chapter 7 {secrets}

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Mr. Stan looked at you, shock all over his face, probably having no idea what to do right now and neither did you. "How, what, is that what he was in prison for?" he asked you hesitating. You shook your head "no he was in prison for rape, there was no evident my uncle killed my parents but i saw it. Unfortunately a 12 year old girls word is not enough for the police" you say looking down. Mr. Stan grabbed your hand and looked at you with sorry eyes. "Please don't tell anyone about this sir" you said as you looked at him, if anyone found out about this they surely would stay the fuck away from you. "y/n i, i think you need to talk to someone about this" he said. "Who am i gonna talk to, the only one that i trust with this is you" you said immediately realizing what you just said. Mr. Stan's eyes grew big "oh well i" he began but never finished. Your phone rang and you looked at the screen, it was your uncle, and you started to shake again. "Is that him?" professor Stan asked. You nodded your head yes. "Don't pick up and block the phone number" he said strictly. "but i" you protested. "y/n block his number now" he said, fuck it was so hot the way he ordered you. You did as he said and blocked you uncle's number. "Okay next thing you have to do is get an restraining order against him, that if he ever finds you, you are allowed to call the police immediately when he's close to you" professor Stan said. "i don't know how to do that?" you said getting overwhelmed. "i will help you, okay?" he said. "yes, thank you, i have no idea how everything works here" you said looking down. Mr. Stan lifted your head up, making you look at him "it's gonna be okay" he said calmly before he hugged you tightly. This hug was different than the one in the cab, this one really felt like he cared for you. After a few minutes he let go of you, your faces inches from each other. You remembered Kayla's words, just kiss him. You closed the space between you 2 your lips almost brushing against each other, but you changed your mind. You backed away and that's when you spotted his neck full of red, purple bruises and you knew what that meant, so you stood up ready to go. "Thank you professor Stan" you said as he stood up too. "Hey, I'm here for you if you need anything okay, you have my number so you can text me too if you want. And please call me Sebastian" he said with a smile. "Okay thank you Sebastian" you said walking out of his office.

As soon as you left the office your phone rang again, it was your boss. "Hello" you said as you picked up. "Where are you, you should have been here 5 minutes ago" she said angrily. "Shit" you said under your breath "I'm on my way" you said as you hung up and went to work as quickly as possible. Within 10 minutes you were at work, your boss gave you a dirty look but it was too busy to talk with you right now. You directly started to work. You looked over at Kayla who looked a bit lost, not noticing the cup was about to flow over. You walked over to her and put out the coffee machine. "Oh thanks" she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Are you okay?" you ask her, tears formed in her eyes and she slightly shook her head. "y/n, Kayla! There are customers waiting" you heard your boss yell. Fucking bitch, you thought to yourself. Kayla quickly dried her eyes "we'll talk later okay?" you said and Kayla shook her head yes, you gave her a quick hug before the both of you went back to work.

After you cleaned everything your boss came up to you. "Why were you late today" she asked. "I'm really sorry, i got caught up at school" you said shyly. "Next time don't be late, this was your one and final warning" she said strictly. You nodded and grabbed your stuff to leave with Kayla. "Shall we go for pizza?" you asked her smiling hoping it would cheer her up. "Yes" she sighted. You got pizza and ate it in silence at her place. "So what's going on?" you asked her carefully. "I'm just really tired" she said. "Kayla, you can tell me, what's wrong" you say looking at her. "i-i" she stuttered while tears welled up in her eyes. "Hey it's okay, you can tell me, that's what friends are for" you say to her and her eyes lit up as the words felt your lips. "Okay but you have to promise me you'll see me just the same as i'm now okay?" she asked you as a tear run over her cheek. "ofcourse Kayla" you replied. "i-i i think i like girls" she said looking away from you. "That's amazing Kayla!" you said expecting something bad. "What really, you are okay with it?" she asked you. "ofcourse crazy" you said hugging her as she cried, apparently she was relieved by your reaction. "Oh my god, i was so worried you wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore" she said. "Hey i'm your friend you can tell me anything" you said smiling at her. "Thanks y/n" she said smiling at you "so why were you so late for work?". "Professor Stan wanted to talk to me" you said only half telling the truth. "Wait you were alone with hot professor?" Kayla said grinning at you "so did you kiss?". "Almost" you said blushing while you looked down. "Omg!" Kayla shouted "why didn't you?" she asked. "i couldn't, and i think it was better that way, cause is neck was filled with love bites so clearly he has someone else he cares for more" you said getting a little sad at the thought. "Oh shit" Kayla said. "Yeah" you sighted.


You left Kayla's place early and walked back. You walked on to campus getting lost in your though walking into someone. "Is this gonna be our thing now?" you heard a familiar voice say. "Oh i'm sorry professor" you said blushing. "It's okay, and please i said you could call me Sebastian or seb is fine too" he says smiling at you. "So are you feeling better" he asked you as he sat down on a bench next to the path, and he gestured you to sit next to him. "Yeah, you almost got me fired tho" you said smiling as you sat down, you just felt so comfortable with him, like you knew him for way longer than you had. "What did i do?" he asked jokingly. "I was late for work today" you said. "Ah sorry, bet your boss was pissed, she really is a bitch isn't she" he joked. "Oh yeah she is the worst, next time i'm late she's for sure gonna fire me" you said joking back. "So you'd go to see your friend after work?" he asked you curious. "Yeah i did" you said looking down, feeling guilty she told you something personal but you didn't tell her what really happened to you today. "Did i say something wrong, she is your friend isn't she?" he asked. "Yeah she is my best friend and she told me something very personal today. i just" you said sighing "i just feel a bit guilty i didn't tell her well about my situation, you know" you said looking up at him. "You'll tell her when you're ready, right?" he said as he placed his hand on your leg making you gasp a little. "Yeah i-i think so" you replied as your cheeks turn hot. It was silent for a while.

"Sebastian?" you said almost whispering. "Yes?" he said looking at you. "How, how did you, you know, how did you try to fit in here. I mean i just, it's so different here and i don't know what i'm doing wrong" you said looking down at your hands. "Just be yourself" he says simply. "Well that's shit advice, that is clearly working, i have so many friends " you said jokingly. "Hey" he said grabbing your face to look at him "i mean it, your perfect just the way you are right now. And if those people don't see that, that's their loss". You were at a loss for words did he really just mean all of that. "You're fucking perfect okay" he said and a second later his lips were on yours, kissing you slowly. You were caught off guard and didn't know what to do, so you just kind of sat there. He pulled away, looking into your eyes. "y/n i" he began. "I need to go" you said standing up and walking away as fast as you could embarrassed about you not doing anything, while he fucking kissed you! As soon as you were in your dorm room you texted Kayla

Omg help he kissed me!

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