chapter 18 {shopping and secrets}

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You woke up in the morning, Sebastian was gone but there was a note on your nightstand.

Good morning beautiful,

Sorry, i had to leave early so no one would see me. I'll pick you up at 5, can't wait to spend the holidays with you.



You smile at the sweet note, you were exited too, but you were also nervous to meet his mom, what would she think of you 2 together. You and Sebastian weren't official or where you, you had no idea. Did he tell his mom you were dating? or that he would just bring a friend with him for the holidays. You started to freak out and called Kayla.

"Kayla please help, Sebastian asked me to spend the holidays with him and his mom and i'm freaking out about it" you almost scream in your phone. "Okay calm down y/n" she said "let's get brunch together i know a great place be there in 15 min." "Okay see you in a bit" you said as you hung up the phone.


Kayla took you to an expensive looking restaurant. "What are we doing here Kayla?" you asked her confused. "I said i take you for brunch so let's go" she said as she dragged you inside. It looked even more expensive than from the outside. "Hey Kayla" a man said as you walked in. "hey Kyle" she said to the man "is our table still free?" she asked him. "Yes it is follow me" he said and you followed the man and Kayla. You sat down at a nice table in the corner. "Can i get you girls something to drink?" he asked. "Is it too early for champagne?" Kayla asked the waiter. "It's never too early for champagne" the waiter smiled. "Well then we drink champagne" she said smiling at you as the waiter nodded. "Coming right up" he said as he walked away.

You were confused and surprised. "You come here often?" you asked her. "Yeah i came here a lot when i was younger" she said. You looked at her confused when the food and the champagne came. "So" Kayla said as you started eating "you are spending the holidays with hot professor". "Yeah and his mom" you tell Kayla. "That's a good thing right?" she asked you. "Yes i think so, but i don't know what he told his mom, like we aren't official yet i think" you say. "But he must like you, otherwise he wouldn't have asked you right?" she asks you. "Or he feels guilty" you say as you look down. "Feels guilty for what?" Kayla asked you confused. "i uhhm, i went by his place yesterday evening and uhm that girl, charlotte was there" you tell Kayla. "No way, what did he say?" she asked you shocked. "That he planned a romantic diner thing for me, but i canceled last minute and then apparently charlotte stood in front of his door and she let herself in" you said to Kayla. "yeah sure, seems convenient for him" she said. "Yeah but he really seemed hurt when i didn't believe him, that must mean something right?" you said starting to doubt him now too. "I don't know, this is the reason i don't date man anymore" Kayla says laughing. "Maybe i should become a lesbian too" you joked "although i doubt if that is gonna be any less drama". "Yeah you are probably right" Kayla said. "But you know i think it's nice he invited you to spent Christmas with his family, i don't think he would only ask you that because he felt guilty. He seems to genuinely like you" she said with made you smile a little. "i just hope he told the truth about charlotte" you said. "i hope so too, and if not i know where he lives now so he's gonna have a though life if he hurts you" she said jokingly but there was also some truth in her words.

As you were done eating they gave the bill to Kayla and you saw two zero's behind the number. But Kayla didn't seem shocked by that and paid for it like it was nothing. As you walked out of the restaurant you decided to ask her about it. "Kayla?" you said "yes" she replied innocently. "How expensive was the food?" you asked. "Oh it wasn't that expensive it was probably the champagne that was a little on the pricy side but champagne is a must at brunch" she said. "Kayla!?" you said shocked at how okay she was about this. "Listen y/n i didn't tell you this before because i did want you to hang out with me, for me. But my parents are rich. And i didn't tell you because i had a lot of so called friends who only hung out with me for my money" Kayla said. "i would never do that, you know that right. And you shouldn't have paid for everything Kayla" you said to her. "i asked you to go to brunch so i pay. And i know you don't hang out with me for the money but i just wanted to be sure" she said. "But on with the better question, do you have something nice to wear for the holidays?" she asked you. "Probably not" you say to her "but i'll pay for clothes myself" you say pointing at her. "Okay fine" she said as she already walked in the direction of the thrift store you both loved.

You got some nice clothing and a simple dress, you walked back when Kayla dragged you into a store. "Kayla!" you said in surprise. "Here you should try this on" she said handing it to you. It was a pretty red dress. "Kayla you're" you wanted to say but she interrupted you. "Just try it on, you can talk to me after you tried it on" she said acting like a toddler who didn't want to hear what their mother had to say. You sigh and walk into the fitting room to try it on. You walk out to show Kayla and her eyes lit up. "Wow, it looks even better on you than I thought" she said mouth almost hanging open. You look at yourself in the mirror, you never saw yourself like this, you actual felt really beautiful in it. "You like it?" she asked you. You nodded a bit speechless. You just stared at yourself in the dress it was really, really nice. You walked into the fitting room again to put your normal clothes back on, when you realize you never looked at what it costs. You look at the tag and all your hopes of a nice dress were shattered "$500,-" you said under your breath in surprise. "What's wrong i thought you loved it" Kayla said as you walked out the fitting room. "Yeah well i just felt like it wasn't me" you said not wanting to mention to her that it was the price tag that changed your mind. "Okay, if you say so" she said. You looked at your phone, shit it was already late. "Oh shit i have to go, happy holidays Kayla" you said as you hugged her. "Happy holidays have fun, and don't worry too much" she yelled behind you as you ran out of the store and back to your dorm room.

You had just packed all your stuff when there was a knock on your door, you opened it to find Kayla standing there with a box and a small shopping bag in her hand. "You can't leave without this" she said handing the box to you, you opened it to find the red dress in it. "Kayla" you said looking at her a mix of disappointment and happiness because you actual loved the dress. "I know you didn't buy it because of the price y/n but you deserve it. And before you say anything" she said as you wanted to say something back "if it makes you feel better it's my Christmas gift to you" she said. "Thank you so much Kayla" you say hugging her. "Oh and i have this to go with it, i mean you never know what will happen" she said grinning as she handed you the shopping bag. You opened it and saw a red lingerie set which made you blush "oh my god Kayla" you say laughing nervously. "i hope it's the right size" she said. You looked at it "yes it is, thank you" you say hugging you again. "i think he is here" she said, pointing to a cab waiting outside. "Yes that's him" you say putting your stuff in your big weekend bag and put it over your shoulder. Kayla walked with you outside "have fun, and don't overthink things too much okay?" she said as you stand in front of the car. "Okay, I'll call you" you said to Kayla. "Oh please do i want all the details" Kayla replied. "Thanks again Kayla" you said as you hug her. "No problem that's what friends are for " she said. "Bye" you said as you opened the car door "bye y/n" Kayla said back as you got in the car and closed the door, seeing Sebastian look at you. "Hey" he said smiling "hi" you said before you placed a soft kiss on his lips as the cab started driving. 


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