chapter 35 {the good, the bad and the dirty}

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Your pov

You walk into the school building, it was you first day back to school. Even tho you had no friends here you really missed it, just having something to do. As you walk thu the halls you feel all eyes on you. You try your best to ignore it but it felt a little uncomfortable. Your first class was history, you had another teacher than normal because Sebastian left for his audition, and you felt a bit lonely. You've really grown used to having him around. You already dreaded the day you had to go back to your dorm room. "How are you?" you hear someone whisper behind you, it was Emma. "I'm fine thanks" you said shortly finding it weird she was talking to you again. "Such a shame your boyfriend isn't here to teach today" she said casually. You turned around to look at her shocked "what are you talking about" you said to her as calmly as possible. "I'm talking about you dating your professor" she said grinning at you. "I'm not dating my professor, Emma" you said trying to sound offended, trying to hide that you were actually freaking out. How could she know that. "Miss y/l/n!" you heard the substitute teacher say and you turned around. "Pay attention please" he said looking strictly at you and you nod your head as he continues on with his lesson.

As the bell rang you pack your stuff. Before you want to walk out the room Emma stops you and hands you an envelope "don't play dumb with me" she says before she walks away. You open the envelop and panic rises in you, in the envelope is a picture of you kissing Sebastian on your holiday break. Shit, you thought to yourself. You really hoped she didn't go to the headmaster with this yet. You tried to find her all day, to tell her you do whatever she wanted if she didn't tell anyone but you couldn't find her. Shit you had to tell Sebastian, he could lose his fucking job over this if not worse.

You walk back to Sebastian's apartment and double check to see no one was watching you as you walked in. you throw your bag to the ground and quickly change for you first work day. You already felt drained after school, but you were too excited to get on stage again. You walk to the bar and were met by Nate "hi, how are you, we were so worried about you" he said as he hugged you, which was new for you but quite nice. "I'm good actually, a little tired but that's all" you say as he let's go of you. "Does it still hurt?" he ask you curiously. "Sometimes but nothing i can't handle" you say smiling at him. "Good I'm glad, it's really good to have you back we missed you. And some of our customers too" he told you. "Really?" you asked surprised. "Yeah we had quite a lot of people ask for you" John said as he walks up to you. "Hey John" you say to the bar owner. "Hey how's my favorite musician?" he asked smiling. "I'm good, exited for tonight actually" you tell them. "Good we're excited too, and if you need help with anything" John said. "Yeah i know, but i'll be fine thanks guys" you say smiling at John and Nate before you get ready.

You loved performing again, you really missed it. You look in the crowd and spot Kayla making you even more exited. You gained so much energy from the crowd and it felt amazing. "Thank you so much" you scream in the mic before you go of stage. "Oh my god, you were amazing" Kayla yelled as she run up to you and hugged you tightly. "Ah that hurts" you say to her as you feel a pain in your side. "Oh i'm sorry" she said immediately letting go of you. "It's okay" you say to her as the pain fades away. You look over at Kayla and see a look in her eyes you couldn't quite place, like she had something important to tell but didn't know how to bring it up.

You want to ask her about it but are interrupted by a man in an expensive looking suit. "Are you y/n y/l/n?" he asked you. "Yes that's me, nice to meet you" you said sticking his hand out. "Chris Lombardi metador records" he said as he shook your hand. You looked at him with shocked eyes, oh my god this man was big in the New York music industry. "I love your set up there, did you write some of that yourself?" he asked, you nod your head "yes i did" you say a little star struck now. "If you're looking for a label to help you put out your own music, give me a call" he said handing you his business card, before he walks away. You look over at Kayla as you both just scream of happiness. "You're gonna be famous!" she yelled. "Yes oh my god!".

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