chapter 37 {alone all over again}

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A few months later

You nervously fidget with your hands, you look around to see if Sebastian was here already but he wasn't. "Miss y/l/n, they wanna start" your lawyer said. "Can i have 5 more minutes please?" you say. "Alright" he said as he walked into the room. You saw them bring in your uncle who looked at you like he could kill you and a shivers runs over your spine. At that moment you get a text.

hey, i'm so sorry i'm not gonna make it. i'm so so sorry y/n

Sebastian texted you. You sight deeply, somewhere you expected this and yet you couldn't help but feel disappointed, he promised he would be here for you. He was too busy filming the Captain America movie. You promised each other to stay in touch. The first few days you called each other every day. But then you called less and less. He was busy with his movie and you with, school, work and you were busy recording your first album. So between everything the 2 of you had going on you didn't speak much.

You walk into the courtroom alone and the trail starts. It was a long sit, you now just had to wait what his sentence would be. The judge walked out and was ready to give your uncle the sentence. He had to sit 10 years in jail for attempted murder. Unfortunately there wasn't evidence enough that he murdered your parents so that was it.

You walk home feeling a bit defeated, as you were walking you get a call from Kayla. "Hey" you said as you picked up. "Oh it didn't go so well did it?" she said as she heard your voice. "No he got 10 years for attempted murder but that's all" you tell her. "Well shit" Kayla said. "Yeah" you sigh. "Did Sebastian show up?" she asked. "No" you say shortly, it still hurt you were really looking forward to see him again and to just hold him and kiss him. "Asshole" you heard Kayla say under her breath. "He's just busy" you say more to yourself than her. "Yeah but he could have made time for you, especially today" Kayla replied. "Maybe, how's Spain?" you ask her. Kayla moved to Spain, her dad got a good job there, that's what she wanted to tell you at the bar. You hated not having you friend around anymore but unlike Sebastian you did call kayla every other day. "Yeah it's nice. i'm glad i took Spanish lessons now" she said and it made you smile. "I miss you tho" she said. "i miss you too" you reply. "Hey i was thinking, you should come over here in the summer" she said. "i would really like that, i see if i can come" you say smiling. "Okay, let me know, i'll pay of course" she said. "Kayla!" you screamed jokingly in the phone. "You know me long enough now y/n to know i like to pay for things, so please let me" she said jokingly back. "Alright, see you later" you say before you say your goodbyes and hang up.

You walk into the apartment, you lived at Sebastian's place now, but it didn't feel like home anymore since he left. You get something to eat and open your laptop. You are in shock as you see a new news article pop up, you see a picture of Sebastian with a really good looking girl beside him. You read the article and apparently there are rumors they are dating. You feel your heart break, even tho you knew this could just be a useless rumor, it just felt like you were losing him. You sometimes regretted letting him go, but you were also so proud of him. You still were in love with him, but every day you felt more and more space between the 2 of you.

You get a facetime call, you see it's Sebastian. You pick up and see him smile as he picks up. "Hi beautiful" he says, somewhere you were mad at him for picking up so casually. Like he just didn't cancel on a very important day for you. You just swallow hard and have no idea what to say and he immediately notices there is something wrong. "I'm so sorry y/n for canceling. They really needed me here, i promise i make it up to you" he says. But you heard that line before, he said it after he canceled on your weekend together a month or 2 ago. "It's okay" you say softly but your voice cracks as you knew this relationship wasn't working right now. "y/n i" he says as he sees you are sad, the worry in his voice making it even harder for you not to cry. "You know what" you said as a tear streamed down your face and you feel a little anger rise in you. "i fucking needed you today okay, and you cancel last fucking minute so no actually it not fucking okay!" you yell at him as tears stream down your face. "y/n i'm so so sorry, i promise i'll make it up to you i really do" he says guilt in his eyes. "Oh like you did last time" you say yelling as your voice cracked from the overwhelming sadness you feel rising inside you, you felt shit about this situation for weeks now and couldn't take it anymore.

You hear noises on the background and Sebastian looks up at someone that talks to him. "i need to go" he says to you. "Don't you fucking dare hanging up the phone" you say tears streaming down your face. "I'm sorry y/n i'm, really busy" he says getting a little emotional now too. "I'm busy too and yet i try to call you every other day and it's always the same thing, you're too fucking busy" you say now really regretting letting him go. "y/n i" he says but has no idea what to say. "Are you too busy for this relationship?" you ask him seriously, immediately regretting asking him. "No ofcourse not i'm just too busy right now, i promise i will try and make more time for you. i really have to go now y/n" he says. "If you hang up the phone it's done" you say your voice now more stable and serious. "What, no y/n" he says while he looks up at someone. "Are you ready?" you hear someone ask him. "Yeah i'm coming" he says. "Listen y/n can i please call you back later i really, really need to go now" he says and you see tears appear in his eyes. "You know what don't call me, if you don't even have 5 minutes of your day to talk to me, i don't think this relationship is gonna work. I'm gonna pack my stuff and be out of your apartment by tomorrow" you say as tears stream over your face as you realize what you're about to do. "Have a nice life Sebastian" you say before you hang up the phone.

As you put the phone down you break down crying, you were heartbroken but you knew you had to do this. You couldn't give him another chance after another chance if he kept screwing up. You swallow hard and start to pack your stuff. Your phone kept ringing and you had multiple massage from Sebastian telling you didn't had to do this, that he could fix it. But you knew things weren't gonna change. You had to focus on school and on your career. Maybe if he finished the movie you guys could try again, but you needed to focus on yourself for now.


And so you moved on. You recorded you first album and it did really good. You even had a number 1 song. You were happy with your life, well happy might be a strong word. You finished school and made music as a job which you absolutely loved. You saw the Captain america movie with Kayla, who came over for a weekend. It was hard seeing him, but you didn't regret letting him go because he was really good, and he deserved a good career. You haven't really heard from Sebastian in a few weeks until he texted you he was back in New York. Unfortunately for him you were in Spain with Kayla at that moment.

A few months later you heard Sebastian had a new girlfriend and you couldn't help but feel sad. You didn't move on that quickly in your love life because who could ever replace him. You did contact him again after a while and you were just friends right now.

3 years later

You get of the plain and drive with a cab to the film set. Sebastian invited you to see the film set wanting to thank you for what you did for him years ago. He is a big star now, and some people preferred his character over Captain America, just like you told him, so that was good. You were really looking forward to see him to see how his life had changed, you just hoped the old feelings wouldn't get in the way of your great friendship now.

* to be continued *

read the sequel now -> old love new love 

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