Chapter 27 {that day}

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You walk inside a big building and walk up to the counter. "i'm here for mister brown" you say to the woman sitting behind the desk. "Mister Brown will be with you shortly, you can wait over there" the woman said. you sit down in the waiting room and put your hair in a bun since it looked like you just had fucking sex in someone's office, thanks Sebastian. You pull out your phone and see a text from him.

You can't leave me like that ever again, you need a good fucking punishment for that. Can you come by tonight?

You laughed at his text, you left a bit hasty and felt a bit guilty.

I'm so sorry, i really have an important meeting. i'll accept my punishment tonight sir, but only if you learn your lines.

I'll keep you to that :)

"Miss y/l/n" mister brown said walking up to you, "Follow me" he said walking to his office. "So you changed your mind?" he asked as you both sat down. "i just wanted to know if there's even a chance this is gonna work" you say to him. "Okay for us to determine that i need to know the whole story, with all the details. So we can see if we maybe can find some proof, so it isn't just one word against another" he said. "Have you heard anything from your uncle?" he asked you. "Yes he completely cut me off and he know where i am" you say looking down. "Just know you can call the police immediately when you see him, or if he's even contacting you. Do you have a phone number he calls you on?" he asks. "I blocked his own number" you tell him. "Good" Mr. Brown says. "But he called me 2 times on random numbers now" you say to him. "Okay can you see where he called from?" he asked. "Yeah it seems like he's still in the Netherlands, I'm just a bit scared it isn't going to take him long before coming here" you say as your hands begin to shake. "listen miss y/l/n, if you really worried he's gonna hurt you, you need to tell the people around you and at school what he looks like and that they need to call the police when they see him" Mr. brown says in a serious tone, which scared you. "O-okay" you say fidgeting with your hands.

"Okay now, can you tell me what happened on the night your parents were murdered?" he asked and you started to tell the story as you remember it. "We were in the car, with the 4 of us" you start. "Who is the 4 of you?" he asked as he wrote everything down "i need you to give me as much detail as you can remember, even if you think it isn't important" he said. "Okay" you said softly, knowing this was getting serious. "Me, my mom, dad and uncle were in the car together. Everything seemed okay until they started to get in an argument and my uncle was getting really mad. In the family he has been known for his anger issues." you tell him. "Do you know what the argument was about?" he asked. "No" you said shaking your head. "It got pretty heated and my dad parked the car next to the road, they probably didn't want me to see them fighting so they got out the car. I was scared and started crying as any kid old would do" you said continuing as memories of that night flash back. "I heard screams so i looked out the window and i saw my uncle beat up my dad while my mom was crying" you could still see the image of your mother helplessly screaming while your uncle beat up your dad. You were silent for a moment as you tried to not get emotional. "Are you okay?" Mr. brown asked. You nodded your head. "If you need a break you can, i know this isn't easy" he says looking worried at you. "No i'm okay" you say softly before you continue. "After a few more punches i saw my dad fall to the ground and my mother crying and screaming. Then" you said swallowing heard as you could still see your dad's lifeless body fall to the ground. "Then my uncle went over to my mom and beat her up too, my mom tried to defend herself but my uncle grabbed a knife and cut her" you tell Mr. Brown as you now feel tears in your eyes. "The only thing i remember after that is that he put their bodies back in the car. And i don't know how but somehow he drove the car in the ditch. i don't remember a lot after that, accept that i woke up in the hospital and the nurse saying i had an concussion." you say finishing the story. "They never investigated the murder because they thought my dad had drove us into the dich. And since my uncle didn't put their seatbelts on they thought my parents died at impact" you say looking at mister brown who looked troubling. "Please tell me we can do something about this, he can't walk free" you say to him.

"i have to say" Mr. brown started "this is gonna be a really difficult case". All hope drained out of you at his words and the way he brought it. "Firstly" he continued " it happened a few years ago, thus making it hard to see how they exactly died. Since their bodies are already buried and they likely didn't had an expert look at their bodies since it was looked at from an accident angle. And secondly, because you had a concussion. And i know, you saw what you saw and i believe you. But he can use it against you" he said explaining to you. "The only thing i can think of that can help is finding the knife your uncle used on your mom. But there is a very small chance he still has it and an even smaller chance that there is still DNA on it from your mom" he said. You were speechless, he basically told you this was never gonna work out in your favor. "i have to be honest with you, i think that there isn't a lot we can do right now" he told you. "the only think i can think off is scanning that knife for DNA but you have to wonder if it's worth all the money and time for maybe nothing" Mr. brown said. "Oh okay" you said disappointed and a bit afraid. "I'm sory i really wished i could do more for you but unless you know anyone that can confirm your story, i think we can't do anything, i'm so sorry" he said. "i understand" you said feeling beaten down and a bit abandoned by, well this whole system. "Well thank you for your time" you say as you grab your stuff. "If you think of anything else you might think can help call me, but i can't do a lot for you at the moment" he said, you could see he felt a bit guilty he couldn't do more for you. "Okay, thank you" you said before you left the building.

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