chapter 12 {morning kisses}

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You slowly opened your eyes, you were confused, this was not your room. You looked around the room, it didn't look familiar. You sit up in the bed and see you are wearing a big oversized shirt, which wasn't yours. It's then that you realized you were still at Sebastian's place. You must have fallen asleep while you watching the movie together. You get up out of bed and open the door, seeing Sebastian in his kitchen making breakfast. "Morning sunshine" he says smiling as he sees you. "Good morning" you say as you walk up to him. Sebastian embraces you and places a soft kiss on your fore head. "Did you sleep well?" he asked you. You nodded yes. "Sorry, couldn't wake you up, you looked to cute" he said, which made you smile. "i made breakfast" he said as he turned his attention back to the food he was making. "Smells good" you said sitting down at his kitchen island, watching him cook, it was so sexy. You were just watching him and every time your eyes would meet a smile spread across his face.

"Here you go" he said as he put the plate in front of you before he sat down next to you. You ate your breakfast, it was so good. "I'm sorry about yesterday by the way, i should have asked if it was okay with you" he said looking over at you. "Oh no it's okay, it just moved a bit fast for me" you said smiling at him "it's just" you said doubting if you should tell him. "It's just what?" he asked now curious. "It's just, i never had a relationship before and i guessed it just overwhelmed me a little" you said blushing, feeling stupid for not being as experienced as him. "That's okay, we'll take it slow, just tell me when i'm moving too fast okay?" he said as he grabbed your hand. You nodded at him, happy he was so sweet to you. His eyes stayed on you eyeing you up and down, making you blush even more. "You're so pretty, you should keep the shirt" he said smiling at you "hope you don't mind, i just thought your dress wasn't comfortable for you to sleep in" he said as your eyes met his, you got a bit nervous, you never really liked your body. "It was dark tho, so i didn't see anything" he said as he saw you were looking down. "It's okay, that's sweet of you" you say, realizing how sweet it was for him to do that.

"So do you have plans for today?" he asked you. "Ugh yeah have to make my homework" you told him and you see a sad look in his eyes. "You know, you could just give me a good grade, then i can stay a little longer" you said as you saw a wicked grin spread across his face. "That's a great idea" he said as he stood up and kissed you. You really like kissing him, at first it felt a bit awkward but now it was the best feeling in the world. He grabbed your face, standing in between your legs to deepen the kiss. "I really like you y/n" he said as he let go of you. "I really like you to Sebastian" you said smiling at him. His finger brushed slightly over your lips before he kissed you again, your hands played with his hair, earning a groan from him. Your tongues were fighting for dominance, And of course he won. After a while you pulled away "i really need to get started with my homework" you say to him, hating you had to leave. "Just don't make your homework" he said as he pulled you in for yet another kiss. "I can't do that, I think my professor wouldn't like it if i didn't make my homework" you said grinning at him. "Guess that professor would find the perfect punishment for a naughty girl" he said teasingly as he kissed your neck. Damn this was hot, you thought as the words had left his mouth. You really would like to see what would happen if you really didn't make your homework, how he would punish you. The thought alone made you wet and the thought and his lips kissing your neck made you moan. You feel Sebastian smile against your skin, proud of himself to make you react this way. "Okay i really have to go now" you say as you slowly push him away. "Okay" he said sighing. You changed back into your dress and grabbed your stuff. "See you tomorrow" you say before you plant a soft kiss on his lips. Clearly Sebastian wasn't ready to let you leave yet because he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him to deepen the kiss. As he let go he said "come by my office tomorrow before class okay?". "okay" you said smiling at him before you really left the building, taking one look behind you to the smiling man behind you, you really, really started to fall for this man, but you had to be careful no one could ever find out about the 2 of you.

When you got back to your dorm you got started on your homework, half way through your phone rang. "Hey Kayla" you said as you picked up. "So how was it?" she said enthusiastically. "It was really nice" you say blushing as you think about him. "So did you 2, you know?" she asked. "No we didn't Kayla" you said in a bit of a sad tone. "What? Didn't he want to?" she asked confused to your reaction. "No i think he wanted to, but i just couldn't, and i feel so stupid for it Kayla" you tell your friend. "Hey, you shouldn't do anything you're not comfortable with, some people just need more time before they're ready" she said in a motherly tone. "But what if he can't wait that long, i really like him Kayla" you tell her. "If he likes you too he wouldn't leave you because you don't want sex yet y/n" she says. "I hope you're right" you reply. "I'm always right" she says jokingly. "Yeah sure" you laugh. "So what are you doing now, shall we take a walk thru the park, you can catch me up on everything" Kayla says. "Ugh no, i still have homework to make, he wouldn't let me leave this morning" you say hating that you still had this much work. "You slept at his place!" Kayla yelled over the phone. "yeah, i wasn't planning on it but i fell asleep while we were watching a movie and he said he didn't want to wake me up" you told your best friend. "Omg did you sleep in the same bed?" she asked. "No idea, he was already up at the time i woke up, so" you said only realizing now, that you may have slept in the same bed as him, without even noticing. "Oh wow, do you have plans tomorrow, we really need to catch up" Kayla said excitedly. "Yeah i have time tomorrow" you say smiling happy your friend was so happy for you. "Okay see you tomorrow then, good luck with your homework" Kayla said. "Thanks, see you tomorrow" you said before you hung up your phone.

You continued making your homework, it was way more than you expected, and you had to work till late in the night to get it all done.

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