chapter 20 {christmas eve}

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Sebastian's pov

An hour later you heard the door open and y/n walked in. you looked over at her, she didn't look any better than before, which worried you. "hi" you said walking up to her "come" you said helping her out of her coat and taking her hand, taking her with you upstairs. You sit down on the bed and look over at her. "Okay what's going on" you asked her on a serious tone now. "It's just" she said looking down standing before you. You grab her hands and pull her closer to you. "Hey you can tell me anything, you know that" you say as you lift her head up a little so she looked at you know. "i just" she said as her eyes filled with tears "i just wished you could have met my parents too. i think they would have liked you. And your mom is so nice she reminds me a lot of my mom, she was always looking out for other people too. and i just, i just wanted to, you know to know what my parents would think of this of us, well whatever this is, because it confuses me. And i know i said i forgive you for the whole charlotte thing but i just can't get it out of my head. And i just, i don't know, it's just a lot" she says as a single tear rolls over her cheek.

You were flattered by what she said about you meeting her parents and also hurt, hurt that you might have fucked this up when charlotte came by the other day. You brush the tear away from her face. "y/n i promise you, you are the only one for me" you say to her. "i think" you say hesitating to tell her, you had no idea if it would scare her away if you told her. "What do you think?" she asked as you didn't finish your sentence. "i think i'm falling for you" you said in a whisper too scared of her reaction. You looked at her and see a glimmer in her eyes. "Really" she said like she couldn't believe what you just said. "Yes really, i didn't want to scare you off by telling you, but i can really see a future with you" you say now looking at her as you tell her. A second later her lips are on yours and she kisses you passionately. When she lets go you pull her closer to you, letting her sit down on your lap. "i actually wanted to ask you this tomorrow but i can't wait anymore. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Your pov

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked you. Your face lit up and you felt the butterflies go crazy in your stomach "yes, yes!" you almost yell. He pulls you in for a breath taking kiss. He lifts you up and lays you down on the bed, hovering over you before he kisses you again, even deeper this time. His hands roam your body making you moan, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in, you let him take full control. His lips left yours so you could breath. "Fuck" he said out of breath as he looked at you. You blushed biting your lips because you became a bit shy from him staring at you. He brushed his thumb over your lips, so you let go of your lip. "You're driving me crazy y/n" he said hunger in his tone. You smiled at him innocently. "i really like you seb" you said shyly before you pull him closer to you to kiss him deeply again.


You woke up early the next morning, Sebastian was still asleep next to you. This was the first time you woke up before him, this was the first time you woke up next to him. And you could really get used to it. He looked so cute while he was sleeping. You got out of bed as silently as you could and quickly got dressed. You totally forgot that you didn't got him anything for Christmas and decided to go shopping before anyone would wake up. You leave a note on your pillow for Sebastian, telling him you were out for a moment. You walk downstairs his mom was already awake. "Good morning" she said smiling at you. "Good morning" you say back to her. "Are you leaving already?" she asked you. "i just need to run some errands, I'll be right back" you say as you put your coat on before you leave.

As you walk to the stores you call Kayla. "Hi girl, how are things going?" she asked you. "Really good" you said smiling like crazy "i have a boyfriend now". "No way! Omg you guys are getting serious now" Kayla said. "He told me he was falling for me and could see a future with me" you say your smile getting even bigger. "Omg!" Kayla screamed over the phone "wait you weren't fucking when he said that right, because men can't think straight while they do" "no, no we weren't" you said interrupting her "we were just having an honest conversation" you told her. "You told him about your charlotte worry?" Kayla asked. "Yes i did" you say. "So i guess he has nothing to do with her anymore?" Kayla asked you. "He says i'm the only one he wants in his life, so, and i think i believe him. i mean these feelings I'm having can't be one sided right" you said more to yourself than to Kayla. "Omg you're falling so fucking hard for this man aren't you?" she said and you could hear her laughing. "Fuck Kayla i think i am, is it weird that that scares me a bit?" you say sharing your honest concerns with her. "No that's totally normal in a new relationship, he's probably a little scared too. It will go away" she replied. "i hope you're right" you said. "How many times do i have to tell you i'm always right y/n" she said jokingly.

