V. Small Talk

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Once Nihachu got back with the boys she helped them make cookies and they put the dough in the oven as the boys ran back up the stairs while they waited for the cookies to cook. Wilbur and Dream explained to her about Tip. "I thought you looked familiar. I'd love to help you look less like the princess." She smiled.

"Thanks. It would be appreciated." Tip gave her a small bow.

The two went upstairs, talking about hair and clothing styles. "Man Dream. Everytime I think you've done the unbelievable you blow my mind again. Finding the princess and bringing her here." Wilbur shook his head with a smile, still finding it hard to believe.

Dream shrugged, "Technically she found me and saved me so I owe her."

"Yes, she did do that huh? How odd. I always thought royals and the rich were the same. Selfish and power hungry." Wilbur looked at the stairs as girly giggles fell down them from the ladies.

"Same. I guess they aren't all the same though. When Tip gets into power she wants to fix the economy." Dream explained.

Wilbur chuckled, "That would be the day."

Nihachu came downstairs to take out the cookies and let them cool off before going back up the stairs. "So what kind of makeover are you thinking about?" Nihachu asked.

"Uhh one that makes me look like a different person." Tip said nervously.

"I think I have an idea but you're going to have to trust me." She said, leading her to a bathroom.

Tip nodded with a smile, "Just make me different."

Nihachu started to shift through the bathroom supplies, "Niki?" Tip asked. She hummed for her to continue. "What happened to Dream before he was a thief?" Tip asked.

"Well we've all been stealing all of our lives because that's how we survived. If you mean before he met Wilbur then that's a different story." She said, starting to brush through Tip's long hair.

"Yeah." Tip said.

"Dream was caught by Wilbur when he was 16 and Wilbur 19. Wilbur knew why he was stealing. Living his life on the streets matched much of his own life." She paused to put in hair clips in her hair, "Wilbur decided to take him under his wing and teach him how to not get caught." Nihachu smiled, "That boy was extremely talented from the start so he was a perfect apprentice for Wilbur."

Nihachu took her siccors and started to cut off the tips of her hair, "Before that though Dream used to look after his little sister. They grew up without a home or family Just each other."

"Used?" Tip asked, that word standing out to her.

"Have you heard of sorcerers?" She asked Tip.

"Yeah, they are people with magical abilities." Tip answered, "They are rare and illegal in the SMP."

Nihachu nodded, "His little sister was one. She was hunted down and killed." Nihachu spoke more quietly as she said that. Tip took a gasp of sympathy. "Dream doesn't like to talk about it so don't bring it up around him."

"What was her name?" Tip asked.


"That is a beautiful name." Tip said simply with a smile.

"I agree. I would have loved to meet her." Nihachu smiled, "How short can I cut it?"

"You know what, I want to try short hair. Go as short as you want." Tip smiled in the mirror.


Tip and Nihachu came down the stairs, "What do you guys think?" Nihachu asked, gesturing to Tip who was following her down the stairs.

She was no longer wearing a dress but black ripped jeans and a leather jacket with a dark purple shirt underneath that really brought out her purple eyes. There was a shoulder strap over her shirt that had a few pockets. She wore black combat boots. Her hair was cut short all the way up to her ear on the left side of her head while the other side was the same length as her chin.

Dream was shocked, she was distracting before but now... He tried to hide his reddening cheeks from view. "Well I'll be. She doesn't even look like the princess anymore. You cut all of her hair off." Wilbur commented.

"It will be easier for her to hide as someone else with shorter hair. Maybe even as a man if she needs to." Nihachu explained.

"And frankly it is a lot more comfortable." Tip agreed, running her fingers through her hair.

"Looks good." Wilbur said. Dream nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, the front door opened and two men came through. One had a white hoodie with a large gold chain around his neck. He had dark blue eyes and golden blond hair. He had a sword at his hip and had a small scar on his right cheek.

The other was younger. He had light blond hair and purple eyes that matched his purple hoodie. He was shorter compared to the other male that came in. "Hey Punz and Purpled. Welcome back." Wilbur greeted the two blonds.

"Dream? Shit, you didn't tell us you were dropping by." The man in the white said.

Dream chuckled, "I'm dropping by, Punz." They locked hands in greeting.

"Yo? Who is that?" Purpled asked, pointing at Tip.

"That is Lea. She is traveling with Dream." Nihachu explained.

Punz approached Tip, "Hello Lea. I'm Punz and this is my brother, Purpled." Punz introduced himself, taking her hand and kissing the back of her hand.

"The pleasure is mine." She said with a smile and a bit of a bow from her old habits.

"Are you staying in town for a little Dream?" Punz asked, "I'd love to get to know Lea a little more. Are you free tonight?"

"Punz, quit hitting on Dream's girl. Did you get what I asked?" Wilbur said a bit bordly. Both Tip and Dream reddened at Wilbur's comment.

Punz's brows furrowed, shooting a quick glare at Dream, "Yeah." He pulled something gold out of his pocket and threw it at Wilbur who caught it.

The large gold necklace sparkled in the fire light. "Ah, beautiful. Have any trouble getting it?" Wilbur asked, running his fingers over small rubies pressed into the gold pendant.

"It was easy. The lady didn't even know it was missing." Punz smirked.

"What did you steal?" Dream asked, looking over Wilbur's shoulder before Wilbur handed it to him to look at.

"Just some rich person's necklace. We've been scoping it for days." Punz explained. Dream nodded and handed it back to Wilbur. "So why are you here, Dream?" Punz asked.

"I'm being framed and being hunted by the palace. Lea is helping me track down who is framing me." Dream explained, leaning back on the wall.

"Was it you who pulled the crown heist?" Purpled asked, shocked.

Dream shook his head, "No point in stealing it. Someone else did and blamed it on me."

"Damn, I was hoping you actually did steal it because you'd be like a pro at it." Punz chuckled.

"You should know that's not my style, Punz." Dream crossed his arms.

"Sadly. You'd be rich if you stole something that big." Purpled agreed with his brother.

"Do you boys want some cookies? Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo made some." Nihachu asked, heading into the kitchen.

"Ranboo?" Purpled asked, not recognizing that name.

"Another one of Dream's new traveling companions." Wilbur answered. Nihachu came out with a plate of cookies and everyone took one before she went upstairs to give one to the boys.

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