chapter 30 {hospital}

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Your pov

Kayla walked back into your room, a smile on her face. "Did you both just say you loved each other?" she asked grinning. "Yes" you said blushing "he told me he loved me". "You 2 are so cute together" Kayla said as she sat down next to you again. "Where is he going to?" Kayla asked you. "He has an important audition" you say to Kayla. "As in an acting audition? " she asked and you nod slightly. "For a well know movie?" she asked. "For a new marvel movie, Captain America" you said smiling softly. "Omg i loved that iron man movie they did" Kayla said excitedly. "But aren't you scared for your relationship, you know if he gets the role he's probably gonna be famous and probably will be getting a lot of attention" she asked you. "We will figure it out together" you said hopeful it would all work out fine. You yawn, feeling drained and tired. "Go get some sleep, i'll get myself something to drink, do you want anything?" she asked you. "No thanks" you say softly already falling asleep.

You wake up in the morning and see Kayla and her mom talking to some cops. As Kayla sees you're awake she walks into the room, while the cop talks to Kayla's mom. "What's going on?" you ask Kayla. "They want to ask you some questions, but my mom things that isn't the best idea right now. The doctor said you needed to rest, they don't seem to agree with that" Kayla explains. A second late Kayla's mom walks in "is it okay with you if the cops ask you some questions?" she asked you "I'll send them away if you want to" she added. "It's okay, i can answer some questions" you say and Kayla's mom signs the cops to come in. "good morning miss y/l/n. I'm sorry we have to do this, this way but we really need to ask some questions about the man who shot you. If that's okay with you" one of the cops says. He seemed nice and seemed to have your best interest. "That's okay" you say. "So what is your relation with this man, if there is any?" he asks you. You explain that he's your uncle and the story about your parents and him threatening you, and eventually shooting you. They write everything down "thank you for your time" the cop says as he puts his notes away "get well soon" the other cop says as they both leave.

You exhale loudly and look over to Kayla and her mom. Her mom looks at you with shocked eyes. "Omg i didn't know you parents were murdered" she said. "Mom!" Kayla almost yelled at her. "It's okay Kayla" you say to her. "Poor girl, if you need anything" Kayla's mom says to you. "you're already doing enough" you say smiling at her. She had been paying your hospital bill and had been making sure people were taking care of you. "Well if you need anything" she said. "i know where to find you" you said finishing the sentence for her. You look at Kayla who looked tired. "why don't you go home, i'll be fine on my own for a few hours" you tell them, they had stayed all night to keep an eye out on you, and even tho it's really sweet, you could see they were both really tired and needed a nap and probably a shower. "You sure, i don't want to leave you here alone" Kayla said. "I'll be fine Kayla, beside the doctor said i needed rest, so a few hours by myself should be good for me" you say reassuring her it was okay. "Okay but i come back as soon as i can" she said. "Just take your time" you said smiling at her before they leave.


You were woken up by a soft knock on the door. You slowly open your eyes and see Sebastian's mom in the door opening. "I'm sorry did i wake you up" she said as she closed the door behind her. "Oh it's okay" you say smiling at her surprised she stopped by. "How are you?" she asked you. "I'm okay" you say smiling softly at her. "This is for you" she said as she put a basket filled with food next to your bed. "Thank you so much" you said to her, she was so nice. "Did Sebastian send you to check on me?" you asked her smiling. "No, well not directly. He called my yesterday panicking and crying when they were operating you. And i thought i could stop by and see how you were doing" she explained. You felt a bit guilty for scaring Sebastian like this. "Have you heard from him?" she asked you. "No" you replied, thinking he would have let you know something by now "he probably will" you say smiling at her. At that moment your phone rings with a facetime call from Sebastian. "Talk about the devil" you say as you pick up. "With who were you gossiping about me?" he asked you. "With your mom" you said showing him his mom was with you. Sebastian smiled happily. "How are you?" he asked you. "I'm good i'm feeling better than yesterday. How are you?" you ask him curious. "It's going well. i did my solo reading, they seemed to like it. they want to do a reading with me and someone else tomorrow" he said. "Good, i'm proud of you" you say smiling widely. "I'm proud of you too" he said which made you smile.

"I hate i can't be with you right now" he said after a short moment of silence. "You will be with me soon enough, you concentrate on getting the role of your life okay?" you told him. "Yes ma'am" he said saluting at you with made you laugh. "You're crazy" you say smiling, god you loved this man. "i know, but that's your fault, you're making me" he said. You heard some talking in the background and Sebastian looked at the person in front of him. "I need to go, love you" he said. Man this was the 3rd time in 24 hours he said that. "Love you too" you said back, still feeling the butterflies go crazy as he told you he loved you. "Bye, bye mom!" he said loud enough for his mom to hear. "Good luck" his mom said back. "Bye" you said before you hung up.

You put your phone away, not being able to put the smile off of your face. "You 2 are made for each other" Sebastian's mom said, which made you smile even wider. "Thank you that means a lot. And it means a lot you came by" you said to her. "It's no problem, you really make my son happy" she said. "He makes me really happy too" you tell her honestly. "Good" she said smiling. "I should let you rest now, if you need anything" she said "I'll know how to find you" you said finishing the sentence for her. "Thank you" you said before she walked to the door. "Get well soon" she said before she left the room. You smiled not only did your boyfriend tell you he loved you, but 2 woman had just made you feel like you had 2 bonus mom's. Making you fall asleep with a big smile on your face. 

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