"Oh shit Kayla you have to help me i still need to buy him and his mom gifts and i have no idea what to give them". "I mean i'm a sucker for giving people ugly Christmas jumpers for Christmas, and you know give him something special, it doesn't have to be expensive, may just something you talked about or something personal" she said. "That doesn't help at all" you reply. "Trust me you'll know when you come across it" she said. "Hey have to hang I'm having breakfast with the family happy holidays y/n" she said "happy holidays Kayla, and thanks" you reply. "No problem, i'll call you later bye". "Bye"


It took you some time but you eventually got some gifts you just missed one thing for Sebastian, you thought about it hard, what would be personal that he would love. You walked by a music store and an idea for the perfect gift popped in your head, it would be perfect. You walked back an grabbed some coffee. You walked in and were met by a kiss from Sebastian "good morning, i missed you this morning" he said helping you but your bags away "and you shouldn't have done this" he said looking at the bags. "Yes i had to, i like to by people gifts especially on Christmas. And secondly, you left me alone in bed twice so you have no right to complain" you said jokingly. Sebastian kissed you again, before you both sat down at the breakfast table.

In the evening you all sat down together playing a board game. "Do they actually celebrate Christmas in Romania?" you asked them. "Yes we did, but not like they do here in America" Sebastian said. "In Romania it's more about the food and less about the gift giving although they do it too there. What about the Netherlands? Is Christmas a big thing there?" Sebastian asked you. "Well yes and no. Christmas is more for the grown-ups, we have Sinterklaas for the kids, he brings the children presents on the 5th of December" you tell them. "Oh we had something like that too, we had Saint Nicholas' Eve that was also on the 5th of December, we would clean out shoes and put them out and if you were sweet that year you got a nice present or some sweets in it" Sebastian explained. You smiled you never felt so like home somewhere after your parents had died. "What?" he asked you as he sees a smile spread on your face? "Nothing i'm just happy right now" you said which made him smile.

"Let's just open the gifts i can't wait anymore" Sebastian said as you finished the board game. You all gave each other gifts. You listen to Kayla and bought them both an ugly Christmas sweater which they loved, and they put them on immediately. It was nice and it really felt like celebrating with your family. Then there were 2 gifts left one for you and your gift for Sebastian. You gave your gift to Sebastian and he opened it. "What is this?" he said smiling at you. "It's a cd" you say grinning. "i can see that, what's on it?" he asked because the cover was blank. "Demos of my own songs, that i wrote" you tell him. "Omg that's amazing" he says smiling at you. "No one ever heard them, or will probably ever heard them. One of them is about you" you said blushing a little "but i'm not saying which one". Sebastian moved closer to you and placed a soft kiss on your lips "thank you, this is the best gift someone has ever given me" he said smiling "okay my turn" he said grabbing his gift to you. You opened it, it was a small box. You opened the box and locked eyes with Sebastian, inside the box was a small silver neckless with a heart on it. "Here" he said grabbing the necklace and moving behind you to put it around your neck. "Perfect" he said as he looked at you "this was actually the moment that i would have asked you to be my girlfriend but you know i just couldn't wait". "Thank you, it's beautiful" you say hugging him, getting a little emotional. "Your so welcome" he said back. "I have one more gift for the 2 of you" Sebastian's mom said as she handed you an envelope. You opened it and looked up at her, she had got you a cabin to stay in for the weekend. "Mom you didn't have to do that" Sebastian said to her. "You 2 deserve some alone time, so you guys need to be gone by the end of the morning" she said jokingly. "Thank you mom" Sebastian said hugging her. "Thank you" you said smiling at her. "Ah come here" she said sticking her arms out for a hug, you walked up to her and hugged her, it was so nice, like you were hugging your own mom again. This was the best Christmas Eve in a long time. 

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