chapter 4 {night out}

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You hear whispers thru the class while you worked, you looked around and saw people stair at you. Maybe you shouldn't have told that. You just focused on work when you felt a paper fly against your head you opened it. On is was written;

Go away you weirdo, you don't belong here.

You looked around for any sign to see from whom it was but everyone was busy working or at least pretending they did. You quickly put it away and went back to work, not showing anyone it hurt what they had written. The bell rang and everyone got there stuff and so did you. You stood up and were met by Professor Stan "I'm proud of you for telling everyone". "Thanks" you said with a fake smile that didn't reach your eyes. You wanted to walk away but he grabbed your arm. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm gonna be late for work so" you said as he let go of you and you walked away.

Professor Stan's pov

She walked away and you saw that a note had fell out of her bag. You wanted to tell her but she already left. You walk back to your desk debating if you should look what was written on it. Was it a note from a friend or from her boyfriend, the thought alone made you jealous. What am i doing, you thought to yourself and you tossed the note in the bin. You looked at the essays and came across y/n's. You started reading it, it was so good. There were a few grammar mistakes in it, but the story was so good. fuck you really started to like this girl and you knew fully well nothing could ever happen between the 2 of you because she was a student and you her teacher. The note wouldn't leave your mind, but you packed your stuff and left the class room. Whatever it was you needed to get your mind off of her, so you did the only think that might help. You grabbed your phone and called the only person who could get your mind off of her "hey charlotte, do you have plans for tonight"


Your pov

It was Saturday and you had to work the whole day, you were glad your boss didn't mention the other day. Later on in the day Kayla's shift started. "Hi" she said cheerfully. "Hi Kayla" you said smiling at her. "Hey y/n i was thinking, we should go out tonight, i can show you all the best clubs in New York". "I'm not really into parties" you said back. "oh come on y/n, i show you round town it's gonna be fun, just a girls night out" you had told Kayla were you were from and she was really cool about it, even better she was really curious as to what life was like growing up in another country. "Okay but i don't think i have anything to wear and i definitely don't have enough money to buy some pretty dress" you said to her. "Oh i know a great thrift shop down town we can go after our shift" she said to you. "Sounds great" you said smiling at her.

After work you and Kayla walked to the thrift shop, it was really big. "I know the best section, come on" she said pulling you with her. She pulled you to a section with a lot of dresses you pulled a simple black dress out. "That will look amazing on you" Kayla said "you have to try it on". You looked at the price tag, it was only $5. "I should come here more often if these are the prices, this is crazy cheap" you said to her. "And good for the environment" Kayla said smiling. "That too" you said as Kayla pushed you in the fitting room. You tried on the black dress. It had a cut out on the side. You got out of the fitting room to show Kayla.

"That looks so amazing on you!" she almost shouted

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"That looks so amazing on you!" she almost shouted. "Thanks" you said blushing. "If only your sexy teacher could see you now" Kayla joked. "Kayla ?!" you said in shock. "Oh calm down, you look stunning y/n". You bought the dress and some simple back heels. You went with Kayla to her dorm, you ordered pizza and after you were done eating you got ready. "Your dorm is so nice" you said to her. "Yeah my roommate is shit tho" she said. "I know the feeling" you replied.

An hour later you stood before one of the best clubs in New York, the line outside was super long but Kayla apparently knew the owner so she got you two in very quick. Inside you were met by the loud music, yeah this definitely wasn't your scene. You had some drinks, Kayla clearly saw you weren't in your element here. "So how are you feeling about the New York nightlife?" she asked you. "It's not really my thing" you told her. "But the boys here are hot tho, the girls too" she said jokingly. "I don't know Kayla" you said getting shy now. "Just pick one to dance with, and who knows maybe even spend the night with" she hinted. "Absolutely not!" you yelled. "Okay fine, what do you want to do?" she asked you. "Can we just find a nice quite bar somewhere" you asked her. "Yeah of course i know the perfect place"

Kayla got you 2 a cab and within 10 minutes you stood outside an old looking bar. You stepped in and it was a lot quitter then the club. "This better?" Kayla asked you. "Yes a lot" you said as you took a seat at the bar. You ordered some drinks and just talked about life. You laughed and talked for a long time, not noticing a familiar face in the corner of the bar. Kayla's phone rang and she had a worried look on her face. "I need to go" she said to you when she had hung up "are you gonna be alright on your own?". "Yeah I'll be fine" you said, Kayla looked at you worried "you sure i can call someone who can take you home?" she offered. "I'll be fine Kayla, thanks for tonight" you said and Kayla hugged you tightly. You were surprised, no one hugged you in a long time. "I'll see you and please call me if there is anything i can help you with okay?" she said. "I'll be fine Kayla, I'll walk you to the cab". The 2 of you walked outside and you waved as Kayla left in the cab.

You were ready to leave too when a man came up to you clearly dunk as fuck. "Hello pretty girl, need some company?" he asked you, you almost threw up at the smell that left his mouth. "No thank you" you said kindly. "Ah common girl i know you want me" he said standing closer to you making you freak out a little. "No thank you" you said again now with a bit of fear in your voice. The man grabbed your waist "come on we'll have a fun night" he said smiling creepily at you. "Please let me go" you said struggling to get out of his grip. "Don't play hard to get with me, little girl i know you want it too" he said as he tried to kiss you. "No stop!" you now screamed trying to get him off of you.

Out of nowhere the man let go of you and grabbed his face in pain. "What the fuck man!" he yelled as a bruise formed on his right eye. "She told you to fucking stop you asshole, now get out of here before i punch you again" a familiar voice said to the man. The man ran away and you looked up at the man that punched him, professor Stan walked closer to you. "Are you okay?" he asked worried. You nod. "Oh my god seb are you okay" a blond girl said as she walked up to professor Stan and looked at his hand, his knuckles started to bruise "I'm fine charlotte" he said to her. Who was she, were they dating, and was she his girlfriend? "Are you okay?" she asked you. You were to in shock to speak. "She's a student of mine, i need to get her to her dorm safe. I'll see you later" professor Stan said to the girl. "Alright be careful" the girl said as she kissed his cheek. Professor Stan got you and him a cab together and only then you realized what had just happened. "Are you okay?" he asked you as the cab started driving. Tears started to well in your eyes as you thought at what would have happened if he didn't show up. A tear rolled down your cheek. "It's okay you're safe now" he said hugging you softly. 

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