chapter 8 {just a weird day}

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Your phone rang within seconds and you picked up "omg he kissed you! How was it, did he tell you he liked you too, give me all the details" Kayla said excitedly. "We were just talking and then he just kissed me" you said dryly. "Omg, with tongue or just a simple peck on the lips?" Kayla asked. "I uhh" you replied. "Come on y/n give me details" Kayla said waiting for you to freak out over it too but you didn't. "He just, i, fuck. I really fucked this up Kayla" you said feeling shit now. "What do you mean?" Kayla asked confused as she could hear you weren't exited right now. "I fucking froze, i didn't know what to do. And then he let go and i ran away" you said in one breath. "Well shit" Kayla said. "That's not making it better Kayla" you said freaking out "my professor kissed me and i just did nothing and ran away, fuck" you said, only now realizing that this was really bad. "Hey calm down, it's okay. It was just a stupid kiss right" Kayla said calmly "it's like not that big of a deal right". "He's my professor Kayla" you almost yelled in the phone. "just act like you forgot about it, or you know, kiss him the next time you see him and tell him you didn't mean to run away that it just scared you a bit, he will understand right?" Kayla said calmly. "Yeah, yeah you're right he will understand" you replied as you calmed down. "Just get some sleep, he'll understand" Kayla said. "Thanks Kayla you're really my best friend" you said to her. "Thanks y/n you're my best friend too, goodnight and everything will be okay" she said back. "Thanks goodnight Kayla" you said before you hung up. This was gonna be awkward tomorrow.


The next morning you woke up and didn't want to go to class. Your first class would be history and you were so not ready to see him right now. but you got up anyway, surly he was not gonna say anything if the whole class was there right, you just had to make sure you weren't the first one in class or the last one out, that would be simple enough. You walked into the classroom and were surprised as you didn't see Sebastian, there was someone else. "Hello class" he began "I'm your professor for today since professor Stan couldn't be here today" he said. Shit you thought, was this because of what happened yesterday. You actually felt more disappointed he wasn't here than that you felt glad, which was weird because this morning you would rather not see him.

After school you walked over to Kayla, you both actually had the day off today. "sooo" Kayla said as you walked into her room. "Ugh i'm so stupid" you say falling backward in her bed. "No you're just less experienced than he is, he will understand, did you see him today?" she asked. "No he called in sick or whatever" you replied. "I know what you need" she said grinning. "I don't like this face your making" you said jokingly. "You need practice" she said. "No i'm not gonna kiss random people Kayla, that's not me" you say to her. "Alright, then we'll watch some video's and just see if that helps okay?" she said grabbing her laptop. You watched video's on people telling how to kiss and stuff, giggling over the cringe explanations. "Try it on your hand" Kayla said laughing. "Kayla" you said, pushing her playfully. "No seriously try it, you need to know what it feels like right". "Okay but don't laugh" you say blushing. "Okay i promise" she said smiling. You did what they said you should do in the video's and as soon as you lips leave your hand Kayla starts laughing like crazy. "Kayla! You promised" you said laughing too. "So how does it feel" she said still smiling. "Weird, it feels nothing like the real thing i think" you say. "hey i mean we could still go out and find some cute boys to practice on" she said. "No, i rather practice with you" you say only realizing what you said after it left your mouth. "I mean i wouldn't mind, and i could give you tips to improve" she said serious all of a sudden. "you're serious?" you asked her. "Yeah i mean, we're just friend right i mean" she said. "Well i guess it would help" you said hesitating. "You don't have to, it's just you know, i'll understand if you don't want it to be me, you know after what i told you" Kayla said looking down. "No it's actually a good idea, i think i would only be comfortable doing this with you i think. i mean we are just friends right?" you said making sure this wasn't something else to her. "No ofcourse, don't get me wrong you're really good looking but you're not really my type anyway" she said jokingly, breaking the awkwardness a little. "Okay good" you said moving closer to her. "Okay so" she said moving closer to you too and slowly and softly kissing you, and you kissed her back. You move away from her feeling a bit embarrassed and you saw Kayla thought it was weird too. "So was it okay?" you asked her. "Yeah it was great actually, i mean you were great" she said smiling to you. It was silent for a while "can we order food now?" you said looking at Kayla. "Yeah good idea" she replied.

You ate your food and decided to watch some tv. "Oh have you heard about this new tv program, it's called gossip girl and is all about life in New York, you'll love it" Kayla said. "Sound great let's watch it" you replied, happy that the awkwardness had faded. You started watching the series until half way through you spot a familiar face. "What the fuck isn't that hot professor?" Kayla said as she looked at you. You were shocked, you didn't know he was an actor. "Did you know he acted or does he have a twin or something?" Kayla asked you. "I had no idea he acted" you say still shocked, he looked really good tho, he played a bad boy type which was so different then what he was like in real life, but it was so hot. "He's really good looking" Kayla commented. "Yeah he is" you say blushing.

You and Kayla had a fun night together but eventually you walked back to your dorm. You still felt a bit weird about today, why he wasn't at school today, the kiss with Kayla. You were ripped out of your thought as your phone vibrated you had a message.

Hey can you come by my office tomorrow after class

It was Sebastian, you felt nervous now. What would he say, did he regret it. You made yourself crazy with all the scenarios and were tempted to just say no. but curiosity got the best of you.

yeah sure

You texted back, nervous but yet also a little excited. 

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