chapter 33 {a normal day}

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Sebastian's pov

You wake up in the morning, you had to teach today. You hated leaving y/n alone all day. You quietly get up and take a look at your girlfriend still peacefully sleeping. You get dressed and place a soft kiss on y/n's head before you leave. When you walked to the class you saw students stare at you, you shook it off. It was probably because you guess starred in the gossip girl episode from yesterday. You teached your classes, all went okay until the last class of that day where a girl raised her hand. "Yes" you said to her. "Sir, do you know how y/n is doing" she asked with a look on her face you couldn't quite place. "From what i know she is doing well" you replied trying not to give away that she was staying at your place or that she even was your girlfriend. "Oh, that's all you know?" she asked. "Yes that's all i know" you say quickly. "Hmm" the girl said.

You wanted to continue with your class when she raised her hand again. "I'm sorry sir but how do you know y/n?" she asked. "I'm her teacher" you said confused. "But you weren't friends or more than that before you became a professor here?" she asked, asking it like she already knew the answer to that. "No" you said shortly, this was the first time that everyone in the class actually paid attention to anything you were saying. "Oh weird" Emma said acting like she knew a secret. "What are you trying to say?" you asked her acting like you had no idea what she was talking about. "It's just, you really seemed upset when she got shot" Emma say. "of course i was, a student got shot right in front of the school, of course i was upset. Was that all?" you said as calmly as possible but from the inside you were stressing out. No one could find out about you and y/n.

Your pov

You woke up at 10, man it's been a while since you actually slept this good. You gain some strength before you get up and make some breakfast. It was weirdly silent, Sebastian told you he needed to go back to teaching so you were all by yourself today. After you felt a bit more energetic from your breakfast, you decided to go to the supermarket so you could make a nice meal for you and Sebastian after he got back from his work. You grab a bag and walk to the store. Half way to the supermarket you realized you weren't exactly fit enough to walk this far. normally it was a 10 minute walk, but you had to rest a few time to regain some strength but within 30 minutes you were at the supermarket. You grabbed some stuff to make lasagna, it was one of the few things you knew how to make. With a full bag of groceries you walk back to Sebastian's apartment this time it took you 40 minutes.

As you walk inside you put the groceries away and let yourself fall on the couch. A sharp pain rises in your side, shit you hadn't taken your painkillers this morning, this was gonna suck. You quickly took some painkillers the doctor prescribed you and fell asleep on the couch. 3 hours later you woke up and looked at the clock. Shit Sebastian would be home in half an hour. You got up and started cooking. You had just put the lasagna in the oven when the door opened and Sebastian walked in. "hi" you said as you walked over to him and kissed him softly. "Hey beautiful, what's smelling so good" he asked with a smile on his face. "i made lasagna" you said smiling back as he puts his bag and coat away. "Oh did i had stuff to make that?" he asked surprised. "No i went to the supermarket" you tell him. "Alone? Walking?" he asked a worried undertone. "Yeah, it took a little longer than normal but it was okay" you tell him. "The doctor said you should rest, walking to the supermarket is not resting y/n" he said strictly. "i was just bored and i wanted to do something nice for you, you know after you worked for the whole day" you said looking down, thinking he was a bit mad at you for walking to the store.

"Hey" he said lifting your head up, "it was really nice of you. I'm just a little worried about you, i want you to be your old self again" he said hugging you tightly. "I know i was just really bored, and i missed you" you said as you pulled him closer to you. "I know, i wish i could stay home with you. But i can't" he said. "Just call in sick" you said looking up at him. He smiled at you knowing you were just copying his words to him. "Maybe i am the bad influence after all" he said smiling at you before he leaned in and kissed you. "Let's make the table then shall we" he said as he let go of you.

You made the table and Sebastian grabbed 2 wine glasses "i can't have that" you say to him. "Oh someone decided to play by the rules?" he said smiling. "No the doctor told me not to drink alcohol the first 4 hours after I took my medication" you told him. "Ah, but you need to take it in the morning right?" he asked you. " yeah, I kinda forgot" you said telling him you were a little late with taking your painkillers. "Are you feeling okay?" he asked you. "Yeah i'm fine, i imagined it being more painful but it was fine actually" you told him. "Good" he said placing a kiss on your forehead.

You were eating when you asked him about his day. "It was fine" he said and you got the feeling that something was off about him. "What happened?" you asked him seeing right thru him. "Nothing just work stuff i don't want to bore you with it" he replied. "You know you can tell me if it's bothering you" you say looking over to him seeing it was stressing him out a bit. "seb?" you ask him worried. "It's really nothing y/n, don't worry about it" he said. You looked at him but decided to let it go for now.

You were laying on the couch together when Sebastian got a call from his agent again. He told him that the audition was in a few days and eventually you got Sebastian to say yes. He sat down next to you and pulled you close to him. "i really hope you get this role" you say as you lean your head on his chest, feeling tired from today. "i really hope so to, although i wouldn't mind living like this too. Teaching and then coming home to my beautiful girlfriend, greeting me with a kiss, and then after diner just chilling on the couch and" you don't hear what he's saying as you doze off to sleep. Not seeing Sebastian smile at you with nothing but love in his heart, before he lifts you up and puts you next to him in bed. 

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