chapter 29 {go}

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Your pov

You had to go to your class, surely you could walk alone for this one time. You walked outside and walked to school, it was just a 2 minute walk, that wouldn't hurt right. And you needed to go to school some way. As you walked you had this weird feeling like you were being watched. You turn around and look behind you and your hearts starts beating in your chest. "je kan je niet verstoppen voor mij [you can't hide form me]" your uncle said as he walked closer to you. "blijf alsjeblief bij mij uit de buurt [please stay away from me]" you said trying to sound as calm as possible. "waarom was je er niet [why weren't you waiting for me]" he said as he stepped closer to you and you stepped back. "ik moest weg [i needed to leave]" you said calmly, hoping it would calm his temper. "oh ja en daarom liet je mij maar achter om weg te rotten [so you decided to leave me to rot]" he spits out. "nee ik [no i]" you said moving away further from him. "je komt nu met mij mee [you're coming with me]" he said as he grabbed your arm tightly. You tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong. "Please" you said scared for your life. He smacked you hard in your face, and you see the rage build inside him. "ik blijf hier [i'm staying here]" you said ready to fight him if you had too. In the distance you hear a siren, and it was coming closer. You exhaled knowing the police was on their way. Unfortunately your uncle realized what was happening too and snapped. "hier ga je voor boeten [you're gonna pay for this]" he said angrily as he put his hand in his pocket, you saw the police driving towards you. You look at your uncle, fear in your eyes as you look at him gun in his hands and a second later everything turned black.

Sebastian's pov

You run outside seeing y/n lay on the ground. The cops already arrested her uncle. "The ambulance will be here any second now" one of the cops tells you. you walk closer to y/n. 2 cops are putting pressure on the wound in her stomach, tears start to well in your eyes as you see her there, blood streaming out of her. Seconds later an ambulance arrives loading her in. "sir are you family of hers" they ask you. "I'm the closes she has to family" you answer "Can i please come with her" you say as you dry your tears. They tell you that you can and you get in the ambulance sitting in the back while 2 people are taking care of her. Keeping pressure on the shot wound. "Is she's gonna make it?" you ask them, you felt so numb right now, like you were in a dream and this wasn't really happening. "We can't say sir, she lost a lot of blood" they say. You are just numb as you sit in the ambulance. Within 5 min. you arrive at the hospital. "We need to get her to the operation room as quickly as possible" one of the ambulance staff reports. You walk with them until a nurse stops you. "Sir you have to wait here" she says as they rush y/n further away from you. "Sir?" the nurse says as you didn't react. "Yes, okay" you say as you sit down. None of this felt real. At the same time all the beautiful memories with her play over and over in your head. Finally you let your tears out, as the situation you were in dawns in on you. weirdly enough the only thing you could think about is that you never told her you loved her, how was that the only thing you could think about.

The waiting made you sick, and more and more the realization started to sink in y/n might not survive this. You grab your phone and call the one person you need the most now. "Hey" the voice said. "Mom" you said crying "hey, sweetie what's wrong?" she asked you as she hears you crying. "y/n was shot, I'm in the hospital now, but..but it doesn't look good" you tell her. "Oh my, are you okay? Do i need to come to the hospital?" She asked you and you could clearly hear the panic in her voice. "No, no you don't need to come to the hospital, and i should probably call her friend, i, i just" you said not finishing your sentence as the doctor walked up to you. "Are you the man that came in with the girl that was shot?" he asked you "yes i am. Mom i need to go" you say in the phone as you hang up. "Is she okay?" you ask hopeful. "The operation was successful, so for now she's stable. We need to keep her here for if any complications are occurring. She is asleep right now, but if you want to you can go see her" the doctor said to you. Tears of relief flow over your cheeks "yes i would really like to see her" you said as you followed the doctor to her room.

As you walked inside your heart broke at how she looked. She was white as snow, she had different kinds of tubes attached to her body. You placed a soft kiss on her forehead before you sat down in a chair next to her bed. You placed your hand on hers and just started talking to her. "i told you, you shouldn't walk alone. Why were you so late" you said softly. "i overslept" you hear a soft voice answer. You look at her, her eyes slightly open as she adjusted them to the light. "I'm sorry" she said almost in a whisper. "You don't need to be sorry silly" you say as a tear streams down your cheek. She slowly lifted her hand up and wiped the tear away "I'm okay" she said, but her voice said otherwise. "I thought i lost you" you say in a whisper almost too scared to admit it. "I'm here" she said softly smiling. "God i fucking love you" you say as you kiss her hand softly. A wide smile spread across your face "I love you too" she said. Your eyes light up as the words leave her mouth. And you lean in to kiss her softly on her lips.

"Now you need to go" she said, her voice regaining some strength. "What?" you asked shocked. "You need to catch your flight" she said. You looked at her confused. "Your audition" she said like you were dumb. "No, I'm not going" you said to her. "Yes you are going, you need to. Now go" she said looking at you seriously. "No y/n i'm not leaving you alone, not right now" you say to her. "She's not alone" you hear someone say behind her. "Kayla" y/n said smiling at her friend. "You scared the shit out of me" Kayla said rushing over to y/n's side and hugging her softly. "I heard what happened are you okay?" she asked her worried. "Yes i'm okay now" y/n said. "I mean it" she said now looking at you "so go". "y/n I'm not going" you said, you needed to be with her right now, you didn't want to leave her. She grabbed your hand tightly and looked deep into your eyes. "You need to go, do it for me, please. I'm okay i promise" she said and you could see she really wanted you to go. "Okay i'll go but, if something happens here" you said also looking at her friend "you need to text me and i'll be on my flight back as soon as possible" you say. "Okay, now go" y/n said to you. "I love you" you said as you kissed her softly. "I love you too" she said back before you walked out her room, Kayla followed you. "I will call you if something goes wrong or if there are any complications" she says as you give her your number. "Thank you" you say to her. catching you by surprise Kayla hugged you "thank you for being so good to her" she said as you hug her back both probably still shocked at what happened to y/n. "take good care of her" you say to Kayla. "i will" she says back before you walk out of the hospital and leave for your audition. 

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