, I get up from the couch and walk to my room. I grab a set of new clothes and walk to the shower. When I am in the shower I let the warm jets flow over my body. For a moment I forget all the problems I have at the moment. Luca and Quinn. The new kitchen. My feelings for Luca, which I am not going to share with anyone anymore. I get out of the shower and put on my clothes. The boys are still in the living room.

"Piper, can I talk to you for a minute?" Luca asks. Just before I wanted to answer 'no', he pulls me into his room. The room where 'it' happened.

"Sit down." Says he as he points to 'the' bed. I shake my head and stand uncomfortably in the doorway.

"Well, okay then." He begins. "What's going on?" I look at him angrily. What's going on? Seriously Luca.

"Nothing, can I go now?" I say uninterested.

"No. Just tell me what's going on!"

"Oh! Uhm. Just a minute to think! Maybe the fact that you did 'that one' here with that blonde slut!"

"I didn't do 'the thing' with her." He says suddenly much softer.

"OH no! Stupid me! You've been playing nice monopoly, of course! Conversation over. Bye Luca!" I storm out of his room and walk back to my room.

"Wait a minute! You don't believe me!" You shout after me. I completely ignore him and of course that was the last straw for him to storm into my room. "I told you we hadn't!"

"No Luca! Should I then just forget all the hints like the hair, the dressing gown, your unmade bed. Just admit it Luca." I run my hand through my hair and take a deep breath. Don't cry, Piper. He's not worth that. "Get out of my room!" I say when he just stands there dead still. "Want me to help?" Still he says nothing. He's probably making up some excuse. I push him backwards towards the door.

"Oh Piper. You're not half strong enough yet to get me out of that door." He then says.

"Get out, I don't like people playing with other people's feelings."

"Wait a minute... Do you have feelings for me?" He looks at me with a lopsided grin. Still trying to push him away.

"Get out! And I was talking about Quinn!" I lie as I blow a strand of hair out of my face.

"Yeah, right!" He gently strokes the hanging tuft of hair behind my ear. I look up, straight into his eyes. And then I do something I shouldn't have done. 


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