chapter 13 {wanting more}

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You wake up and look at the time, shit your class had already started. You quickly get dressed and run to your first class. You open the door and see Sebastian is already started class. "I'm so sorry i overslept" you said as you walked in class. "Miss y/l/n i have already started my class so quickly take a seat and pay attention" he said strictly. Which made your insides tingle, he was 10 times hotter when he used that tone. You quickly took a seat and paid attention to his class. The bell rang and everyone started to pack their bags. "Miss y/l/n i would like to have a word please" Sebastian said. "oh you're in trouble" Emma said, she sat behind you the whole class and thought she was being mean to you now, if she only knew. As the class was empty you walk over to his desk. "You wanted to talk to me professor" you said jokingly. Within seconds his lips were on yours in a hungry kiss. "Fuck it's so hot when you say that" he says out of breath as he pulls away from the kiss. You smile at him. "I didn't see you in my office this morning, i was waiting for you" he said. "I'm sorry i overslept, i was busy making homework till late in the night, because someone wouldn't let me leave" you say jokingly. "Oh if it was up to me, you'd still be with me today and we would have called in sick" he said teasingly. "That's very bad of you professor" you said jokingly as you turned around to get your stuff, you couldn't be late for the next class too. "Where do you think you're going" you heard Sebastian say as you grabbed your stuff. "To my next class, don't want me to be late again, do you professor" you said smiling at him. "Well" he said walking up to you, kissing you again. You pushed him away looking into his eyes, only now realizing how dark they had turned. "I really need to go now" you said as you walked away.

Sebastian's pov

She walked out of your class, shit you really wanted to bend her over your desk and fuck her so hard right here, right now. But you couldn't because first of all if you got caught you surly would be fired if not worse, and second because she probably wouldn't want to yet. Fuck she really had no idea what she did to you. You really needed to take things slow with her, you saw the way she looked when you told her you had changed her into your shirt that night, to make her more comfortable. Maybe you should have just woken her up that night, maybe brought her home. But the way she looked, in your shirt. You loved seeing her like that, you wanted to fuck her so bad but you knew you couldn't, so your hands had to do, until she would be ready. You just hoped it wouldn't take too long because you already couldn't wait any longer. You sat down in your chair behind your desk and feel your pants tighten, shit. You looked at the time, you had your next class in 15 min. surely that would be enough time. You grabbed a tissue from your bag and started pumping your member, with only her on your mind.

Your pov

After school you went over to the park where Kayla was waiting for you. "Hey" you said giving her a hug. "Hey, how are you?" she asked. "Good, a bit tired, but i'm good, how are you?" you ask her back. "I'm okay" she said vaguely. "What's wrong?" you ask her confused. "i uhh, i got kicked out of school and i have to live with my parents again" she told you. "Omg what happened?" you ask her. "Well, there was this girl that liked bullied someone at my school and i stood up for her, punched that bitch right in the face" she said and you could hear she was proud of herself for doing it. "But i punched a bit harder than i thought" she said showing you her hand, her knuckles were purple from the bruises. "Omg Kayla, are you okay?" you say as you look at it. "i broke that bitches nose" she said a small smile on her face. "You're an actual hero" you say smiling at her. "Well that's not what the school and my parents thought" she said. "Well i think you did the right thing, it's just shitty you got kicked out of school for it" you said. "Yeah, now i'm at home half of the time and the other half of the day i have to do community service, which sucks. But in a few months i can apply to different schools, maybe i can go to the same school as you" she said smiling. "Yeah that would be amazing" you say smiling at her.

"But enough about me, how are you and hot professor doing" she asked ready for all the details. "Yeah good i think" you say to her looking down. "Okay what's going on?" she asked you. "I mean it's amazing and i really like him but i just get the feeling he wants more and i don't think i can give him that just yet" you say explaining your feelings to Kayla. "Maybe you should talk to him about it, maybe you have it all wrong" Kayla said. "He said he could take it slow the other day, but i don't think he realizes i'm really not there yet" you tell Kayla. "You know i think the best thing to do, if you're really into him, is to just tell him how you feel about it. And i know that is scary, but at least you know how he thinks about it" Kayla says, and you know she's probably right. You sigh "what if he says he can't wait, what do we do then?" you say looking at Kayla, hoping she would have all the answers. "i don't know y/n, maybe brake things off before it gets too complicated, or you know you have to allow him to look for that elsewhere till you're ready" she says. All the options she gave you were bad. "Fuck, maybe i should just do it, get it over with. maybe i'm thinking about this too much" you say more to yourself that to Kayla. "Hey, take it from me" she said grabbing your hands "you want your first time to be special, and you know you should do it when you're ready. Please you have to promise me not to rush it because some man thinks he can't live a while without it okay?" she said to you in a serious motherly tone. "What do i do without you" you say hugging her. "Oh we both be fucked without each other" she said laughing making you smile too. 

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