XXV. Dream

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The months dragged on for Dream. Being a sorcerer wasn't easy. You had to confiscate your energy with the power of the spell. Too powerful of a spell could kill its wielder. Dream had to learn the balance between a powerful spell and balanced spell.

He missed Tip. Probably more than he should. He always looked forward to when the q-wrens-- the four-winged birds-- would come back with a note from her. Drista had taught him how to disguise the note as a subject's note for the palace in case it was intercepted to and from the palace. Tip said she was cleaning up the chaos in the palace about him and was hunting Wilbur.

He was almost finished with his training and then he could return to her. Snow had fallen heavily for the past few weeks and Corsa had flown off to find warmer climates. Drista said she would be back soon and then they could head to the palace. Drista didn't want to leave her here alone and Corsa wanted to see Ejin again.

Dream was deep in thought outside. The snow was melting in the bright sun. It was still cold enough to see his breath but the sun felt good shining its light onto his hoodie. He felt like a lizard trying to warm itself up in the sun after a cold night. The thought made him smile. A flapping of wing beats broke the silence and broke Dream from his thoughts.

"Hello little one." She hummed in his mind.

"Hey Corsa. How was the flight?" He asked.

"Long. Here is cold. Not meant for my kind."

He smiled, "Understandable."

Drista and Ranboo came out of the cabin, "Hey Corsa. We are gonna head to the palace now that Dream is finished with his training." Drista said.

"I do wish to see my offspring again." She said "I will take us there so we can get there quickly."

"Dream? It is safe for us there, right?" Drista asked.

"Yeah. Tip cleared it up. They are hunting Wilbur instead." Dream explained.

"Great! I'll get ready." She dashed inside. Dream smiled. Soon he would be back with Tip. He had missed her too much. Drista came outside, "Let's go! I haven't been to the Outside in forever." She ran ahead. Corsa had changed into a large mastiff dog and ran after her. Corsa was nearly as tall as Drista even in dog form. When she barked it was low and raddled around the trees. They made it to the old tree stump. "You open it." Drista said to Dream with a smile.

"I don't know how." He said.

"Then there is no better chance to learn. Imagine the outside being right there. Right where the stump is sitting." She created the blue orb in her palm and then placed it in his. He felt what she was talking about now that the orb sat in his palm. He threw it at the stump and it splattered on the surface of the trunk.

"There ya go!" Drista cheered.

They walked through the portal. "Let's go into the forest so I can fly." Corsa hummed. They followed the mastiff into the trees. She found a clearing and transformed back into a Dagon. "Hop on little ones." She crouched down so they could access her back better.

"Won't she be seen flying?" Dream asked.

"No. She can camouflage. She can look like the sky." Drista climbed onto her neck where the saddle was sitting. The saddle had three seats. Dream climbed on to. He had ridden Corsa before and it wasn't very pleasant. Ranboo climbed on and strapped his legs.

Corsa stood up. She spread her massive wings and leaped into the sky. The underside of her belly turned sky blue as she ascended. She burst through the clouds and leveled out. She glided with ease. Dream looked down at the land whenever the clouds broke apart. It was so much faster to fly than walk. He would get to see Tip soon.

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