chapter 31 {complications}

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You woke up the next morning, seeing Kayla smile at you. "Hey" she says. "Hi" you say smiling back tiredly. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Still a bit tired, and if the painkillers are wearing off it hurts. But i'll manage" you say as you try to sit up straighter, but it's hard. Kayla helps you as she sees you don't have that much strength yet. "How are you?" you ask her. "Good, had some sleep and a shower, which was much needed" she said "have you heard from Sebastian?". "Yeah he called me yesterday, and his mom came by" you tell Kayla.

You were just talking when you felt the energy in your body drain rapidly and your heartrate monitor went crazy. Kayla looked at you with a worried look, and a second later she looks at you in panic. Doctors came rushing into your room, you had no idea what was happening, you felt more and more energy drain out of you. The only thing you remember is you screaming at Kayla to not tell him. Light flashes before your eyes and then everything went black.


You feel someone rub your hand calmly, you tried to open your eyes or to move your hand to let the person know you could hear them but you couldn't. You try your hardest to stay in the moment as you start to hear the sounds around you, mostly the heart rate monitor. But you hear another sound, was it crying, no not really but you could sense something was going on. "please wake up" you heard someone say, you couldn't place who it was and you started to freak out as your body didn't do what you wanted it to do. You wanted to wake up, to tell the person you were okay, but it was hard.

It took all your power to slightly move your finger hoping the person would notice. "y/n?" the person whispered and then you realized who it was. Fuck, Kayla did call him. You tried one last time to open your eyes. And you manage to open them a little. "Hey" Sebastian said lovingly. As you adjust to the light you look at him. His eyes red stained from crying. "h-hi" you say in a whisper, shit you sounded really weak and you felt weak too. Sebastian smiled at you weakly, like he couldn't believe you were awake.

Then someone walks up next to Sebastian. "Oh my god you are awake, we were so worried" Kayla said the same red stained eyes. "i-i told...y-you not to" you whisper finding it hard to have control over your body. "And i'm glad i did call him y/n" she said knowing what you were gonna say. "You almost died..again" she said as tears well up in her eyes again. "w-what h-ha-happened?" you ask. "You went into a hypovolemic shock " Sebastian said calmly. "Oh" you said softly, having no idea what that meant. Then a doctor came in. "miss y/l/n you are awake how are you feeling?" he asks you. "i -i feel a b-bit weak" you say honestly. "That's normal, you need a lot of rest right now. Anything else, do you have pain somewhere any other abnormalities?" he asked. You shook your head no, too tired from talking. "Okay" the doctor said as he did some little test to see how you were doing.

"everything looks alright" the doctor says. "I'm gonna ask your friends to leave now" the doctor said "you need to rest". You look a bit panicked, you were honestly scared. "n-no i- i d-don't be .. Alone" you tell the doctor. "Can i stay please?" Sebastian asked the doctor "i promise i'll let her rest" he says. "Alright" the doctor says sighing "one of you can stay" he says before he walks out of the room. Sebastian and Kayla share a look before Kayla picks up her stuff. "I'm not sorry i called him y/n, now please rest. And never fucking scare me like that ever again" she said, she still looked a bit worried. You smile softly at her "I'm o-okay" you say barely louder than a whisper.

As Kayla left the room you look at Sebastian. "how..did it..go" you ask him. "Good, but we'll talk about me later, you need to rest now" he says as he kisses the top of your head. You try to lift yourself up to create some space, so he could lay next to you but you didn't had enough strength to do so. Luckily Sebastian knew what you tried to do and lifted you up slowly, you hissed a little as you felt a stinging pain in your side, where the shot wound was. He laid you down and then laid down next to you. You rest your head against his chest, his calm heartbeat making you slowly fall asleep.


"Oh careful" Sebastian said helping you up the stairs to his apartment. You still hadn't really gained much strength but you were released from the hospital, you just needed to rest a lot before you could go to school and stuff. After Sebastian had opened his door to his apartment he lifted you up and put you down on the couch. "Hey, the doctor said i needed to walk myself, i need to exercise" you said to him. "Yeah i know, but i think you had enough for today" he said as he walked to the kitchen and grabbed you something to eat. "Thanks" you say as he handed it to you.

As you finished the food your phone rang. "Hello" you said picking up. "Miss y/l/n" i heard you were released from the hospital today, how are you feeling?" mister Brown asked you. "I'm feeling better" you say. "i hoped to call you earlier. but i think, that with what happened, we could make a strong case against your uncle. not only for shooting you but i think we have a really good shot at putting him on trial for the murder on your parents, if that's what you want" mister brown explained. "Oh i uhm" you said not sure about all of this. "You can think about it, i don't need an answer right away, but i think this could really make a strong case, and put him away for good" mister brown explained. "Yeah, okay. uhm can i call you back tomorrow, it's been a tiring few days" you say to him. "ofcourse take your time" mister brown said "get well soon". "Thank you, bye" you said as you hung up the phone.

Sebastian looked at you, having followed the whole conversation. "What do you think?" you ask him. "i mean, he could get put away for way longer than what he's probably gonna sentenced for right now. Even tho that shouldn't count, you could have been dead to. God it's times like this that i hate the fucking laws here" he says. You grab his hand as you see he's getting angry "it's going to be okay, he's gonna be put away for a long time" you say, and you see the look in his face change. "i just want him to pay for what he did" he said siting on the edge of the couch looking at you. "He is gonna pay" you say putting your hand on his cheek. "Thank you for everything" you say to him, he's been taking really good care of you the last days in the hospital. "i love you" he says before he kisses you deeply. 

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