chapter 19 {a big step}

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"Are you okay?" Sebastian asked you. "Yeah a little nervous to meet your mom" you say. "Don't worry she is really nice" he said as he put an arm around you. You fidgeted with your fingers. "okay what is wrong?" Sebastian asked, he knew you good enough to know you fidgeting with your fingers meant you were nervous or worried about something. "It's just, what did you tell your mom, you know about us?" you asked him. "Just that were dating for a bit now, and that i really like you" he said as you looked up at him, a smile appearing on your face. "Was that what you were worried about?" he asked you. You nodded "yeah i mean it's kinda a big deal right to meet someone's parents" you say to him. "i mean i guess, but i'm sure my mom will like you just as much as I like you, so stop worrying" he said as he grabbed your hands. "Okay" you replied.

The cab stopped in front of a nice looking house. Sebastian helped you out of the car and gabbed your bag for you. The 2 of you walked up to the front door and before Sebastian could knock a sweet looking woman opened the door. She said something to him in a language you didn't understand, it was probably Romanian. "Mom, this is y/n" he said introducing you to her. "Nice to meet you" you said smiling at her. "Nice to meet you" she said as she let you in. it was a nice looking house and you could clearly see the east European influences.

Sebastian's mom got the 2 of you something to drink and you started talking about everyday things. "So y/n where are you from?" she asked. "I'm from the Netherlands" you told her. "Ah an European too, what do you think of America?" she asked you. You didn't know if this was a trick question so you tried to answer vaguely. "i mean it very different" you say. "In a good or bad way?" she asked curious now. "i think both, somethings i like more here but there are also somethings that just seem a bit, too much for me" you tell her honestly. "That's exactly what i thought when we moved here" she told you, she still had quite a heavy accent. "Trust me you get used to it, how long have you been in America for?" she asked. "Almost half a year now" you tell her. "no way, i can barely hear your accent, that's impressive. "Did you move here with your parents?" she asked. Sebastian looked at her as to say she shouldn't have asked that, but you squeezed his hand to tell him it was okay. "No i moved here alone" you said "my parent died a few years ago". "Oh i'm so sorry" she said, clearly feeling a bit guilty she asked. "No it's okay" you say smiling softly at her. She smiled back at you "if i can help you with anything just say so okay?" she said to you. She was so nice, you even forgot you were ever nervous to meet her. "why did you chose new York of all places?" she asked, trying to change the subject. "my parents always talked about going to new York so" you told her, now looking down. It was silent for a while, when she said; "I'm gonna get started on diner" she said getting up "why don't you kids go for a walk". "i think that's a great idea" Sebastian said standing up and grabbing your coats.


"Your mom is so nice" you said as you walked hand in hand with Sebastian, you never did that before out of fear that someone you knew would see, but here no one knew you. "i told you, you shouldn't worry. and i'm sorry she asked you about your parents, i should have told her in advance not to ask you about it" he said as he looked at you. "No it's okay, every time i tell someone it gets easier" you said smiling at him "and you mom's reaction was really sweet". "Yeah she always wants to be there for everyone, she is the best" he replied. "You 2 are really close aren't you?" you asked him. "Yeah she my whole world" he said. You smiled up at him "what?" he asked you smiling back. "Oh nothing i just think it's cute you have such a good connection" you said looking to the ground, wishing you still had your parents here. "Hey" he said as he stopped walking and grabbed your face to make you look at him. "I'm sorry" you say before he said anything "it's just a hard time for me with you know the holidays and seeing happy families everywhere" you told him. "You know i'm here for you right?" he asked you, a loving look in his eyes. "Yeah i know" you say as a small smile appeared on your face, happy he invited you to be with him for the holidays. He moved closer to you and kissed you lips softly, he never kissed you like this before, like there was no lust and just pure love? You smiled at him as his lips leave yours. "Let's go home, see if my mom has diner ready" he said as he grabbed your hand again and you walked back.

You had a nice diner but after his mom asked about your parents you felt a little off. "Are you sure you are okay?" Sebastian asked you. "Yes i am, I'm just going outside for a bit, I'll be right back" you said as you grabbed your coat and walked to the front door. Before you opened it Sebastian stopped you "hey, you want me to come with you?" he asked a little worry in his voice. "No i just need some time alone, i'll be fine" you said smiling at him. "Okay" he sighed knowing he couldn't change your mind "just be careful". "I will" you said as you placed a soft kiss on his lips and walked outside.

Sebastian's pov

She smiled at you but it didn't quite reach her eyes, she kissed you softly before she walked out. You sighed as she closed the door behind her. "Are you guys alright?" your mom asked. "Yeah i guess it's just a hard time for her" you told your mom as you sat with her on the couch. "I'm sorry i asked about her parents" your mom said. "No it's my fault i should have told you not to ask her about it" you said to her. "She is quite young isn't she?" your mom asked you after a moment of silence. "Yes she is" you said looking down. "How old?" your mom asked in a tone that already told you she knew she was too young for you. "She uhm, she's 17" you said not looking at your mom. "17?! Really, please tell me she isn't a student of yours?" she asked, judgment in her tone. You didn't answer her. "You really like this girl don't you?" she asked you. "Yes i really do, she's different not like all the other girls i dated" you tell your mom, now looking at her showing her you meant it. "i hope she's worth it, cause this could mean the end of your career" your mom said. "i know but i, i really am falling for her. And i know she's young but it doesn't matter to me..... She might be the one mom" you say looking down again, only now realizing how much you liked y/n as the words leave your mouth. "You love her don't you?" your mom says as she holds your hand. "I think I'm starting to" you say softly almost scared to admit it. "Then go for it" she said confidently. You look up at her. "You know I think I have the perfect Christmas gift for you 2" she said smiling up at you. 

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