chapter 3 {get to know you}

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A few days later

You were working at the coffee shop, it was an okay job, your boss was horrible but Kayla was nice. You were tired though, you would work every day directly after school and still the amount of money you made would never be enough to pay for school. "Can i help you?" you asked a man who looked down. He met your eyes "miss y/l/n" professor Stan said smiling at you "I didn't know you worked here" he said. "A few days now" you said getting shy again "can i take your order". "1 black coffee and a chocolate chip cookie please" he said. You started making his coffee and grabbed the cookie for him. "$5 please" you said. He got a $5 bill and handed it to you, you grabbed the money slightly touching his fingers, making you blush. You quickly shook it off and handed him his things. "Have a nice day" you said to him. "You too" he said smiling back. He sat down at a table, shit why did he had to do that why couldn't he just leave. You made an order for another man. You could see Professor Stan look at you in the corner of your eye, making you nervous, causing you to spill the coffee all over yourself. "y/n!" your boss shouted at you. "I'm so sorry, i wasn't paying attention" you said looking down. "Yeah i can see that, pack your stuff you're done for today" she shouted at you. You got rid of the apron you were wearing which was now stained with coffee. "I'm so sorry sir" you hear your boss say to the man. You packed your stuff said bye to Kayla who looked at you with a sorry look in her eyes and you left.

You exhaled as you stepped outside. "I'm starting to think you like spilling drinks on yourself" you hear professor Stan say as he walked out of the shop too. You just looked at him and said nothing. "Are you okay, your boss was way out of line to talk to you like that" he said now a worried look on his face. "Yeah she's not the best boss in the world" you say back as you started walking back to campus and he followed you. "So why are you staying there then, get another job" he said simply. "This job pays well, and i really need the money" you said to him. "What do you need the money for so badly?" he asked. "To pay for school" you said he looked at you with sorry eyes "can't your parents help out with that? The pressure is already so high for you guys" he said. "No, they can't" you said shortly feeling a little hurt by his command, if he only knew.

"I was wondering" he began changing the subject "where are you from?" You looked up at him. "What?" you asked in shock. "I mean your English is really good but there is a slight accent which i can't quite place" he said. You looked down "great it's that obvious" you said under your breath. "Did i say something wrong?" he asked worried. "No, no it's just" you said not finishing your sentence. "It's just what?" he asked curious. "It's just, people make fun of me for my accent" you had no idea why you told him that, i guess somehow you felt like he understood. "Is that why you haven't spoken up in class for days?" he asked you already putting the pieces together. You nodded your head. "Hey" he said looking at you, stopping in his tracks and grabbing your shoulders to make you listen to him. "There is nothing wrong with having an accent okay" he said you looked in his eyes and you could see a glimmer of hurt in them, like he's gone thru the same thing as you. "Don't let anyone make fun of your beautiful accent okay?" he said looking into your eyes. You felt your cheeks heat up, he liked your accent. "y/n? You understand" he said. "Yes i understand" you said a little unsure. He let go of your shoulders and you walked back to campus in silence for a minute or 2 until you said "the Netherlands, I'm from the Netherlands". "Really?" he said surprised "I'm from Romania". You looked up at him surprised. "Me and my mom moved to New York when i was 12 "he told you. "People made fun of my accent a lot in school too, especially the first few years when i was still learning English. But i learned soon enough it's what made me special. I mean you're always going to have the bullies who would make fun of it. But it reminds me where I'm from it's a part of me that I'm proud of" he said looking at you. you smiled at him, it was nice to know you weren't the only one going through something like this and that is was probably gonna work out fine, because it did for him. "Thank you" you said to him as you walked onto campus. "No problem" he said smiling before you walked away from him to your dorm.

As you walked in one half of the room was empty, Emma left. You sighed, maybe this was for the best at least now you had your room for yourself. You looked at your phone and saw a text from Kayla.

Hey are you okay, she shouldn't have yelled at you like that

Yeah i'm fine

Good, saw you leaving with that good looking guy. Is he your boyfriend?

You laughed at the text you wished

no he's my professor

What! Wish i had a professor as hot as that one, i think i transfer to your school then

Well my old roommate left, so you could share the dorm with me

You smiled, Kayla was so nice to you, you actually wished she wasn't joking and could transfer here but you know she wasn't serious.


The next day you felt better and talked a bit in the classes. The last class of today was history and you kinda felt weird about it after your talk with Professor Stan yesterday. "hello class" he began "so i asked you to look up some myths or legends, i want to hear what you guys found" his eyes met yours and you nodded slightly to tell him it was okay if he asked you to tell about it. "Miss y/l/n, what did you find" he asked you. You sighted, were you really gonna do this because there was no turning back if you did. "Well in the Netherlands, where i'm from" you started "we have a myth called the Flying Dutchman. It's a ghost ship that is a bad omen for sailors. It is said that if you see the Flying Dutchman bad things will happen to you or your crew. Many sailor claim they actually saw the ship". You saw professor Stan smile at you when you finished. "Well that is a very interesting myth, thank you for sharing miss y/l/n" he said. You felt proud of yourself for telling it, you just hoped you wouldn't regret it. 

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