chapter 14 {today's the day}

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The next week you were so busy with everything you didn't see Sebastian or Kayla a lot. You've been hopelessly looking for a job, you had some interviews but they didn't turn into anything. You also had a lot of homework, it was the end of the first semester so you were really busy. You woke up the next morning. You look at the date and a lump catches in your throat. It's been 5 years now since your parents were murdered. You hated being here in New York now, you wished you could be back home to their graves and put some nice flowers out. You thought you could do something nice today by yourself. At that moment you got a text from Kayla.

Hey i'm really bored can you come over

Yeah sure, text me your parents address

You're a life saver

You got dressed and went over to Kayla, who now lived at her parents' house and wow, this was a big building. You took the elevator to the apartment. You stepped out and were met by Kayla. "hi!" she said as she hugged you. "Hey" you said back as you eye the apartment. Omg Kayla never told you her parents lived here, this place was so big, and they were probably rich. You walked in and see a nice looking man and woman sat in the Livingroom talking and drinking tea together. "You must be y/n" the woman said walking up to you. "Hi i'm Sophie, Kayla's mother" she said shaking your hand. "Nice to meet you" you said back. "And this is Kayla's dad and my husband Ben" she said as the man walked up to you too. "Nice to meet you sir" you said politely. "I'm really glad Kayla has a friend like you, she could really use someone as polite and calm as you" Kayla's mom said. "Let's go y/n" Kayla said dragging you away from her parents, taking you to her room.

"Your parents seem nice" you say to her as she closes the door. "They are only pretending, they are assholes" she says a bit of an angry tone now. "Oh come on they can't be that bad" you say trying to cheer her up. "Yes they are, it feels like fucking prison here" she says getting angrier now. "Okay calm down Kayla, I'm sure they just want the best for you" you say calmly. "No they don't, they were the reason i have to do the stupid social work. And no they don't care for me, they do everything to make my life hell. Sometimes i wish they were just gone" she said, directly realizing that was not the best way to fraise that as tears started to well up in your eyes. "I'm sorry y/n i" she started. "you know what Kayla, you have no idea how lucky you are, your parents are still alive and even tho you sometimes may think they hate you, they just want what they think is best for you and yeah sometimes that's not the best way for you but at least they care and they are there for you if you need anything". You say angry and sad at the same time. "y/n I'm so sorry" Kayla said realizing what she's done. "You know what I'm gonna go" you said as you grabbed your stuff and walked away. "y/n wait" Kayla yelled behind you. "Please Kayla don't, just spend some time with your parents, because believe me some day you're gonna regret not spending time with them" you say as you left the apartment as tears stream down your face.

Your phone rang as you walked outside, you picked it up it was Sebastian. "Hey wanna come over today?" he asked you. "Now is not a good time" you say trying to keep your voice from cracking, but it didn't work. "Are you okay, what's going on" he asked knowing something was wrong. "i-it's nothing" you cried "i just need some time alone right now" you said as you hung up, not wanting to talk to anyone today. Your phone rang again and again, Sebastian and Kayla both called you over and over but you put your phone off and walked on.

Sebastian's pov

She didn't pick up her phone, she probably put it out. You hated this, knowing something was wrong but not being able to do anything about it. You were really worried about her, you couldn't wait anymore for her to return her call so you went out looking for her. You went over to all he places she could be. But nothing. Then you saw a familiar face. "Hey aren't you y/n's friend, Kayla was it right" you say to a girl who seemed to also look for someone. "Oh hey, yeah" she said. "Sebastian" you said introducing yourself. "Nice to meet you, but i don't have time right now. Do you have any idea where y/n is ?" she asked you. "No i was hoping you knew, she seemed really upset when i called her, I'm worried something is wrong" you told the girl. "Yeah that's my fault, i kind went on how i hate my parent and i might have mentioned i wouldn't mind them being gone, and i didn't mean it, it was just a stupid word choice, i didn't think about it hurting her. i didn't meant to" she rambled on. "Hey, calm down. We're gonna find her. I'm sure she will realize you didn't mean it that way" you said to her. "Yeah, yeah" she said calming down a little. "Okay any idea where could she have gone to?" you asked her. "i looked everywhere accept the park so i guess we should look there" the girl said back.

You walked over to the park together. "So you like her" the girl asked you. "Yeah i really like her" you told her smiling. "Just be patient with her, she is a bit insecure. I swear if you pressure her to do anything she doesn't want to yet i will find you" she said. "Don't worry, we're taking it slow" you tell her. "Yeah you say that, but do you mean it. I know y/n and her feelings are usually right. And she feels like you want more that she can give you right now" the girl told you which caught you a bit off guard. "Oh i, i mean" you said not knowing what to say. "Just listen to her okay?" she said looking at you, this girl really cared for y/n. "I promise" you say to her.

Then out of the corner of your eyes you see her, flowers in hand standing at a big tree. You and Kayla slowly walk over only to realizing she was talking, you had no idea what she was saying, because it was probably in Dutch, but you were almost sure she was talking to her parents. A tear streamed down her face as she's done talking. She slowly lays the flowers down by the tree before more tears stain her face. You walk over to her and place your hand on her shoulder. She looks at you, stands up and hugs you tightly. You hug her back, softly stroking her back as she cried. You just held her, letting her cry. She then let's go of you and turns to her friend. "I'm so sorry i stormed out like that, it's just" she said as another tear streamed down her cheek. "Today is the day my parents died and it was just" she said. "I'm so sorry, i should have never said what i said" her friend told her. "it's okay, i know you didn't mean it like that, the amount of time i said that when my parents were still alive" y/n said jokingly before she hugged her friend. "Next time, don't push us away. We're here for you. Especially on days like this" you said to her as she let go of her friend. "I know, I'm just not used to having people care about me like that, I'm used to doing things alone" she told you. "Well now you don't have to anymore, what do you girls think, pizza at my place?" you asked them. "I would really like that" y/n said looking over at her friend. "If we can go to our favorite pizza place, I'm in" Kayla said. "That's fine with me" you said, smiling as you see y/n's face light up again. 

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