chapter 36 {fired}

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You wake up in the morning, recalling everything from last night as you suddenly realize, shit he didn't wear a condom. You shook the thought from your mind, surely it didn't matter for one night besides you just had your period so all should be good. You feel Sebastian place a soft kiss on your shoulder. "Good morning handsome" you say as you turn around to face him. "Morning beautiful" he says smiling at you. It was still early so you stayed in bed for a while. Sebastian traced his fingers over your arm, causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. "How did your audition go?" you ask suddenly realizing you didn't ask him yesterday. "Really good actually, I met this nice guy Chris, he is playing Captain America, really nice guy. And we just played a scene and they seemed to like it, and our chemistry was good, so i think it went really well" he told you. You smiled proudly at him. "How did things go here?" he asked you. "i felt lonely without you here" you said meaning every word "but it was okay i guess".

"You know i've been wanting to ask you this for a while now, but do you want to move in with me. i know you already sort of are and maybe this is moving a bit fast but i would really like to" you cut off his rambling by kissing him deeply. "Stop rambling" you say smiling at him. "Living here with you sounds really nice" you say. "i since a but coming" Sebastian replied. "Yes, well i uhm" you said sitting up straight, you needed to tell him. "What's wrong, it's moving too fast isn't it?" he asked as he sits up straight too. "No that's not it, uhm i, Emma know about us" you say just to get it over with. "Yeah i know" he sighs. "What you knew?" you asked surprised. "Yeah got called into the headmaster's office, apparently he thought we had more going on, but i told him it wasn't true and he seemed to believe me" Sebastian told you. "She has proof Sebastian" you say looking down. "What proof, i thought we were careful" he said surprised. "She has a picture of us kissing, when we stayed at your mom's house" you say softly. "Shit" you hear him say under his breath, "i don't think she showed it the headmaster yet but I'm scared she will eventually, and i think it's not a good idea if we live together because, you know, they will find out" you say to him.

You see Sebastian thinking hard. "Are you okay?" you ask him. "No, i really want us to be able to just be together, because i love you and want to share it with the rest of the world that you are my amazing girlfriend. But i just feel so trapped now and i'm done with it" he said, frustration and anger apparent in his voice. "Hey, we'll figure it out together, in half a year I'm 18 and it legal to date right, maybe you can teach at a different school or I transfer to another school. And then we can do everything we want" you say as you hug him. He wraps his arms around you "i don't know if i wanna wait that long" he says softly. "You have to, i can't ask you to risk this job over me seb, we just have to be patient a little longer" you say looking up at him. "Yeah" he sighs before he places a soft kiss on your nose making you giggle.


You walk to school and Sebastian took a cab so no one would see you come in together. It was quite a boring day when you spotted Emma. You walked up to her. "i expected you come to look for me" she said in a bitchy tone. "Emma please no one can see that picture, just, what do i need to do for you not to show it" you ask her desperate at this time. "hmm this is interesting i haven't thought about it yet, let's say $3000 dollars to start with" she said with a smug grin on her face. "Emma i" you said but she interrupted you. "Oh is there something wrong, surely $3000 would be worth saving your boyfriend from being fired right, you know where to find me, bye" she said as she walked away. God you hated that girl, now you were gonna give all the money you saved for the trail against your uncle away. But she was right it was worth it of it could help Sebastian stay out of trouble.

After school you walked home. You were glad you were home before Sebastian did. You grabbed your money box and grabbed $3000 out of it, leaving you with only $150. You sigh. As you wanted to put it away the door opens and Sebastian walks in, you quickly try to put the money in your bag but a 100 dollar bill falls out. Sebastian walk up at you to look at what you were doing. "What are you doing?" he asks as he looks in your bag taking out the money. "What are you gonna do with it?" he asked you a bit of anger in his tone. "i uhm, well" you say stuttering under his judging stair. "y/n! What are you gonna do with the money!" he asked you now more strictly than angry. You couldn't help it as tears prick in your eyes. "I just, i wanted to help you. You can't lose your job over this and Emma said if i gave her $3000 dollars she would at least stop for now" you said now fully crying. Sebastian pulls you in for a hug. "Do you hear what you are saying, she's not gonna stop after you give her this. She's only gonna demand more" he says now with a soft tone. "i just wanted to help you, she can't tell the headmaster seb" you say hugging him tightly.

"She can tell him all she wants" Sebastian says calmly. You look up at him "no she can't you can get fired or worse" you say looking into his eyes but they looked calm. Sebastian dried the tears from your eyes. "i told the headmaster i quit" he said calmly. "What?" you asked him shocked. "i don't wanna do this anymore and i found an agreement with the headmaster that if i just took my leave he would let this all go. Let you stay at school and not tell a soul what the real reason was i left" Sebastian said calmly and you couldn't believe your ears. "What but" you say not really knowing what to say. "You didn't had to do that" you say softly feeling a bit guilty for him losing his job. "It's okay y/n, i just want to be with you and that's all what matters right now".

You look deeply into his eyes, seeing he had peace with the decision he made. "You really sure about this?" you ask him. "Yes y/n i'm sure. Now i can spend all my time with you just.." Sebastian got interrupted by his phone ringing. He shares a look with you and shows the caller id, it was the head of marvel studios. "That's fast" you say, you see him hesitate to pick up "pick up!" you say excitedly. "I'm scared" he confesses. You take his hand in yours and picked up the phone and put it on speaker. "Hey Sebastian" the man says. "Hey" Sebastian answered, you could hear the nervousness in his voice and squeeze his hand lightly. "I'm not gonna give you the long story. You got the role, you are gonna play Bucky in the upcoming Captain America movie" the man said you see Sebastian's face light up. "Oh my god" you say to him as you hug him tightly. "Thank you" he says a bit in shock. "Congratulations man, you better start working out" the man joked. "i will thank you so so much" Sebastian said smiling from ear to ear. "I'll see you, have a nice evening" the man said. "You too" Sebastian said before the man hung up. "Oh my god, you did it!" you yell kissing him deeply. "I'm so proud of you" you say and you see him get a little emotional. "You are gonna be famous" you say placing your hands on his cheeks "I love you" you say before you pull him closer kissing him deeply again. "i love you so much" he says back. You were never more proud of anyone. 

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