chapter 6 {sexual tension}

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The next morning you walked to your history class, you were both exited yet nervous. You walked in and were the first one there, only professor Stan was already there. "Morning" you said softly. "Oh good morning, can you come by my office after your last class?" he asked. "I uhh yeah i guess i can" you said hesitating. "Good" he said back before the class filled with people. The whole day you weren't paying attention to anything, the only thing on your mind was what your professor would say to you. The bell rang after your last class of the day, you slowly packed your stuff and walked over to Professor Stan's office. You took a deep breath before you knocked on the door. "Come in" you heard him say. You slowly opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind you. "Have a seat" he said and you sat down in front of him.

"How are you?" he asked. "I'm fine" you said back. "I'm serious y/n" he said more strictly this time. Shit he was even hotter when he talked like that. "well i am serious i'm fine" you said back. "Then why didn't you tell your friend about what happened the other night" he asked you now almost sounding angry. "Because she's my only friend here and i like to keep her as one. What do you care anyway" you say back now angry. "Was that all i have to work" you said as you stood up and started to walk away. But he grabbed your arm locking you between his body and the wall. "I care about you okay" he said his face inches from you. You were shocked, why would he care about you, maybe all professors cared about their students, but surely not this much right? You looked up at him getting lost in his eyes for a moment. "You shouldn't care so much, i need to go or i'll be late for work" you said getting out of his grip and leaving his office. When you were out of his office you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You walked away as fast as you could, your heart was beating so fast right now.


"Do you want to grab diner together after our shift" you asked Kayla. "Yeah of course, is everything okay, you have like this nervous thing about you" she said. "Yeah i have to tell you something but not here" you replied. "you made me curious now" she said grinning at you.

Professor Stan's pov

Shit what did you do, you thought as you came home. You opened a bottle of beer and ordered some pizza. God you wanted to kiss her so bad, but you couldn't. And it seemed like she didn't want to either. Your phone rang, you secretly hoped it was y/n telling you she wanted you as badly as you wanted her but it wasn't her, it was charlotte. "Hi where are you right now?" she asked. "Home" you answered shortly. "Can i come over?" she asked you. "Ofcourse i ordered pizza" you replied. "Alright i'm on my way" she said before she hung up. This was perfect you really needed to get rid of this sexual tension you felt today with y/n and charlotte would be a perfect distraction.

Your pov

You ordered some food and told Kayla what happened in Professor Stan's office. "Oh my god i told you he liked you too" she said. "Kayla this is serious" you said looking a bit irritated at your friend. "What other reason can he have to care so much about you?" she asked you. You thought about it for a moment, maybe she was right. "Just kiss him next time you see him" she said smiling at you. "Kayla i-well i" you began. "No way! You never kissed anyone before have you?" she almost shouted. "Nice now the whole building knows" you said a little ashamed of yourself. "Kayla i don't know how to do all this stuff" you say looking down. "Hey it's not that hard, you just have to put your feelings in it that's all it is, you just have to feel it" she said. "That is the most vague thing i ever heard" you said laughing at her. "Wait but what about his girlfriend?" you asked Kayla. "I did some digging" she said grinning at you "that girl is not his girlfriend, at least not officially" she said. "Oh my god you are the best friend, you stalked them?" you ask her. She smiled at you "yes i did. They're probably just fuck buddies" she said. "And how is that a good thing?" you ask her. "That means he's probably feeling some sexual tension and needs to get it out of his system that sexual tension being you" Kayla said. "You really think so" you ask her unsure about this. "I'm almost certain" she replied.


The next morning you were ready for your classes you were gonna do this. You had to wait until your next class to see him again when your phone rang, you picked it up without looking who it was. "waar ben je [where are you]" the angry voice of your uncle beamed thru the phone. "je zou hier zijn [you would be here]" he said even angryer now. "ik uhh [ i uhh]" you said not knowing what to say, comepletly terrified of what would happen right now. "ik zweer je ik ga je vinden en dan, ohh en dan zullen we zien wat we met jou gaan doen. jij domme trut, ik snij je keel door [I'm gonna find you and when i have, we shall see what we do with you, you stupid bitch, I'm going to cut your throat]". His words echo through your head as he hung up, never in your life have you been this scared. On shaking legs you walk into the class room, not paying attention to anything or anyone as all you can hear are your uncle's words.

"y/n?, y/n?" you heard. You saw professor Stan stand in front of you which scared you. "Hey it's just me, the class ended like 5 minutes ago" he said calmly. "Oh" you said, you wanted to grab your stuff but you never got them out of your bag. "Oh i- i uhhh" you said as your hands began to shake. "Are you okay" he asked and you shook your head no as tears started in your eyes. He grabbed his bottle of water and handed it to you "here" he said still staying calm even tho he had no idea what was going on. "Come on let's talk in my office" he said as he helped you stand, you dried your tears and followed him to his office.

he sat you down in a chair and sat down next to you. As soon as you sat down tears streamed down your face again. "What's going on?" he asked both worried an confused. "I, it's it's my uncle" you say trying to breath but you had trouble catching your breath. "Hey, hey calm down" he said holding your hand. "What happened to your uncle?" he asked. "He got out" you say fear in your voice. "Out of what?, please tell me what's going on y/n i want to help" he said looking at your sad and scared face. "You can't do anything. i promised my uncle i would pick him up when he got out of jail, i never told him i moved here, he still thought i would be there for him." you told him. "And now he's mad and he's looking for me" you say trembling. "He's still in the Netherlands?" Mr. Stan asked. You nodded your head. "So he can't hurt you right?" he asked carefully. "Well not physically, at least not yet" you said already starting to calm down now. "What do you mean?" your professor asked you. "he is the one that paid for school, so he surly is gonna cut me off now." you said "and i just know he's gonna find me one day and then, then" you said as you started to shake again. "Then what?" Mr. Stan asked you. "Then he's going to kill me" you say looking into his eyes. You see he was shocked at everything you were telling him. "How do you know he's gonna kill you, people say a lot but actually doing it is a whole other thing" he said trying to calm you down. "No he's gonna do it" you said to him. "Why are you so certain" Mr. Stan asked, surely he thought it were just empty threats. "i know it because, because....because he was the one that killed my parents"

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